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Brother Jones

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Everything posted by Brother Jones

  1. Um, what is that nonsense on the back of the headstock? Are all ACs like that?
  2. I'm about 90% that the 1985 Hohner Jazz that my folks bought me for Xmas that year had through-body stringing. It also definitely had 21 frets. The Arbor series was a little later - 88 or so - when the company started making the Jack (one of which also came my way).
  3. A black one of these was also my first bass (an abysmal Kay shortscale notwithstanding) - an Xmas present from my parents. It had the same maple board and tort guard. My dad took me up to Denmark St and I picked it out because it had two pickups and wasn't too expensive. It was £85, and this was Xmas '85.
  4. I'm not 100% that that board is ebonol. While I'm sure there are different ways of treating the material, etc, the board looks very different to (for example) the "ebonol" on a Squier VMJ fretless. That handles rounds pretty well; but this board looks more open grained and untreated to me; e.g. on the fifth photo down. .
  5. That one I bought from you a couple of years ago (now sadly departed) is probably the best P I've ever played Steve.
  6. For what it's worth, I've had two 90s Jap Precisions over the past 15 years or so (now sadly sold on via BC). Both were really, really good. No issues, fantastic sounding and playing instruments. There is a dim sense around at the moment that 90s Fender Japan basses are on the up - not necessarily becoming the "new JVs", but not far off it either.
  7. This all sounds good Clarky. PM'd.
  8. For the anally-retentive (like me) perfect-strings-through-pole-pieces Jazz people, that's Sadowsky level stuff.
  9. The Robbie Shakespeare bass in my day (mid 80s) was that rarest of beasts, the Fingerbone Fastback (The ad, from memory, featured Robbie stating "many more wicked"). He did play a PRS, although to some extent their basses were always overshadowed by the guitars from the late 80s onwards. I've always wanted to try one, and this looks lovely. GLWTS.
  10. What's the control layout? One of the pots looks stacked, so perhaps vol/tone, and a pan pot? Thanks.
  11. Or unless it has a single tone knob, like the Thunder 1A. I doubt that though... I am genuinely quite interested in this, but would like clarification on the control layout please.
  12. Oh, I remember this Yep, as others say, and speaking more specifically as its ex-owner, this will make someone very happy. And this price is outstanding VFM. And Kevsy is very good to deal with!
  13. Don't be downhearted. It's a really bad time to sell; and I suspect many sales will be regretted by the vendors. If I had the cash I'd be all over this, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  14. Oh, now this is very interesting. I have the same bass, but with gold hardware. I bought it here about 15 years ago, as an "SB Elite II". They're superb.
  15. Ron Jeremy Is a bass player?
  16. I've been trying to remember the name of that Epsom shop for months now, so thanks. Also lovely bass Chris, shame it's gone, would have been all over it.
  17. They were a strange little brand - I once tried to buy one of their Jazzes, but gave up after a while. Even new they looked like excellent vfm; so by deduction, this is an absolute steal for anyone with the cash.
  18. Are you sure this is "early eighties"? Early nineties a lot more likely.... GLWTS.
  19. Beautiful. Not sure about the slot head screws in the bridge though...
  20. This is a stone cold bargain. Oh, how I lusted for one in the late eighties....
  21. This is lovely, and light for a TRB. It's a bit like a junior Smith....
  22. Nearly went, but buyer withdrew. So still here....
  23. I've found a bass box! So courier may be possible, although access to a printer might remain an obstacle.
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