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Everything posted by BottomEndian

  1. [quote name='skej21' post='938934' date='Aug 28 2010, 06:19 PM']The Bridge Hotel also like their Acoustic acts! (Or at least they did a few years ago when I used to gig on that scene!) Try there [/quote] Ah, yeah. I'd forgotten about them. I remember looking in when I was trying to find venues to gig in a few years back. I think their policy was "no drums, no distortion, no feedback"... not much good for the stoner-doom stuff I was playing at the time. Might have more luck this time!
  2. [quote name='cd_david' post='938915' date='Aug 28 2010, 05:49 PM']Chris Anderson (promotes head of steam and a few local venues (anyone for tennis)) Adam Cooper, local acoustic musician (check out my facebook) John Egdall, Acoustic musician/promoter facebook but try Ross Lewis's think he may be on mine? Amy Wardley Promotes acoustic nights (Whos mic is it) AGAIN my facebook Theres always the Jumpin Hot Club Promoters from Cluney who do some great international acts who always need support and me and Ross do PAs for, Guy who runs them is called graham, And Thomas Bagnell (ex student) runs bookings at cluney with opportunities as above[/quote] Thanks, Dave. Looks like I need to add you as a friend on Facebook...
  3. [quote name='silddx' post='938940' date='Aug 28 2010, 06:25 PM']It's the 300g ones I am talking about [/quote] My mind is blown.
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='938886' date='Aug 28 2010, 04:54 PM']It is the weight of one and a half jars of Garner's Pickled Shallots.[/quote] 475g jar, yes? Cos they come in 300g too... spanner --> works
  5. Michael, you're a legend. I'll get some balls rolling. I notice the Acoustic Circus website (on the "Info for Performers" page) mentions that it "excludes" electric bass. This is the sort of thing I've been wondering about... does anybody [i]really[/i] exclude electric basses? Even if you took along an electro-acoustic, you'd still have to plug it in to compete. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='938862' date='Aug 28 2010, 04:08 PM']...and the folks at Acoustic Magic (ignore the out-of-date website)[/quote] Lord, you ain't kiddin'! "NEXT GIG: 30th November 1999" To get there, meet us at the time-machine outside Haymarket Metro. Come wearing a Global Hypercolor t-shirt.
  6. Here's a question for the Geordies and Northumbrians (and mebbes the Mackems too). I've been rehearsing with an acoustic-guitar-toting singer/songwriter, and we're at the stage where we want to start getting some performances under the belt. Just us: acoustic guitar, electric bass and vocals. Trouble is, being from a background of noisy, chunky, heavy riffage, I know nothing about which venues/promoters/nights in and around Newcastle would be suitable for this sort of mellow, acoustic melancholy. (And I don't live in the Toon any more, so I'm even more out of touch.) Any locals got any good suggestions for acoustic nights or venues/promoters that usually host this sort of thing? NOTE: It's definitely [i]not[/i] folk music, and I doubt we'd get on with a "proper" folk night. Myspace seems to be having a little hissy fit at the moment, but when it's back up you can [url="http://www.myspace.com/tallieadams"]take a listen here[/url] (without bass, obviously -- Natalie recorded those demos on her own last year).
  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='938804' date='Aug 28 2010, 02:48 PM']It does, but it doesn't seem to effect the sound, all the gunge that the coating keeps out comes from the fingers not the pick[/quote] Absolutely true, but it doesn't feel nice when you swap back to fingerstyle!
  8. [quote name='molan' post='938475' date='Aug 27 2010, 10:19 PM']Personally I prefer Elixirs but they are expensive & some people don't get on with the coated feel.[/quote] And if you ever play with a plectrum, the coating gets worn and frayed pretty quickly.
  9. I'm looking to get hold of a Steinberger Synapse strap hook to whack on my newly-acquired Hohner B2AV. For those not in the know, it's this: It shifts the position your headless cricket-bat bass sits over to the right a bit and helps stop neck-dive (normal strap-button position on the B2AV is basically where the screws are on that picture). Trouble is, they don't seem to be available in the UK. Anybody know anywhere I can get hold of one? Or do I need to find a US-based bass-brother to ship one over for me? Or if there's an alternative (and I mean a [i]fully formed, ready-to-fit[/i] alternative, cos metalwork and me don't mix), I'd be interested to hear.
  10. Nice to see someone else running the Sonic Research tuner. It really is ten million kinds of awesome.
  11. Just found this thread. Really interesting build! Just wanted to say... [quote name='silddx' post='910477' date='Jul 30 2010, 05:44 PM']Looks lovely and weighs ... 1.5lbs [/quote] Holy f***! That's just... that's just... wow. Definitely no neck-dive worries. With that much weight down the bottom, you might have more of a problem with the headstock swinging up and clocking you one in the face.
  12. Unfortunately, strings are a very personal thing, so you'll get as many recommendations as there are contributors to the thread. For a headstart, check out this old pinned thread on string types: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=660"]What strings should I purchase?[/url] For what it's worth, I've got different strings on all my basses (some roundwound, some flatwound, some halfwound, all different brands and gauges!), because they suit those particular basses and what I want to do with them. But, like yorick says, D'Addario XL is a good starting point without breaking the bank.
  13. The only downside I've found in having the Skelf is that it's made all my other (perfectly good) basses sound and feel like crap in comparison. I just don't really want to play them much, when the Skelf's just sitting over there... tempting me... It might sound odd, stupid or w***y, but the Skelf just inspires me to play, to play more, and to play better. Can't wait until the Recurve's finished. I might have a bit of a sell-off when that happens.
  14. Basses: about £2.5k (and they'd be a fair bit more to replace) Amp/cabs: about £1.5k Pedals/boards/connectivity: about £1.5k Yikes.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='935797' date='Aug 25 2010, 11:36 AM']As for soloing bass tracks, it's a bit misleading.[/quote] Absolutely. You ever soloed any of the big names on the "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" CDs? Some of them are really messy. Add the rest of the track... bang. It works.
  16. [quote name='danweb22' post='935708' date='Aug 25 2010, 10:27 AM']I do use an Airport Extreme base station for my Wi-Fi, but this is in a different room. I have noticed there are quite a few different networks nearby when I do a search on my mac. Could this be the cause I wonder?[/quote] It's unlikely. They don't [i]usually[/i] cause problems unless something's transmitting or receiving nearby (with my WiFi-connected smartphone lying around while I play, it's like receiving constant Morse-code messages!). There's only one way to find out if it's WiFi... but it won't necessarily be easily to hunt down all the network owners and ask them to switch off for ten minutes while you troubleshoot! I've also found that just having some other things plugged in on the same mains ring (completely different rooms) can cause a bit of noise too, but I've never had clicking like that. I've just learned to live with a little noise if I'm playing at home. With mobile phones, microwaves, baby monitors and WiFi, there's a lot going on that I'll never be able to eliminate completely. That said, a regular click sounds [b]really[/b] annoying. You could just use it as a metronome.
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='935698' date='Aug 25 2010, 10:21 AM']Er, WOW![/quote] Indeed. It was a kick-start to one guy's singing career: [url="http://www.andrewmockler.com/"]Andrew Mockler[/url].
  18. When I was studying Music Production at Newcastle College, Sting came along and basically had an open rehearsal with the guys he was using for a show that evening. He had to rest his sore throat for the show, so he pulled a couple of fans out of the crowd of students to do the singing and just sat back to play bass. It was a real treat to watch him just concentrating on the bassing. Mainly very simple lines (with those lovely little melodic flourishes Nigel mentioned), played with confidence, groove and solidity. (And it was clearly something he hadn't done in a while, because he was reading charts for his own songs!) In the end, his throat didn't hold out that well, so he invited a couple of the students along to the show to do some of the vocal duties for the real thing. Now [i]that[/i] must've been pretty awesome for them.
  19. Usual suspects tend to be mobile phones, fridges or occasionally WiFi networks (especially if there's something transmitting or receiving anywhere near the bass or amp). Sounds like you've eliminated those, though. Baffled.
  20. Friday evening, simply because it's easy to get a rehearsal room, and there's nothing else to do on a Friday night.
  21. [quote name='gafbass02' post='934685' date='Aug 24 2010, 12:50 PM']NO HISS!!!![/quote] Woo-hoo! [quote name='gafbass02' post='934685' date='Aug 24 2010, 12:50 PM']it's the dreaded MMR this afternoon :-/[/quote] Around 13 months old? That one's generally fine. Maybe a bit of a grumbly bairn for a day or two afterwards, but no worse than the ones around 3/4 months (in fact, substantially better IME!). I'm dreading the MMR round two for our big fella at 3y4m. For the first time with jabs, he'll know what's going on! It'll be a job to get him in the room... Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway... back on topic!
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='934195' date='Aug 23 2010, 09:25 PM']Alan at ACG does a lovely line in fretless and the ACG/East preamp is killer in a fretless.[/quote] Hell yes. Can't wait for my next one to be finished. I'm also a big fan of the Music Man fretless sound. The EQ on my SR5 fretless seems to have its emphasis in just the right frequency range for fretless. Brings through the mwaaah beautifully. And obviously the ACG filter-based preamp is capable of being tweaked to wherever you want the emphasis to fall. It can go from icy fretless rasp, through Jaco-style honk and growling low-mids down to fretless dub territory.
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' post='931773' date='Aug 21 2010, 11:33 AM']Also be aware that you don't get all the bells and whistles that Mr Manring does.[/quote] Yeah, the Hyperbass available to the public is a pretty different beast. No transducers built into the body, no detunable bridge (it was available on a handful of instruments a while back, but apparently the guy who custom-made the bridges refused to make any more because they were an absolute nightmare to make) and the Xtenders at the headstock are an extra-cost option. In the grand scheme of things, the production-model Hyperbass is just a slightly odd-looking 4-string fretless with a 3-octave fingerboard and an astonishing price tag. Not saying it's not worth it (I'm sure it's extremely well made, and I rather like the way it looks), but it's just a wooden-bodied, graphite-necked bass... starting at US$6770. Options can take it up to around US$9000.
  24. That listing's now "ended", but it seems to be his/her usual selling technique: [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/katavojmara/m.html"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/katavojmara/m.html[/url]
  25. [quote name='silddx' post='930665' date='Aug 20 2010, 10:27 AM']I did the V&A with Doreen's band, mass reverb, very odd.[/quote] Man, this is doing my head in. I was thinking, "Huh? Pete played with Doreen too?" Yours in avatar-confusion, Whoever-the-hell-I-am
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