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Everything posted by BottomEndian

  1. Sweet holy mother. That's awful. It looks like a Photoshop-style "crop to selection"... but in real life.
  2. [quote name='grunge666' post='1336457' date='Aug 11 2011, 02:19 PM']We do rock covers but, try and nail them as close to the originals as we can[/quote] That's probably the problem. Judging from your username, you're playing heavy rock and grunge stuff, right? If so, then loads of those riffs and basslines are written with things like pull-offs to open low C, or playing a riff quite high up the neck, interspersed with open strings that are far from standard tuning. Not to mention drop tunings. You probably could just about play some (or many) of them note-for-note on a BEAD-tuned 4-string (or CFBbEb or whatever), but chances are it'll be much harder work than sticking to the original tunings. Taking a popular tune as an example, it's equivalent to tuning a standard bass down a tone (say) and then trying to play Muse's "Hysteria" [i]in the original key[/i]. You can't rely on any open strings so it'll be awkward fingerings all around. My personal suggestion would be to try transposing the tunes from the D tuning down to the C tuning, and the standard ones to Eb. Then you've only got 2 tunings to deal with, and you've halved the number of bass changes. (You could, of course, tune some up instead, but your singer might have issues with that. ) Alternatively, don't try to nail them as close to the originals as you can. Make them your own.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1333063' date='Aug 9 2011, 12:46 AM']Used to be able to get them from Alan at ACG.[/quote] I believe his current arrangement with SIT is that he can retail the strings to his bass customers, but not to the general public.
  4. [quote name='Mornats' post='1335262' date='Aug 10 2011, 04:40 PM']If you want some virtual instruments go and download the free Kore Player set from Native Instruments.[/quote] Kore Player's now been discontinued (along with Kore itself). From 1st September, there'll be [url="http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/komplete-8-players/"]Komplete 8 Players[/url] available to download for nowt, or you can already download the individual parts of it (although Kontakt Player remains v4 until September).
  5. [quote name='ogrimark' post='1325279' date='Aug 3 2011, 09:56 AM']Bored at work...[/quote] You either started very early or you've got the lowest boredom threshold of anyone I've come across.
  6. [quote name='tony_m' post='1320653' date='Jul 29 2011, 05:01 PM']Doh! That's what you get for just scanning the thread looking for an embedded vid... [/quote] That'd be a useful skill for a "Coolest Drummer on the Planet" thread...
  7. [quote name='tony_m' post='1320349' date='Jul 29 2011, 12:40 PM']I can't believe nobody's mentioned a certain Japanese cross-dresser yet... [/quote] Keep up, sir! Post #31... [quote name='Johnston' post='1319844' date='Jul 28 2011, 10:31 PM']Hyunmo Kim.[/quote] Although he's Korean, rather than Japanese.
  8. If you can do it like this, I'd be glad to watch:
  9. Yep, got one (the red one). It works, and it seems to work better than most clip-on tuners I've used (just remember that for bass it works best if you tune with the octave harmonics rather than the open string). I'd heartily recommend it.
  10. There's something about the Recurve horns that's just so... [i]right[/i]. Lovely.
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1316435' date='Jul 25 2011, 10:43 PM']What's that in front of the nut?[/quote] Looks suspiciously like a scrap of bog-roll that's ripped off as the owner's polished it up for the photos.
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1316409' date='Jul 25 2011, 10:18 PM']I know you said you got a mortgage recently, but bloody hell....[/quote]
  13. Try a new switch. The ones they put in at the factory don't seem too sturdy, so get a decent one to replace it. It's an easy job if you can solder.
  14. [quote name='Wil' post='1310408' date='Jul 20 2011, 03:15 PM']Thanks for that I don't think I'll be getting one any time soon, not really my cup of tea, that sound.[/quote] Certainly an acquired taste that doesn't work in most contexts! Here's a bit of Tony Levin with octave: There's also Michael Jackson's execrable "Earthsong", featuring Guy Pratt and an OC-2 (IIRC). God, that song makes my sh*t itch.
  15. [quote name='Wil' post='1310398' date='Jul 20 2011, 03:09 PM']What do these pedals actually get used for (outside of d&B/electronic music)? I struggle to think of where I've heard an octaver in action.[/quote]
  16. [quote name='KevB' post='1310165' date='Jul 20 2011, 11:50 AM']Cheers for the info, must use wiki more often. Well it *sounds* like it belongs in the 80's [/quote] Haha! It certainly doesn't fit well with the rest of the album ([i]Wish[/i]). I love that album though. I think it was the first album I ever bought.
  17. [quote name='KevB' post='1310129' date='Jul 20 2011, 11:29 AM']Sorry if this has come up before. Anyone played along to this? Does it sound out of tune to you? It's in a set of stuff I'm doing for a new project. I thought my bass was out of tune but checked and it was fine. Had one of those 'Jumpin Jack Flash' moments when you play along with the original and it doesn't seem to be quite in proper key but not an entire semitone out either. Maybe they were still messing about with tape speeds even in the 80's....[/quote] 80s? 1992, my friend! And yes, it's a vari-speed cockup. From [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_I%27m_in_Love"]Wikipedia[/url]: [quote]The song was written to be a slower number than its upbeat final rendition. While the track was recorded in D major, the commercially released version sounds halfway between D major and E-flat major, a semitone higher, due to Robert Smith forgetting to turn off the vari-speed on the tape after toying with it before recording.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='1309972' date='Jul 20 2011, 09:02 AM']Lakie 55-02 [/quote] YUM YUM. Stealth fretless!
  19. Don't forget the MXR Bass Octave Deluxe. It's got the grindy, synthy OC-2-ish sound [i]and[/i] the clean, smooth EBS-type sound in one box... and you can blend the two. Granted, it's not [i]quite[/i] the OC-2 sound, but IME it tracks a bit better/lower. With a solid, loud input, it seems pretty happy down to about a low D... of course, you can't hear the octave signal properly down there anyway.
  20. Vader favours headless:
  21. If you've got the charts in advance, learn the sections around tricky page-turns so you're playing from memory. Then turn either before you get there... or afterwards. I once played a Prokofiev piano sonatina from an edition that didn't have ANY simple page turns across three movements over about 12 minutes. It didn't even start a new movement on a fresh page. I used a combination of photocopies, sellotape, memory and a LOT of practice to pull that one off.
  22. I want an AT-AT that switches my pedals for me.
  23. [quote name='cd_david' post='1304077' date='Jul 14 2011, 10:14 PM']Yeah, how did you guess its a Floyd Tribute[/quote] You gigging any time soon, Dave? I'd be up for hearing a bit of that. (And having a squizz at yer Eko pedals. )
  24. [quote name='muttley' post='1303182' date='Jul 14 2011, 08:23 AM']I prefer the feel; it's like you are more "into" the instrument.[/quote] +1 There's a more direct connection with the note, for me. It's also much more the sound I [i]want[/i] to hear. String on finger and wood, not string on metal.
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