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Everything posted by BottomEndian

  1. [quote name='51m0n' post='770515' date='Mar 10 2010, 03:29 PM']+1 the AF-9 is beige fer cryin' out loud, how crap is that!!! Still the most wonderfully responsive touch wah I've played, but damn that looks nasty [/quote] Before I heard of (and then bought) the CP-9 Pro+ compressor, I'd put Maxon in the same mental category as Rocktek, based purely on the way they look. But by 'eck, it's a nice compressor.
  2. Maxon. Look like crap, sound like heaven. EDIT: Doesn't bother me, though. One of my favourite pedals for guitar is a fuzz I built myself. Plain metal housing, with "DEATH FUZZ" written on in marker pen.
  3. [quote name='chris_b' post='768755' date='Mar 9 2010, 02:40 AM']unapproved performances are being put into the [b]pubic[/b] domain[/quote] If anybody's putting stuff into your pubic domain without consent, that's a police matter.
  4. [quote name='dogload' post='764969' date='Mar 5 2010, 11:55 AM']in the vicinity of North Shields![/quote] I'm guessing Tynemouth, but you don't want to say in case we all think you're posh. A hearty welcome from me. Looks like the Basschat Tyneside Mafia's expanding rapidly!
  5. I don't have enough patch leads.
  6. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='763711' date='Mar 4 2010, 09:57 AM']La Bella flats on rosewood through a Precision pickup, played over the neck[/quote] Hold on... Michael, are your ears burning?
  7. [quote name='iconic' post='763622' date='Mar 4 2010, 08:04 AM']....obviously a great player but it's the spanky tone that I find wonderful....[/quote] To further qualify my previous reply... there are a world of variables that affect the spankiness of fretless tone, IME. That video's super-spanky because of the fact he's playing (what sounds like) roundwounds on a very hard (ebonol) board through the bridge pickup on a Jazz, played [i]over[/i] the bridge pickup. If you swap all those factors to their polar opposites... La Bella flats on rosewood through a Precision pickup, played over the neck... it's a whole different tonal world. I sit somewhere in the middle (Status half-wounds on ebony on a Music Man), hoping to achieve both ends of the spectrum to a certain extent. EDIT: ...bridge not neck, bridge not neck, bridge not neck...
  8. [quote name='iconic' post='763622' date='Mar 4 2010, 08:04 AM']fretless have my attention now...do they all sound like this VMJ fretless, or this going thru oodles of witchcraft boxes?[/quote] That's pretty much what mine sounded like. Cracking bass.
  9. [quote name='bubinga5' post='763496' date='Mar 3 2010, 11:22 PM']yeah seen this... but its not a dead cert that fclef has done any wrong...seems to me Fclef built the guy a bass.... the guy has changed his mind at the last minute on a bass he wanted to change the headstock on...and george (fclef) has kept his money...i could be wrong and would think twice about ordering a bass, but i havent read the latest on it. and its a matter thats not yet sorted on both sides....[/quote] That's just the latest one, and yes it's not at all clear-cut. There have been a few previously, including one where George Traviani of F-Clef just gets hacked off and calls a TBer a moron. A brilliant way to alienate your customer base, I think. EDIT: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=413872"]Here it is[/url].
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' post='763317' date='Mar 3 2010, 08:25 PM']The others are F Clef basses...check out the website for some awsome audio samples...[/quote] Then check out Talkbass for some extremely unhappy customers.
  11. [quote name='casapete' post='762963' date='Mar 3 2010, 02:05 PM']Advantages of fretless? Nobody asks to borrow your bass at jam nights..............[/quote] Or if they do, chances are they're a well-rehearsed player who would treat it with respect.
  12. [quote name='The Funk' post='762919' date='Mar 3 2010, 01:30 PM']These things can split bands up though![/quote] Wheat/chaff, no?
  13. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='762391' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:35 PM']I went fretless about 10 months ago, & I'm now more inclined to ask ...advantages of [b]fretted[/b] basses? [/quote] +1 on that [EDIT: Except it's a whole universe easier to slap on a fretted bass and not have it sound like a robot choking to death on a rubber band.] [quote name='51m0n' post='762641' date='Mar 3 2010, 09:57 AM']it offers a world of microtonal expression (for an expert)[/quote] I'll be using that in future. "Whaddya mean? I'm perfectly in tune; I'm an expert in microtonal expression." [quote name='51m0n' post='762641' date='Mar 3 2010, 09:57 AM']If you dont drench it in effects it sounds gorgeous. If you drench it in effects it sounds like a reject fro a dodgy 80's covers band...[/quote] Fretless + fuzz = pure awesome. Roll off the tone and you don't need no stinkin' synth bass.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' post='761880' date='Mar 2 2010, 03:08 PM']Apparently Overwater isnt that far away....[/quote] About an hour and a half by train from Newcastle to Carlisle. Not a long distance, but a [i]lot[/i] of stops on the way. Car recommended. Once you're over in Carlisle, it's not that much further up to Moffat and a visit to ACG, where Alan's collection of wood would probably blow your mind.
  15. [quote name='bassbloke' post='761649' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:16 AM']Not really. However, band is gaining profile - bigger gigs, endorsements, etc... but still at the stage where investment is required from individual band members (merchandise, backdrops, photoshoots, web hosting) so we're considering a formal agreement setting out expectations, etc...[/quote] IIRC from lectures on music business/management and all that, if you're playing and earning money together from gigs, you're assumed to be in a [i]de facto[/i] business partnership. That means (among many, many other things) that you're jointly and severally liable for each other's debts until you draw up a partnership agreement that dictates otherwise. If you're talking significant investments -- and it looks like you are -- you should draw up a partnership agreement ASAP. And of course, the partnership and all its members should be submitting an annual tax return.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' post='761640' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:09 AM']Looking at the list on the right of the page you linked to its more like a Triple Square, Spline Drive or a Double Hex.[/quote] Ah well. Worth a shot from my ignorance! Those patterns look like perfect recipes for stripped heads unless they're [i]seriously[/i] hardened.
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' post='761613' date='Mar 2 2010, 10:48 AM']The fitting at the end of the truss rod isn't your standard allen key hexagonal or crossed slot (like a Fender) but something that looks like a cog in reverse, and would require a tool with a cog shaped fitting on the end.[/quote] I have no idea about the Hartke basses, but might it be a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torx"]Torx[/url]? If so, if you've got a multi-bit screwdriver, you should be able to get hold of a set of Torx bits for not much cash.
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='761408' date='Mar 2 2010, 12:44 AM']hold the ashtrays[/quote] You're going to have a right bugger-on fretting if you're holding an ashtray. Right hand should be fine; just whack the metalwork against the strings, plectrum-style. <ahem> On-topic... 3-tone sunburst, tort plate, rosewood, dots not blocks, plain maple headstock. Simple, clean, happy.
  19. Rothko were originally three bassists. They've more recently trimmed down to two, plus keys and drums.
  20. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='761110' date='Mar 1 2010, 07:52 PM']It went for £465 the last time it sold, I assume the sale fell through for some reason. A bit rich for me right at this time.[/quote] Yep, that puts it out of reach for me too.
  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='761096' date='Mar 1 2010, 07:42 PM']Me likey. Me likey very much. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220564486050"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=220564486050[/url][/quote] Hmmmm. Keeping an eye on that one*. I know nothing about Greco, but it's a nice-looking bass from my "year of origin". [size=1]* My current bass fund stands at zero (actually minus several hundred), so I'd have to sell one of the kids into slavery to get it, but I'm keeping an eye on it nonetheless.[/size]
  22. [quote name='elliswasp' post='757639' date='Feb 25 2010, 09:58 PM']If the amp was a two chanel amp then you would be right but i think you will find it is a mono amp and there for it is a 1000w amp[/quote] Nope, it's a mono amp with two separate power amps, each running at 500W into 4 ohms, just like Pete said -- effectively two 500W bass heads in one box, both sharing a preamp and EQ stage.
  23. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='757278' date='Feb 25 2010, 04:49 PM']move the pickup so that the D & A strings are about 3-4mm off the pickup poles[/quote] With the string pressed down at the last fret, or just sitting open? I'm pretty sure if I had the poles 3-4mm from the open string, I'd choke out on the pickup when I got up the dusty end!
  24. [quote name='51m0n' post='756228' date='Feb 24 2010, 04:32 PM']Also I want to be able, [b]where possible[/b], to go and get a new version of the instrument/device in question with the insurance money, so I always insure to new value[/quote] Indeed, where possible. Trouble is, my SR5's a 1993 model, so the pickup and preamp are different from what MM produce now. The SUB's discontinued. The OLP's discontinued. Hondo have gone. Not to mention the mods. The SR5's got a polyester-coated ebony fingerboard rather than the MM pau ferro one. The OLP's got a brass nut, a Nordstrand pup and East preamp. The Fender's been routed for a Jazz pup at the bridge, and both pups are Nordstrands. The Hondo's got an EMG pickup in it (admittedly probably worth more than the bass ). It's kind of problematic trying to figure out values for it all. I guess I'll just sit down with a search engine and a spreadsheet.
  25. This might sound like a stupid question... hell, I'm pretty sure it is. Anyway, how do you go about figuring out how much to insure your instruments for? Especially when they're modded and thus pretty much unique. Do you take the RRP (or street price?) of the instrument and then add on the cost of the mods and how much it'd be (if anything) to have them fitted/routed/painted/whatever? Or would insurance only pay out to the value of the original, unmodded bass? Out of my 5 basses, only 1 is stock (the SUB), so this is a pretty important factor to me.
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