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Everything posted by BottomEndian

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='576975' date='Aug 21 2009, 06:32 PM']Actually the Unibass was good too, though very specialised. And although I haven't owned one I gather the Hexacomp was pretty amazing.[/quote] The Hexacomp was a pretty awesome concept, but I felt it was sadly let down in the execution. There was some sort of weird, freaky phase-shifting going on with the process of separating the six bands to compress and then recombining them in the EQ stage. Akai tried to market it as a product feature, when actually it felt like poor circuit design. I struggled on with it for a long time (trying to find a useable sound that wasn't horribly scooped) before selling it. Got about £80, which is more than I'd paid for it. Job done. The G-Drive, on the other hand (same idea, but six-band distortion instead of compression) is a work of fricking genius. Unfortunately, both it and the Hexacomp are mahoosive beasts, so the G-Drive rarely ends up on my board. Shame. The Unibass used to be a big part of my band's sound. We'd run the Unibass output through a Big Muff to a separate guitar rig, and it'd confuse the hell out of people. :ph34r: I'm getting a lot more organic and natural-sounding these days, so it's languishing a bit, but it's a lot of fun to use -- makes your three-piece into a four-piece. In fact, reading back what I've written, it's clear -- I love Akai. There. I've said it. I've no need for a synth pedal though. As you were, people.
  2. [quote name='joegarcia' post='576802' date='Aug 21 2009, 04:01 PM']...just generally sounds more confident, like it's challenging me to really push it.[/quote] Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly the phrase I've been searching for to describe the Vintage. You can just tell there's acres of room in it, way beyond the 800W I'm throwing at it. If you [b]need[/b] more than one Vintage, JG, then I for one would like to see your live show.
  3. Bump for price reduction, having seen the current going rate for these things. This one's minty fresh, mind!
  4. [quote name='ezbass' post='575202' date='Aug 20 2009, 10:22 AM']Looks like they are starting to get the gear mix right.[/quote] +1 The cover's a bit excitable though. I think there's an exclamation mark on every item. It's kind of sweet. Like a puppy.
  5. [quote name='iamapirate' post='574938' date='Aug 19 2009, 11:49 PM']is the shape channel just an EQ? or an OD? I might be intrested in trading for my ODB-3... probably part-ex with money your way actually[/quote] The shape thingy is a sweepable mid-scoop. Good for stomping on when you've got a slap section in the middle of a song. Unfortunately, ODB-3's not for me. Been there, done that. Sorry!
  6. Got this a few months back in a trade with our Jase. Barely used (by me or Jase), and it's now been usurped by the Bass PODxt. As you can see, it's in incredible condition. There's not a mark on it: [attachment=31202:VXL_1.jpg][attachment=31203:VXL_2.jpg] Comes with original box and manual. Hartke's spiel on the VXL: [quote]The Hartke Bass Attack Pedal is a tone-shaping pre-amp that doubles as a direct box, featuring the famous Hartke Shape Circuitry. The two-button style stomp box has a three band EQ for adjustments of Bass, Treble, and Bright controls, plus a Harmonic control that emulates the warmth and drive of a tube so well that you’ll never want to turn it off. The Hartke Bass Attack Pedal gives you the ability to finally get the sound you want, and everything in between. [list] [*]VX tone shaping pre-amp / direct box [*]Famous Hartke shape circuitry [*]3-band bass, treble and bright control [*]Harmonic control for tube drive emulation [*]Gold plated XLR direct output with selectable pre / post, and parallel 1/4” in/out [*]Rugged extruded aluminum stomp-box style construction [/list][/quote] And a PDF of the manual's available [url="http://s3.amazonaws.com/samsontech/related_docs/BassAttack_ownman_v6.pdf"]here[/url]. I'm looking for [s]£55[/s] [b]£45[/b] delivered. These go for £99 upwards new, and this is pretty much "as new". I'm also open to offers of trades. Anything, really. Especially pedals. Need more pedals...
  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='573044' date='Aug 18 2009, 03:32 PM']More silliness: [url="http://www.eminent-tech.com/RWbrochure.htm"]http://www.eminent-tech.com/RWbrochure.htm[/url][/quote] And from that link, the plot of "Measured frequency response": Methinks "Measured frequency response" is a touch misleading. What does about 98dB SPL [b]at 0Hz[/b] sound like?
  8. Anyone (apart from Michael Manring) fitted [i]more than one[/i] to the same bass? Is there even room on the headstock of your average bass?
  9. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='572171' date='Aug 17 2009, 09:42 PM']what a gorgeous SR5![/quote] Tell me about it! I've made Rob an offer, and I'm pretty sure my blood pressure's sky-high in anticipation waiting to hear back from him...
  10. [quote name='JTUK' post='570029' date='Aug 15 2009, 04:14 PM']Don't know where I got the idea of a 6" speaker in the Vintage specs .....but I still like the idea of it anyway... the supplementary speaker, that is... [/quote] You're either thinking of the Big One, or you've completely lost it.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' post='570021' date='Aug 15 2009, 04:04 PM']I don't think the fact that the cabs have different drivers is important when comparing them. A speaker cab either does the job you need or it doesn't. We need to stop looking at the numbers in the specs and use our ears instead. The more speakers I try I find that the actual size and number of drivers in a cab is becoming less and less relevant. What matters is: 1. Do you like the tone? 2. Is it loud enough? 3. Is the weight manageable? 4. Do they fit in your chosen mode of transport? 5. Can you afford it? That's what's important.[/quote] +10000. The Vintage fits 1-4 nicely for me. As for number 5... well, that's what credit cards are for, right?
  12. [quote name='JTUK' post='570003' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:44 PM']a) 2x15 Fenders with EV's ??...[snip] You need a transit for this... but a bollocking cab which will last eons..[/quote] It came in the boot of an estate, with the back seats up and a rack-mounted GK head alongside it. But indeed, it will last eons. It already has. [quote name='JTUK' post='570003' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:44 PM']b... Vintage... [snip] Apparently it is very shallow and light...and looking at the front of the cab..the panels look very thin. This would help weight but may not add up to a substantial box... and for that size..what are you gaining.. ? you still need and estate or truck. Really hope the cab is plywood and not an MDF.. Visually looks nice in the pic..[/quote] Indeed, the ply's very thin, but the cab is braced incredibly well. The walls don't flex [b]at all[/b] when you press them. I'd be quite happy to sit on the Vintage. In fact, my son does. It's as substantial as it needs to be. As for an estate or truck... I have a Nissan Micra. Admittedly, I have the back seat down, but it fits comfortably, along with my power amp, pedalboard and as many basses as I own. With my old Peavey cabs, I had to use my wife's mega-ultra-size battlecruiser of a car.
  13. [quote name='bythesea' post='570004' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:44 PM']Very true about the strings - discusses those as well. The DVD was from [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Michael-Manring-Bass-Guitar-DVD/dp/B000CPH9UW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1250347247&sr=8-3"]Amazon[/url] - it says 2005 but it's a DVD version of an older release, not too long after he got the hyperbass I think. Shows how to use two ebows, and how to play three Zons at once [/quote] Ordered! Cheers for the link.
  14. [quote name='bythesea' post='569990' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:32 PM']I have a DVD of Michael Manring where he uses one and explains how it works and how he uses it.[/quote] Bear in mind that Michael Manring uses silly string gauges like 20-52 or something (piccolo strings tuned to standard bass pitch), so it's much easier for him to get them vibrating than it is for us mere mortals. (As a side note, where'd you get the MM DVD from? Sounds interesting...)
  15. [quote name='Mr.T' post='569977' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:14 PM']... Just read the spec on the EV drivers in that Fender cab. 21 lbs. a pop! No wonder it is a heavy beast.... [/quote] Lawks. So, what with the Kappalite 3015 speakers being 7.9 lb each, Alex could probably get five of those in a Barefaced cab before he reached the weight of the Fender cab. 5 x 15, eh? Hmmm... Barefaced Behemoth, anyone?
  16. The trans-white finish is particularly stunning. Any close-up shots, warwickhunt?
  17. The only problem is the string spacing. The grooves on the bottom of the Ebow are spaced such that -- on guitar -- they sit on the strings either side of the one you're playing. Easy. On bass, where the strings are further apart, you have to improvise a solution that works for you, in terms of finding a position where the string you're playing sits in the sweet spot between the grooves. Not impossible. Not even [i]that[/i] hard, but probably twice as hard as using Ebow on guitar. YMMV.
  18. [quote name='Gwilym' post='569774' date='Aug 15 2009, 10:25 AM']MTD 535 1mm, 1.5mm, 1.5mm, 1.5mm at the 3, 12, 17, 21 frets respectively. Low to Low-. Elite Players nickels. 125 set i think[/quote] That's astonishing. Have you had your plucking fingers surgically replaced with feathers?
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='569086' date='Aug 14 2009, 02:47 PM']Serious relic'ing alright, but no fag burn! [/quote] Fag burn:
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='569618' date='Aug 14 2009, 11:16 PM']'71 Fender Fretless Precision, Ebony, La Bella FL flats .043, .060, .082, .104: 2mm, 4mm, 4mm Medium[/quote] Glad to see the half-rounds have come off. You didn't get a chance to measure it with them on, did you? They were completely unplayably low to me.
  21. I knew my feeler gauges would come in handy one day... Ibanez BTB775PB: D'Addario Chromes (flats) ECB81-5SL .045/.065/.080/.100/.132 35" scale, tuned BEADG 3rd: 1.6mm 12th: 2.6mm 17th: 2.8mm (all measured on the B string -- can't get the feeler gauges to the E accurately!) I call that Low. In fact, I want to raise it a touch. Music Man SUB 4: D'Addario Nickel Rounds EXL160-5 (with the A string unused) .050/.070/.105/.135 34" scale, tuned CGDA (in fifths) 3rd: 1.7mm 12th: 3.2mm 17th: 3.3mm Low (It's the absolute lowest it can go for me, because I play this bass HARD with a pick. Any lower and it buzzes like a wasp in a copper pipe.) Squier VM Jazz fretless: Thomastik Jazz Flats JF344 .043/.056/.070/.100 34" scale, tuned EADG 3rd: 1.9mm 12th: 3.4mm 17th: 3.5mm Medium (but could be much lower at the 3rd if I filed the nut down a bit)
  22. Right. A lot of it's a bit OT, but here are the things I learned (or at least had reinforced) from last night and from reading this thread today: [list=1] [*]There's no subsitute for standing in a room with this gear, even if the entire room rattles when you play the low string through the Fender or the Vintage. For me, bass is as much felt as it is heard. The Fender and the Vintage both have a visceral quality that doesn't come through [i]at all[/i] on the video. Whump, thud and thwack. Again, thanks to Howard for the terminology. [*]One man's meat is another man's poison. This can be further broken down: [list] [*]The neck profile on a Zon Sonus is not for me, although I love the sound. [*]The neck on that Sadowsky is lovely, lovely, lovely, and it's light as a feather, but the sound's just not for me at all. [*]Those Aguilars and Bergs are nothing like how I want to sound. [*]I love that Fender cab, but the weight would be a complete deal-breaker. And back-breaker. [/list] [*]The Vintage sounds top-notch even when you're standing in "gig position", about 18 inches in front of it. [*]The Vintage is [b]the[/b] cab for fretless. Seriously. On that topic, WoT, did we get a clip of the fretless into the Vintage? [*]I need to stop being shy about playing in front of people in a non-band situation. I just fall back on noodling around pentatonics and minor seventh arpeggios... [*]I can't pick up an unlined fretless Precision for the first time ever and expect to play anything more than the first bar of "Continuum". [*]Real men -- I mean, real [i]Geordie[/i] men -- don't need more than four strings. My Ibanez was greeted with looks of confusion and bafflement. Could have just been the astonishing weight of it though... [*]My idea of a low action was way off the mark. I mean, I knew I liked it pretty high, but several of these guys' instruments were so low they were unplayable to a heavy-handed mofo like me. [/list] The list might continue later if I have any further thoughts/recollections.
  23. [quote name='alexclaber' post='569120' date='Aug 14 2009, 03:10 PM']And regarding frequency response, on-axis it's pretty damn flat up to 4kHz. There's a bit of a bump from the lower midrange downwards where the speakers couple and then there'll be some wiggles due to the baffle size as you go lower. But all in all its pretty good and even across the whole 50-4000Hz passband.[/quote] Hmmm. Interesting. So is the bump that I've heard somewhere around 1-2kHz part of the speaker coupling bump? If so, it's a good, good thing.
  24. Alex, have you ever made a frequency response plot (even just a modelled one) for the Vintage? I'd be really interested to see it, and I'm sure there would be a few other interested parties. Oh, and... port plugs. Progress?
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