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Everything posted by BottomEndian

  1. [quote name='Mornats' post='1222113' date='May 6 2011, 12:00 PM']Will doing it this way (panning one track left and the other right) essentially put the guitar track back in the middle?[/quote] Yes (assuming they're just straight copies), but twice as loud as just having one of them in the middle. One easy way to get a more effective doubling effect is to put a very short delay on one side, and if you can modulate the delay ever so slightly, the subtle variations in pitch can thicken it up even more. Hard right and hard left might be a bit much, though. Experiment with more subtle panning variations.
  2. [quote name='eude' post='1222111' date='May 6 2011, 11:59 AM']No no, the camera stays with me at home.[/quote] Aaaaaahhhhh, right. You're not going to Sweden. I am the king of misinterpreting the written word. Anywaaaaay... build's looking good, Scoop!
  3. [quote name='eude' post='1222107' date='May 6 2011, 11:54 AM']...parceling up the new camera for a week away in Sweden...[/quote] Fixed, for the perfect solution.
  4. [quote name='eude' post='1222104' date='May 6 2011, 11:50 AM']I am taking delivery of a new (to me at least) DSLR today[/quote] Bwahaaa... there goes your weekend!
  5. [quote name='eude' post='1129753' date='Feb 16 2011, 04:17 PM']You want me to post a picture of the joint on mine, just for illustrative purposes?...[/quote] Seeing as Eude failed miserably on this count ( ), allow me to fill in with an ACG singlecut bolt-on neck joint: Yum yum.
  6. I'm sure 5im0n will be along at some point to set us all straight...
  7. [quote name='Wil' post='1222026' date='May 6 2011, 10:34 AM']Just wondering what tree I should be barking up before I start playing with the attack and release settings.[/quote] I'd incorporate the attack and release ([i]especially[/i] the attack) into your initial fiddling, to be honest. If you still want your pick attack to cut through, you might suffer from having the attack set too quick -- the compressor would pull down the pick attack along with the rest of the note, whereas a longer attack would give the pick a chance to cut through before the gain reduction starts. Purely personally (and everyone's different), when I'm starting to fiddle with a new compressor, I set the ratio to around 3:1 and threshold to the point where normal playing is getting a gain reduction of (at most) 3 to 6 dB... and then go nuts from there. Spend a loooong time adjusting things and listening to the difference they make. Only [i]you[/i] can say what settings are going to work for you.
  8. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1220916' date='May 5 2011, 12:30 PM']Other option would be an ebow & a volume pedal[/quote] +1 Also, no frets.
  9. What baffles me is when people somehow draw a distinction between (for example) "jazz" and "rock". Yeah, sure, there is jazz that sure as hell isn't rock, and there's rock that sure as hell isn't jazz... but there's a bucketload of stuff in between, blurring the lines (if you thought there were lines in the first place ) and combining ideas from all over the place. It's all just music.
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1219972' date='May 4 2011, 03:35 PM']We occasionally have something on Tyneside. Maybe it's time...[/quote] Yes. Yes, it is.
  11. [quote name='bassoctopus' post='1218317' date='May 3 2011, 08:49 AM']Great gig as usual, but sound was pretty poor[/quote] Is this endemic to O2 (or ex-Carling) Academy venues? I've been to gigs in a few, and every single one has been horrendously boomy and muddy.
  12. [quote name='Sawtooth' post='1215799' date='Apr 30 2011, 01:50 PM']Also, Kramer used to make an aluminium necked bass, which I believe was played by Derek Baxter on the 'Minder' tv theme ...[/quote] I thought that was the legend that is Mo Foster.
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1215636' date='Apr 30 2011, 11:32 AM']Unless you keep an instrument hermetically sealed and monitored...[/quote] ...to act as a control instrument in a decades-long experiment involving the acquisition of not one, but at least [b]two[/b] new instruments... hmmm... As a musician, GAS-fiend and former scientist, I'M TOTALLY ON IT. Just need to build a hermetically sealed stronghold. Oh, and I need to move house first in order to accommodate the apparatus.
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1215608' date='Apr 30 2011, 11:02 AM']Ooh I'll play. No but the unsubstantiated, intangible BS spouted about them does. [/quote] So... can we just indulge a couple of questions from a wood numpty (i.e. me) to try to separate the BS from the fact? 1) If a bass is made with non-optimally-dried wood (i.e. probably most of the mass-produced basses on the planet), and the wood then dries out as it ages, can that offer any change/improvement in tone (acoustically at least... let's ignore for now the possibility that the electrics are more important)? (Or will it just knack the finish?) 2) I've read a fair bit of stuff (probably unrooted in reality) about woods somehow being "played in" over the years, particularly with acoustic guitars. Like the resonances "open up" or something. (Could be related to moisture content, I suppose, or could be something else... or purely psychological.) Thoughts?
  15. [quote name='rob_89' post='1213976' date='Apr 28 2011, 05:10 PM']Hope ive not missed this in the ad but how much does this beast weigh? in KG please[/quote] [url="http://www.philjonespuresound.com/about/reviews/394.pdf"]This review[/url] lists the weight at 172 lb... which is an eye-watering 78 kg.
  16. Thanks for that! It's going on my "instruments to try" list... which is approximately arm-length.
  17. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1213899' date='Apr 28 2011, 03:53 PM'][/quote] I was fairly GASless until I saw that Burns Double Six there. Tell us more! Sounds? Playability?
  18. Any cab that carries a warning plate about personal and structural damage deserves a bump from me. Best of luck with the sale!
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1212731' date='Apr 27 2011, 03:32 PM']I hear it's only FW400 compatible though[/quote] BTW, just as an addition... FW400 is still the standard for Firewire audio interfaces. Off the top of my head, I think there's only RME that does FW800 stuff.
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='1212731' date='Apr 27 2011, 03:32 PM']I got the new 13" MacBook Pro 4Gb on Sunday. I'm totally new to Mac and it's been an absolute pleasure switching from Windows. Looks like a great machine too. I love it! I've not really used a DAW before but I intend to get Reaper and a multi-channel audio interface, probably a Focusrite Saffire 24 VRM, unless anyone knows of a more suitable one. I hear it's only FW400 compatible though and may need an adapter, is that right?[/quote] If you mean the Saffire Pro 24 DSP, then yes, it's only FW400-compatible. But adapter schmadapter; you just need an 800-to-400 (9-pin to 6-pin) cable and you're away. I have a FW800 external hard drive for recording audio onto, so I run a 9-pin FW800 cable from MacBook Pro to hard drive, then a FW800-to-FW400 cable from the hard drive to the Saffire. As long as the FW800 stuff is nearest to the computer in the FW chain, you still get FW800 transfer rates for those devices, even when there's FW400 stuff beyond them in the chain. The VRM's pretty cool, by the way. If you close your eyes for a while, you can [i]just about[/i] forget you're listening on headphones.
  21. [quote name='Doddy' post='1211817' date='Apr 26 2011, 04:57 PM']Exactly.....I was referring to the others that said it's normally in E minor[/quote] I know. I'm with ya.
  22. [quote name='Doddy' post='1211808' date='Apr 26 2011, 04:51 PM']That's funny,everyone I play 'Autumn Leaves' with does it in G minor.[/quote] Indeed... but my point was that the first chord is the iv chord. If you find yourself playing with someone who assumes the key will be the first chord, you end up with a... *ahem* ..."novel" reharmonisation.
  23. [quote name='Zach' post='1211590' date='Apr 26 2011, 12:17 PM']A rule of thumb i've noticed seems to be that the opening chord of the song is pretty much always the root, and will often end on it too.[/quote] It's a rule of thumb that can lead to many a car crash too, sadly. "Autumn Leaves, key of B minor..."
  24. Mobile phone in pocket? Electric fence nearby?
  25. [quote name='51m0n' post='1206884' date='Apr 21 2011, 11:21 AM'][i][b]Good[/b][/i] multi band compressor for £60 Nope, doesn't exist. Unless you luck out on a Trace, and even then I think that is not really good, but rather passable live. Its too noisy and lacks any real control over the operation. Then again there aren't really any good compressors for £60 either...[/quote] Of course, a very good point. At this sort of price (and with the lack of fine control that comes with the price-point), it's very much a question of try-it-and-see. The TC works really well for what [i]I[/i] want, but without individual control over what the three bands are up to, that's purely the luck of the draw. Likewise, some love the Akai Hexacomp, but I really struggled to get a sound I liked from it (apart from with one particular bass).
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