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Everything posted by G-77

  1. Rod, you know you want one, and it would pass the blindfold test.
  2. was it the fella who was slapping the Ashbury in the video I put up... now what was his name.... 😉
  3. I just dug out the video i shot at the 2nd one in Northampton c2007 when we had more hair!, I recall this was the one where people were queuing at the door to get their gear in ! with @Dood
  4. ahh yeh I remember the one at Guilford.
  5. Good to see you all today and return to a Bass Bash after may years! Good to see some old faces as well as some new, @MacDaddy, @obbm can you remember when the first bashes were up in Northampton? I recon about 2006/7 I have put my photos up on the basschat Facebook page , along with a few Facebook live streams I snuck in there when you weren't looking! The photos are public so you should be able to see them if you are not a facebooker! https://www.facebook.com/Basschat/
  6. @cetera Planning on being there for a few hours! so will bring Dbird!
  7. haha, I meant i will confirm on Saturday if I can get there on Sunday ;-)
  8. Will do ,, I will confirm if i and get there on Saturday ( I got a lot of work to get through this week!)
  9. Sadly the Moo Wood was the one had the 32" scale and "bendy hole" and I sold it a while back! Too many king bassess & had a dbird to buy!
  10. I've not to been to a BassBash for some time !! So I will try to get to this one if I'm not working! Can bring 2 of the following, D-Bird (purple shift) Anaconda Crusher CXE (green), Status King Bass Prototype #4 (left in photo) or Status Streamline. If anyone got a presence let me know. Trev.
  11. I also found it comfortable to play, the sort of reverse explorer shape worked well for me, and they also included a lower "horn" stump so you could play it sitting down with out it sliding off your leg, something the Guitar version lacked.
  12. Yes I saw these come up on their FB page today, the Fretless is very rare! I think the price is for the Bass only and the GR77B is being sold separately for £395 . The Bass is solid, good passive tone , well made , I was told it was Ibanez built. The synth side of it was fantastic at the time , but to be honest the tracking was not brilliant at the low end and a bit of lag. I think Midi Guitar app on the iphone tracks better. But it was always fun to have a big Roland Bass pad blasting out. It was a pain to gig , I only took it out to gig a couple of times and the floor unit quite big and you need a second amp for the synth. I used to run the bass through a GT6 so got some crazy sound out of that combination. I always wanted a G707 guitar to go with it.
  13. and sunday
  14. all my photos are on my facebook page and shared to the Basschat page, if you are not on facebook, you can still see them via this link, Saturday
  15. That would have been 22+ Rolls of film in the old days!
  16. For those who cant make the show , I will be doing some Facebook Live Stream from the show over the weekend, as well as the usual photos and video. Trev/
  17. LBGS have just put a Feedback Survey up on Facebook https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/lbgs-2017
  18. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1488831815' post='3252227'] I was on the MSL (Markbass) Stand all weekend. Hi to all who came and said hello, and a big pat on the back to everyone who manned the Basschat stand.. a job well done! I have only just about lost the ringing in my ears! I love the bass community, what a great and friendly bunch we all are! ...and whoever said that the manufacturers and exhibitors all seem to get on and work together is [i][b]absolutely[/b][/i] right, its great to work among you all - it was the same at the Birmingham Guitar show the week before. Everyone willing, helpful and positive. I also agree with an earlier comment that, while there was some truly amazing craftsmanship at the show, there was not a lot of the stuff you might want to use playing the local pub gig, and indeed the likes of Promenade were rushed off their feet. Funnily enough I had my quite excellent, but cheap, Squier VM Jazz on the stand, and a number of people just wanted to try that out, because it was probably the only Squier in the vicinity! The noise is a indeed a big problem, but not necessarily for the reason most would immediately think of... Every year the manufacturers have many dozens of people who want to come to the show to try out the various options of heads, cabs, combos, possibly because their local music shop isn't stocking a big enough selection. With only 15 minutes every hour to make any kind of noise (and believe me, in spite of the din, it was policed VERY closely - this year we all tried very hard to play the game, I assure you!), it is very hard to fit in all the people who want to make some serious decisions, particularly when the manufacturers also have to fit in demonstrations from their endorsee artists... the result? The guy says "....may I compare the Traveller 102p against the 121h please? ... sorry, can't hear much, need more volume...", they turn it up, and so does the excellent Cody Wright, the amazing Remco Hendriks, the fantastic Joey Grant, etc, etc, and for 15 minutes it all gets painfully out of control. The ear splitting airhorn shatters through the racket, and the levels thankfully plummet... and then the guy says "... now, can I just try that with the extension cab plugged in while I still have any chance of hearing it..." wouldn't [i]you[/i], when looking to part with hundreds of quid? I know I would... Ohh, it [i]was[/i] you! Well, I'm happy to help, while keeping it as quiet as possible, and I'm really sorry if anyone else was inconvenienced. But that's sort of what these shows are for, isn't it? I'm not sure what the solution is, maybe having a lot more smaller demo rooms, but that wouldn't really be possible at Olympia, and trying to install sound level control equipment which cuts the power wouldn't work, and risks damage to a lot of expensive gear. However, the issue was definitely well noted and accepted by the organisers, so hopefully a more comfortable solution will be found. I can't wait to see your photos. Did anyone get a pic of that amazing Rikkers with the ash(?) body and pale blue pickups/neck? Did anyone buy it?! Amazing piece of work.... I heard Marc Vanderkley (he's a bit good too!) giving it a workout and it sounded awesome too! I also heard someone suggest that with all the holes in it, without trousers on, it might be possible to play it hands free....!!! [/quote] On Sunday up in the top corner, Sims, Ernie Ball & Anaconda decided to split the 15min in to 5 min each so they didn't drown each other out. Worked ok, but they were still getting drowned out by Proamp on the other side of the hall !
  19. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1488546861' post='3249890'] I have seen people with basses, but not that many. I guess it is worth it if you want to buy an amp, but the amp manufacturers have basses knocking around for you to use. I have no idea on parking, but unless you want something like an amp, you might be better going to somewhere like Ruislip and getting the tube in. The parking is around £2 or £3 for the day at the station, and about a fiver round trip to Olympia. it takes around one hour to get there from Ruislip. That is where I am aiming for. There is a multi story car park close by. [url="http://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/carpark/olympia_multi_storey_p3/w14/london/?arriving=201703031330&leaving=201703031530"]http://en.parkopedia...ng=201703031530[/url] [/quote] If you go from Ruislip Garden on the Central Line to Shepherds Bush and walk down to Olympia it about 20min on the Train and a 20min walk. Assuming it is in the usual rooms at Olympia, the entrance is at the Hammersmith end of the building near North End Road. Also there is Walker-stalker-con, a Zombie event on in the main hall try not to end up in the wrong room!
  20. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1330430616' post='1557256'] The streamline with shaded graphite weave is always my fav. However, what does your G-77 look like today? [/quote] the G-77 still looks like a G-77 !
  21. Yep the noise seem worse this year! here a link to my pic from today, I've made them pic public so you don't have to be a Facebook member to see , [url="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150586708976659.381878.554441658&type=1&l=c2d6fe15d8"]https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150586708976659.381878.554441658&type=1&l=c2d6fe15d8[/url]
  22. Im there both days, probably hanging out on the Status Stand!
  23. Well it would be rude not to ;-)
  24. We are currently looking for a drummer for a Rock Band currently rehearsing near Epping, playing mostly original track with a few covers thrown in. We currently rehearse on a Sunday evening, with a view to regular gigs as soon as the right drummer is up and running! https://www.facebook.com/SonicDeflexion Thanks , Trev.
  25. this is a test
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