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Everything posted by G-77

  1. im a lefty that plays to the right, always have , never even though of playing left! , I do most thing left handed these days but was more ambidextrous when i was younger. Just wondering if any one else who plays like this is Dyslexic or Dyspraxic as well? Snooker cue - left handed. Golf club - right handed. Writing - left hand. Tools - usually left but and be right if needed Guitar / Bass - right handed. Mouse - Usually Left but sometime Right Cutlery - Fork Left , Knife Right, but very cack-handed with knife. Scissors - left hand.
  2. Very nice, if i had the $$$ i would have this !
  3. i use my laptop , i take a line out from the sound desk into the built in line in, if i need to do a better recording i use the motu 828 and record into logic,
  4. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='1241569' date='May 23 2011, 01:38 PM']Fixed [/quote] exactly what i was thinking...
  5. First: 1981 kay like this,,, [url="http://stashbox.org/871654/KayBass.jpg"]http://stashbox.org/871654/KayBass.jpg[/url] Goto: Status Streamline YourBass: Status Kingbass
  6. a few more pic over on [url="http://statii.com/forum/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=4093&rowstart=20#post_39978"]Statii[/url]
  7. here some my pics, i was taking photos for Rob & Dawn of their booth , so it a bit Status orientated !!
  8. Im in West London if that any help, I know one of our member over on Statii has a streamline 5 in Newport if thats any help. Happy Jack order a Streamline within 48hrs of having a go on mine!!!
  9. PM sent, im all for an all carbon collection.
  10. yep the guy who sold me #4 couldnt sell it for what ever reason, i think i paid 750 for it. the extra knob on the moowood is a rather complex led control, giving combinations of front/side bright/dim
  11. and the MooWood KB
  12. here some more pics of my KB#4 taken by Todd at the Statii meet up,
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='977752' date='Oct 4 2010, 10:13 PM']Time for the Status owners to come over all smug with their carbon graphite-yness[/quote] i wasn't going to say anything but....
  14. about 11k + 2k in guitars
  15. No it Cherry Sunburst, well mine was when i bought it new, then sold it to wez, the bought it back a year later... With Sienna the red is darker and the yellow more amber... [quote name='wesfinn' post='918421' date='Aug 7 2010, 11:07 PM']Gorgeous Bass. The colour is Sienna Burst. I used to have an exact match to this only with a maple neck with I regrettably sold to a basschatter about 5 years ago! here she is! [/quote]
  16. That a nice looking bass, Glad you found the One!!! [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='906383' date='Jul 26 2010, 10:02 PM']My Shuker is perfect for me - 5 strings, comfortable weight, nice balance, sounds stunning, easy to play, staggering build quality, top quality woods / hardware, looks. This bass cured my GAS and will see my playing days out.[/quote]
  17. i got 2 Kingbasses, 1 Artist (MooWood) & 1 Standard (Prototype 4) here they are together, here are all the Kingbass MooWood Sisters together, 2 owned by Moo and the other By Fran over on Statii forum, and here is the Standard with 2 out of the 5 Prototype Kingbasses made, (owened by Darren from Statii)
  18. [quote name='Sibob' post='680392' date='Dec 10 2009, 05:16 PM']Here's the '85 Japanese Precision that I just aquired Ex Mythste & Bassassin [url="http://img709.imageshack.us/i/fullfrontz.jpg/"][/url] Very happy with it so far, needs a setup and some new strings....trying to decide between Round or Flats! But it's my first proper P (that isn't a parts bass with a Jazz neck haha), so am looking forward to delving into it! Si[/quote] i had one of these as well, cost £135 in '85 was the lightest PBass i ever played.
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='899824' date='Jul 20 2010, 11:10 AM']Ah yeah sorry. You are right Mike. That, according to Ed Roman, is a Fender Explorer bass "common in Europe"... This a Katana. As you can see it's just like a boring ol' P bass. Split pickup, 20 frets... Fender eh? Never do anything different [/quote] Yep i had one of those back in the day, and it was basicly a pointy PBass, heres my much loved 82 pbass
  20. My Kingbass Artist "Moo Wood" Reason, 1/ One of Sir Rob Greens finest 2/ Just look at it!! ;-)
  21. [quote name='escholl' post='526529' date='Jun 28 2009, 09:55 AM']1442 +1 = 1443 although i have a feeling this may not be accurate at the moment, as this thread was started like a year and a half ago? [/quote] haha yeh i forgot to do a new thread for this at xmas, and im up 5 since it started so Total = 1561
  22. i used to sit my laptop on top of TE comb at the rehearsal studio with out a problem.
  23. todd over at statti has one, here some video of him playing.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg68MbmDZGY&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg68MbmDZGY&NR=1[/url]
  24. i use a 3u gator one , with a 1u usb moto interface a,d an 1u headphone amp, and my laptop slides in the front pocket ok, and jam as much junk(wire, power etc) in the back as i can, seem to be holding up [url="http://proaudiostash.co.uk/product/cases/rack-cases/gator-3u-rolling-rack-bag/624.shtml"]http://proaudiostash.co.uk/product/cases/r...k-bag/624.shtml[/url]
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