Following on from where do all the basses go thread, How many do we own as a group on Basschatt,
Lets give it a go Post how may you have and add it to the TOTAL from the previous post.
Keep it simple no need to post what you have we have done that else where in BC
I have 6
[b]TOTAL = 6[/b]
[quote name='EdwardHimself' post='103388' date='Dec 12 2007, 04:57 PM']haha it looks like you're playing a little toy guitar [/quote]
Yeh, people give you odd 'WTF-that' looks when you get it out the bag, but plugged in it sounds fantastic and they soon shut up.
[quote name='Alun' post='80412' date='Oct 28 2007, 01:14 PM']Ah yes, the look on people's faces when you pull a pot of white powder from your gig bag [/quote]
haha +1 for that,
[url=""]Heres me playing mine at a gig earlier in the year[/url]
[quote name='SJA' post='89310' date='Nov 16 2007, 11:47 AM']if you just want a bass that won't go out of tune, just get a graphite-neck headless.[/quote]
+1 for that,
but my guitarist has a Gibson LesPaul, and it the most unstable guitar i have ever know, he has to retune between every song.
Andres go some graphite for sale over on
here are some more pics, [url="http://<a%20href="][url=""][/url][/url]" target="_blank">[url=""][url=""][/url][/url]</a> yep i got the case a couple of years later and it was well used then, it a black plastic case with the fender logo embossed into it.
Thanks Wes , the Zoot is doing fine,, still loving it !
yeh it neck stamped 13 Oct 82 , Cherry Sunburst .. I bought this bass new in 83 and swapped it with Wes last year. It a lovely bass but sadly i just wasn't playing it. I can post pic if anyone wants.
[quote name='lwtait' post='76643' date='Oct 19 2007, 06:34 PM']sorry, but what is a bass bash?
i'm guessing what i've read from this site that everyone on basschat hosts a bass guitar show. am i right?[/quote]
yeh we something liek that , check out the video, [url=""][/url]
1, they would have recorded the band on multi track to remix for the film / live album etc.
2. at a gig , they would have around 6 cameras, 1 one each band member , 1 wide . 1 roaming , 1 on the audience etc..
personally i would got for one that around 1990 and before, they have thiner neck and dont suffer from neck dive.
I think the way to tell is if it a Wenge/Bubinga body neck and the battery is in a separate box on the upper side of the back of the body. Also marked 'Made in West Germany' The date is stamped on the top of the headstock under the S/N.
I think the neck profile changed when they stopped using Wenge and started using ovangkol.
You might want to email someone like Rob Green at Status, I looked at a Viger on Ebay that had been painted with 2 tone paint, i decided against it as it could mess with the outer layer on the graphire neck.
most XLR outs on a Bass should be a [url=""]Balanced Output[/url] but i have known people use them to replace the Jack to have a robust connector, or even just to look cool!
i use Warwick Wax on my thumb, and my explorer that been striped down to the wood,, hhmm i think it time to get the wax out now , thanks for reminding me,,,
thedontcarebear, Paul did an excellent job on my Explorer, Striped the paint , sorted the neck and new fretboard and frets. The wood on yours looks like it should come up good oiled or waxed.
have you had a look at this Gary?