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Posts posted by Paulhauser

  1. 59 minutes ago, moley6knipe said:

    Good calls there. The 30th is Soooooo pretty it’s silly. And as soon as funds permit I *will* own an HH Special 5. Really want natural / maple but they’re a thing of the past (unless one comes up s/hand I guess - not seen any Special 5s yet).

    Would have to be maple board and a finish that lets me see the grain - which limits choices now they’re not using ash for the bodies.

    But let’s be right - most ‘Rays of most flavours, brands, number of strings and pickups are lovely. Great basses. 

    Thank! As for a natural SR Special hoe about this?57FB6F89-47EF-4BB5-809D-487AB6B63555.thumb.jpeg.818afc1b5cc7ad5380c0c89e0eac07b8.jpeg

  2. @thisisswanbon a longer strap might help. I am actually at the opposite point: I really like that my Spector stays put in the same steep angled position that is very similar to the classic sit down playing style where the bass is between the legs- this is how I practice so it makes a smooth transition. See my profile pic....

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ozzy138 said:


    Thanks for your help...... all is now clear. And yep, the Spector is very, very good indeed.


    No worries, glad to help a fellow Spector player. 

    If you have the time please post some pics. These new LT's are killer and haven't seen a red one IIRC.

  4. 4 hours ago, Woodinblack said:

    I used to like the schallers, but had a few that unscrewed themselves. Apparently they have fixed that problem now, or mitigated it somewhat, so worth trying out.

    The advantage the dunlops have is that if you end up with the wrong strap, you can still use a normal strap on a dunlop where you can't with a schaller.

    Had to watch the video posted above to understand what you meant about using Dunlops with normal straps as the two basses I have Dunlops on have recessed "pins" , they are flush so there is nothing to attach a normal strap to. Never knew that they are offering pins, too. 
    I'm using Schallers for most of my basses for the last 15 years, gig regularly and never had any Schallers unscrewing themselves. But I have to note that I tighten the strap-part especially strongly and check the pin screws every string change (when I normally oil the board and check up the bass in general)

    • Like 1
  5. Of the 11 basses I own 10 have dark fingerboards (2 ebony, 2 pau ferro, 2 wengé,  4 rosewood)

    I was never partial to certain fingerboards and I think the numbers above come from the fact that those basses I wanted / liked / kept in the end had mosty dark wooden boards as part of the specs. The one exception is my Atelier Z custom M265. There is just something for me in a '70 kind of jazz bass look...maple with white bindigs and block inlays.



  6. On 01/02/2020 at 16:55, Silvia Bluejay said:

    While I'm sure there's nothing wrong with Warwick strings in general, in this case a bit of the tapered section on the low B is actually part of the speaking length of the string, which can't be good for the sound or the stability of the string. In other words, the saddle is actually too big for the diameter of the string at the point where it touches it. I would not accept even a new string if it did the same as this one, and would insist they sent me one with a shorter tapered section.

    Sorry for being a bit off topic here but all the tapered core strings I have used had the tapered section as a part of the speaking lenght of the string.  Most of the tapered B strings  I have used had only the core wire touching the bridge saddle and it tapers to full width after that point - in the speaking lenght of the string, not to the other way. 

    • Like 2
  7. These are great beasts, I used to have 3 of them, I liked the one with the TW pickups the most. (The only reason I don't own one is that I have a US Spector 6)

    Congratulations for having it and I hope it will be a long time partner for you.

    I honestly think they are capable of doing anything a sixer should with strong and articulte lows to clear highs and all this coupled with a very ergonomic design. 

    As @cetera said the preamp needs some time to get used to but once the trimpot is fixed and the bass / trebles settings are understood it is a really useful preamp. 

    Have fun with it and go, gig it 🙂

  8. 2 hours ago, merello said:

    Paul is now my fave basschatter due to his ability to balance a bass on his.....well you find it! 


    Anyway....just a wee legend player and I love it. £449 brand new from Kenny’s Music. They still have a neck through Aguilar for sale st £800. Web said it is walnut (maybe they’ve changed it now) but it’s more crimson or cherry red.

    Had a rehearsal during the week and a two hour session of extreme bonding yesterday. Mucho like-o! As ever, try before you buy but I’d recommend a legend   For anyon3 wanting a competent and reasonably versatile bass or back up.

    English is not my first language and if you add some typos then the result can be...hilarious 😄

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Al Krow said:

    @Paulhauser - thanks for that.

    Seems to me that your experience is the Euro 5LX stack up pretty well, in general, against the US NS models. But you've found a particular gem amongst them.

    Well in short, yes. I have found a couple of them actually, my US made NS Forte 6 sounds and feels better than any of my previous 3 Euro 6s that I have owned and used before .

    My two Euro5s are highly modified and have a history with me and the white Euro 435 is simply a killer bass that I use now for my main gig so I hold the Euro line in very high regard and came through enough of the to be able to pick up the best of them really. 

  10. @Al Krow I can only quote what I've written about it in another topic. Hope it helps. 


    23 hours ago, Paulhauser said:

    I have gone through many Spectors and I believe that personal preferences are very important and also the fact how they meet with a certain instrument.

    I'm a 5 string player (or should I say, I need at least the BEAD strings)

    What I have gathered so far:

    - I liked my Euro 5 basses over the Korean ones had.

    - I never really liked Euro 4s until I got my maple winged Euro 435 which is a 35" Euro 4 with X series PJs. 

    - I had US made NS-5XL's that I  did not consider to be better (for me) as my Euro 5's

    - One of my NS-5XL (pictured below)  is simply another level compared to any of the Spectors I have every had or heard. The richness of the tone, the depth of it, the nuances and the look / playability is second to none, all other basses considered. It is my main recording and practicing bass and I feel very privileged to have found 'my' instrument. I have other Spectors and other basses of very high quality (Atelier Z, Prestige Ibbys, MM SR5 etc) but this is always the one. 

    I don't know if there is any takeaway for you from the above but my experience is that finding your great instrument is transcending sales categories, price points and places / means of manufacturing but there is one thing for sure for me, the best bass I have is the one I have paid the most for. And we are looong after the honeymoon period. 



    Spector NS-5XL buckeye.jpg





    • Thanks 1
  11. 4 hours ago, merello said:

    Wow Paul! That’s beautiful. I play small gigs about every 3 months. If I was doing more frequent paying gigs like I did years ago I’d splash out/invest in something special. Unfortunately, I’m in noodle mode playing wise just now but thank you for showing me that.

    Thank you! My post was intended to reflect upon the previous couple of posts assessing the different models that Spector offer rather than an answer to your original question (to which I have already wrote my thoughts some days ago above) or finding an excuse to show off my bass. Apologies if it came off another way. I’m sure you will find the bass that suits your needs, be it Spector or else. Have fun with the process 🙂

  12. I have gone through many Spectors and I believe that personal preferences are very important and also the fact how they meet with a certain instrument.

    I'm a 5 string player (or should I say, I need at least the BEAD strings)

    What I have gathered so far:

    - I liked my Euro 5 basses over the Korean ones had.

    - I never really liked Euro 4s until I got my maple winged Euro 435 which is a 35" Euro 4 with X series PJs. 

    - I had US made NS-5XL's that I  did not consider to be better (for me) as my Euro 5's

    - One of my NS-5XL (pictured below)  is simply another level compared to any of the Spectors I have every had or heard. The richness of the tone, the depth of it, the nuances and the look / playability is second to none, all other basses considered. It is my main recording and practicing bass and I feel very privileged to have found 'my' instrument. I have other Spectors and other basses of very high quality (Atelier Z, Prestige Ibbys, MM SR5 etc) but this is always the one. 

    I don't know if there is any takeaway for you from the above but my experience is that finding your great instrument is transcending sales categories, price points and places / means of manufacturing but there is one thing for sure for me, the best bass I have is the one I have paid the most for. And we are looong after the honeymoon period. 



    Spector NS-5XL buckeye.jpg

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  13. 1 minute ago, Mastodon2 said:

    Indeed, my brother actually sent me a link to the page on the Guitar Guitar website a few days back and I'd been mulling it over. You were right, it was a very fair price and the condition overall is great. 

    I'd wanted a Euro 4 string ever since selling my Euro 5 a while back. I know you can get the Euros with Aguilar and Bartolini pickups now but for me, the classic Spector sound is EMGs. As I say, I'll be upgrading the Tonepump in the new year to an EMG preamp but it sounds great as it is. I love it!

    Great, I know how you feel. As I have said that is one of the best looking natural Euros I've ever seen.

    The EMG preamp is a great choice especially for the mids and will be easy to drop in. 

    As for the pickups, EMG is the way to go with the Spectors, I have EMG is all my 7 of them. One of my Euro435 came with Aguilar PJ but replaced with the X series EMG PJ and it sounds absouletely killer. 

    What I also like is that with the EMG 40's housing that they have in the Euro5 / NS-5XLs is they offer a great variety within that housing, meaning you can get dual coils (DC) splitable coils (TW) or P or J. I have a 5 string pre- LX Euro5 with 40P and 40J and it sounds much like my 4 string PJ. In one of my NS-5XLs I have used a double P for a year or so and due to the quick connect pin they are very easy to replace / change.   

    • Like 2
  14. 12 hours ago, merello said:

    Really hankering after a  decent “budget” Lakland, I mean Spector.

    Tried the DJ in Guitar Guitar and the neck was brilliant. Reading a lot about the better Spector Legends.

    Any thoughts?

    If DJ means the Darryl Jones modell of Lakland's that is a great take on the classic jazzbass design. 

    The Spector Legends are a very different breed, they are extremely well made for the price point and sound great, but different than the DJ.

    It really boils down to what you want/need. If you need a jazz, then go for the DJ or check Spectors Coda Pro line.

    If you need a modern ergonomic design and a sound that is very versatile and well defined then the Legend is the way to go.

    Or as @Mastodon2 suggested look out for a Euro 4 or 5 and you will have one of the best basses around ( I know I'm biased as I have a couple of them but still...)

  15. 4 hours ago, Urban Bassman said:

    I saw this too and enquired about it....it's now sold.  It did look the biz though, I'm sure the new will be very happy.  I curious though, because it didn't have the usual 9v battery box on the back...The description said it was active but I've not seen a Euro without a battery box so I wasn't sure what was going there...still a lovely bass nonetheless.

    The separate battery box have only been added a few years ago to the Czech line, in '14 or '15 IIRC. Before that every Euros (or NS-CRs before 1999) had the battery inside the main cavity in the back together with the electronics. 

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Old Horse Murphy said:

    Well, this is the Bass that started the thread. It looks to be an unbelievably good price and looks amazing. 


    Honestly in all my years with Spector I have never seen a flamed alder back like that. For the first sight I mistook it for a full maple winged pre-LX Euro because of the flamed back  but after seeing the serial number plus the pics it was obvious it is not.  

    Anyway, this is one of the most beautiful Euro 4LX I've ever seen, really. And the price is more than fair. 

  17. Thank you @ead, these are the sort of infos I wanted to know! Out of my 7 Spectors I have two Euro 435's that are both tuned to BEAD /AEAD, one of which I'm selling. The one I'm keeping has maple wings and a white finish, so the classic Spector sound and look is checked 🙂 But even if I can't gig with a standard tuned 4 string (and I feel lost wihout the B string as an anchor for my thumb) I always want one especially when I play with a pick plus I like the idea of a P with an ergonomically friendly NS package (even if the single P is not in the classic Fender P sweet spot)

    I have watched the vids you posted and the bass sits well in the mix, I like the sound so thanks a lot for posting them, too!

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