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Posts posted by Paulhauser

  1. I've sold my Sadowsky to Nico some weeks ago. The whole international transfer was flawless. After we made the deal Nico transfered the money immediately and within days the bass was in his possession in France.
    Have a great time with the bass Nico!

  2. I had the 410 version of this and only sold because I moved to a EBS Fafner II + 2x410 EBS Proline combination.
    Such a good sounding combo for such an attractive price .

    Have a free bump from a fellow EBS user!

  3. Hey, was it you who have switched the pickups? If so, what's the tonal differnce compared to the original EMG DC's?

    Thanks and good luck with the sale, these are incredible instruments (and I happen to own one EURO5, too)

  4. This is a very good sounding bass. I used to have a GT7 for a couple of years and only sold because I was quitting playing for a while.
    Despite the 7 strings it was one of the most comfortable and ergonomical bass I have every played.
    This is a recording I did with it so anyone who is curious how a GT7 sounds can hear.

    Good luck with the sale!

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