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Everything posted by Buddster

  1. 😂 That's a new one, I'll have to tease him about that next time
  2. It's an HK Audio active system and in this instance we were using 1 sub/2 tops per side which is more than enough for a venue up to 120 people. Slightly larger venue, we'd use 2 subs and 4 tops. It's the drummers kit and he and I have used it/hired it out at outdoor festivals with 4 subs/4 tops per side and they are bloody loud! And clear. They are brilliant. I've done a lot of live sound and they are easily the best system I've used. The drummer uses V drums and we run everything through FOH, having a fairly quiet stage (and I'm not hiden away behind a big top unit). They can more than handle this, and have used them with rock bands, reggae and even a Bangra beat band. Didnt even break sweat. They weren't cheap, all though in his over enthusiasm he bought too many units and we hardly ever have to use more than 2 subs /side. Definitely recommend inline pa systems, but would advise a pre purchase testing session with reference music you know.
  3. Two Minutes of Silence................................................................. (etc etc) jesters of destiny
  4. Friday night gig at Backwell Village Club, SW of Bristol. Their beer festival weekend. Not out target audience, and we were more the band in the background while people chatted, but there were a few swaying and singing along. One of those 'get it under your belt' type. The venue and organiser were very happy though.
  5. Gotta say, thanks so much for posting these. He was a huge influence on my playing as a 17 year old back when Japan were around. Nice to have a clear breakdown of the parts. Time to revisit these lines. (unfortunately Dalis Car is too far out there for me to enjoy! )
  6. Mick Karn. But I never had a fretless or the talent. But thought his lines on the Japan tracks were so different I had to try and play then.
  7. That's a nice looking bass. Glad to hear it's a good one. I bought a CV 70s version. Mine weighs in at 11lb, trying to get the action below 4mm caused serious fret buzz needing a lot of fret leveling and had to shim the neck and flatten the underside of the bridge saddles. However, now all the work has been done I do enjoy playing it and it's my gigging bass. At least it was a good learning curve!
  8. Those magnificent men in their flying machines. Pinky and Perky
  9. As a band we're doing this one and the drummer always plays it too fast thinking it makes it more exciting. It drives me mad! Destroys the groove completely.
  10. There's an awful lots of bad covers, but my personal hate is Diddys cover of Every Breath You Take. A travesty of a cover, destroyed any sentiment in the original.
  11. Another vote for the NUX. And if you get it, try the Mighter Amp app. Much more functionality. However not for Apple phones.
  12. Trouble is, everything sounds silly or naff to start with, even famous bands sound silly in the cold light of day. We went through 100s and I ended up using my favourite childhood game for inspiration
  13. Way back in 1984 I went to the Old Duke in Bristol to watch an R&B band that were big in Bristol at the time. Great band, great gig and towards the end of course round came the solos. The bass player would probably admit it wasn't his finest moment. I can't solo at all so I'm no one to call him out, but it was a pretty bad 12 bars. Skip forward 3 weeks and I managed to get an interview at a studio in Bristol. And who should be the owner of the studio?.... Yup, the very same bass player. I got the job and needless to say i never mentioned that solo. I did however end up doing the bands live sound and had some of the best nights ever. They were an awesome R&B band and it was a pleasure doing the sound. And he did manage to play better solos.
  14. Here comes the rain again..... 🤔 Eurythmics
  15. Sounds like they are glamping in the VIP area with proper toilets and everything. Chage them the full £300!
  16. Very good post there. Nice video. I was working in studios around this time mixing tracks with a lot of dance/remixers. Everyone and their donkey was using this loop (bIt like the DX7 in the early 80s). I struggled with a lot of this music at the time as it's not my taste. But as an in house engineer you do what you got to do. Same with house music. Where's the music? But get into a club, accept it is what it is and let it get to you and then it makes sense! 🕺
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