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Everything posted by Buddster

  1. The laughing policeman. Charles Penrose
  2. I noticed in the parade there were no Rockers or Punks. Just mods, flower power and disco.
  3. Talking of smoke machines, doing sound at a jazz/dub/freeform type thing, me and another guy were very hands-on on the desk (dub echo, mixing etc) and i turned the smoke machine on. 10 minutes later i looked up to see the whole club completely obliterated in smoke, just silhouettes of the band, the lights and this great dub music coming out. It was awesome! We didn't have fire alarms so everyone just carried on, but me and the other guy on the desk were pissing ourselves laughing.
  4. We were meant to see him at the Cardiff gig. But Ed Sheran was playing at the Principality Stadium the same night, loads of roads closed in Cardiff and a 2 hour queue on the motorway. So we bailed and went to watch the cricket instead. Can't quite tell from the comments, but we might have taken the better option.
  5. Does paying more than £400 mean i avoid getting a 'Friday afternoon' bass?
  6. Possibly the other 3, but haven worked with John Lydon briefly in the mid 80s he had more about him than a scruffy 'erbert. You didn't catch his eye for very long.
  7. Thankfully not me, but recently our lead singers dress strap broke half way through the gig, leaving her to tactfully hold it together to save a very embarrassing wardrobe malfunction. She did it very well. Needless to say a new dress was not one of my backup items!
  8. It plays guitar as well does it?
  9. Definitely Slip the sound guy £10 to roll off the bottom end (although a good un will do this anyway), £20 to accidentally knock the knob on the amp....
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