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Everything posted by Buddster

  1. Wow, that's really low compared to mine. There's no neck maple showing above the scratch plate.
  2. Oh and while I'm at it Rock'n'roll shouldn't be recorded with Dobly...... 😉
  3. Yes, I do agree. I prefer a CD, but see why people prefer vinyl. It's very easy to play devil's advocate. Vinyl has an intrinsic quality with built in nostalgia (that record companies have tapped into). I do however resent CD players for having a 'random' button. It should be disabled on the first playing. An album should be listened to in the order presented at least once.
  4. I don't agree that vinayl sounds better than cd's Yes, I'd rather hold a record sleeve than a CD case, but I'd rather listen to a CD.
  5. I've a Zoom B1 four and never really been able to get a convincing emulation of the sound on its own. Cost aside, Mark at talking bass has a good video here
  6. Same here. Our company bought it in and even the accounting dept hated it. We were an book /audio publisher and they tried to shoehorn it in and it was absolutely b@ll@cks
  7. Greased Lightenin'. Grease sound track
  8. Genuine question. For wedding covers band and the like, I'm assuming there are standard songs that expected to be played? Hence comments about hating playing these ie. You have even though you don't want to. Our covers band play songs that people know and can dance to, but we've stayed away from cliches and big bands (Queen etc). Is having your own 'style' frowned upon in these situations?
  9. The 80s rock power ballad snare drum sound is man's greatest achievement 👉😖👈
  10. .Same as Sweet Home Alabama and Free Bird. Written by guitarists to enjoy themselves to while everyone else has to stand around being board. (disclaimer, may not have been written guitarist, i have no interest)
  11. Thanks for the confirmation Stub. 👆 (pointing to my post 4 above) Looks like I made the right choice 👍
  12. Yeah. We're not a pro band, we're local gigs, so we all choose songs we like and want to play, as long as they're known and vaguely danceable. Everyone has the power of veto so if someone really doesn't like we don't play it. Can't say the 4 chord root note pop songs are exciting to play but i like the songs and it means you can look at the audience rather than the fretboard.
  13. I thought the Blackstar might be a bit under powered for what I need, so good to hear it is. The Roland bass cube is a bit too big to fit in the boot with all the other luggage, and a bit over budget, but it does look like a good buy. I do need something to be able to keep up with 'enthusiastic' guitarist sat round the table full of empty bottles of wine for the evening singsong so the pocket amp won't really work (plus I already have a NUX plug in and a Zoom B1 four for that). I already have a Peavy 15w practice amp and a Rumble 100 for small gatherings when there's mains available. So, I ended up going for the Joyo MA-10B. It's 10w and a 5" speaker so hopefully a bit more power (if lacking on features), and about the right size. Plus it's currently £29 from Thomanns. I've also purchased the Harvey Benson power pack they sell after reading on here that someone used that. Seemed a very good idea That should save in buying loads of batteries (plus I can use it for the phone). It's on it's way and I'll try to remember to report on it incase it's useful information for others.
  14. DJ remixes who take a perfectly good track and turn it into drivel with a 4 on the floor beat and crap noises just because the record company have been convinced to throw £1000's at talentless personalites who have no idea of what they are doing to sell a record.
  15. Hi Summer holidays are nearly here and I'm looking for a small amp to take away with me. It only needs to keep up with acoustic guit, cajon and drunken singing. I'm not looking to busk with it, but I guess it's the same principle. It does need to fit in with all the luggage (and comments like "and where do you think that's going to go!") so size is an important factor. Also must have aux i/p and headphones o/p. I've found these so far I like, plus loads of others. Does anyone have any views on amps they've used? Is 3w enough to keep up? Many thanks Blackstar Fly 3 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01C8PSVUU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_XF56CNQWR2QC1ZE51K2Q Laney nexus nx https://www.bonnersmusic.co.uk/products/laney-nexus-mini-bass-amp?variant=36655636414626&currency=GBP&gclid=CjwKCAjwj42UBhAAEiwACIhADtv28-xkpul76AVty7poUebk05Voh62_5DoHnmJaQTF5xBx3e5c-yBoCwHUQAvD_BwE Orange mini crush https://www.thomann.de/gb/orange_crush_mini.htm
  16. Sorry if this is common knowledge to others, but it's kind of relevant. Back in the days of CBS studios in London (70s), they used to now they had a hit if they heard the tea ladies whistling the tune of songs they were working on. These tea ladies were called the Old Greys, and that's where the TV show got it's name from.
  17. we have used the best conductors and what we consider the best XLR plugs and added our own magic ingrediants to offer a superb cable, able to compete with the big brands. 🤣🤣🤣 However, I do need new a new mains cable for £700.
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