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Everything posted by Buddster

  1. Doh! 🤦. Boiled Linseed, that's what I meant.
  2. I've re done a maple neck i sanded back with Burnt Linseed oil to create that effect. Worked really well. The more layers you add the more the effect. Make sure each layer is dry first though. The more layers the longer the drying time. Gave a really nice feel to play with.
  3. Love Shack. B52's. It just go round and round and round, which means i can dance to it without concentrating too much. Pump it up. Elvis Costello. September, EWF
  4. Because Jaco didn't (did he?? I have no idea 😊)
  5. Puff, the magic dragon. Peter, Paul and Mary
  6. I have a little story to tell, if you'll let me. When this was first posted for sale here, like all the comments, I just thought it was a gorgeous bass, but never attainable. Fast forward to the Bristol Guitar Show and Robin did indeed bring this along (with other beautiful guitars he'd made) to his stand. He was generous enough to let people have a play. And sure enough it was just lovely. However, at the time I didn't realise it was the same bass, and misread the thinking it was £2000. Now, normally this wouldn't even be a consideration for purchase, but my mother has just passed away and there was a small amount of money left. And so, thinking it was £2000 and there was just enough justification to buy it, headed back to Robins stand to show my brother, card in hand ready to retry and purchase. Only to reread the ticket at the correct price. Oh bugger. That was too much and the dream was cut short. So close. Fade to black. I thought, I'd just compare the one here for sale to the one at the guitar show, and low and behold, it was the same one! I hadn't realised. I forwarded a link to my brother (who understands these things) just to say I'd already coveted this bass. Fade up to a few hours ago. We have few things to sort out regards my mums passing, so a trip over to my brothers was arranged. Little did i know that this was a cover story, and as i walked into the lounge, there on the table was the bass. Also standing there was Robin who had personality driven down (and also to see the look on my face no doubt!). My brother had contacted him and arranged for him to bring it over. He'd also made up the difference from what I was prepared to pay from his share of mums money. Can't tell you how stunned I was. It's as sexy as it looks in the photos. Robin has done a great setup on it and it plays and sounds fantastic. Sorry for the long post, but I had to share the story. I'm still a little stunned tbh. And thank you again Robin. It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you so much for driving it over. I'm bloody chuffed!
  7. Like the OP, i bounced between a cassette player and a reel to reel back in 84. I made a reverb unit from a metal tool box with a speaker one end and a mic the other. To change the sound, I'd turn the mic around.
  8. That is my all time most disliked song, purely for the stupid lyrics
  9. I tried it. I liked it. I still couldn't afford it 😔 It was very playable, thanks for the pleasure of letting me play it.
  10. Deja Vu. Crossby, Stills, Nash and Young
  11. Does your chewing gum loose its flavour (on the bedpost overnight) Lonnie Donegan
  12. I think what the OP has explained is very out of order, and right to be annoyed. We're a 4 piece, we all work, so any money we make from a gig goes towards a curry night the week after instead of a rehearsal. A good way to talk over the gig.
  13. Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport... Are we allowed to say this now?
  14. The bells of Notri Dame. As above (you just beat me to it)
  15. Sounds similar to Lost in Music. But yes, great tone
  16. MORNING CRESCENT!! Oops, sorry, wrong game Hot Water. Mr Kings right thump
  17. I did the same, but used cable ties. Thanks for saving me typing all that.
  18. So long, fairwell. The Von Traps featuring Maria
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