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Everything posted by jd56hawk

  1. Some serious Sesame Street vibe!
  2. Looks like a magazine file box. Might come in handy.
  3. This might work. Gator Cases Pro-Go Ultimate Guitar Gig Bag; Fits 335 Semi Hollow or Flying V Style Guitars (G-PG-335V) Unlike some others, this one actually has proper padding.
  4. Too bad most companies find it too much trouble to do this.
  5. The LB-100, of course. It's G&L's answer to the Fender P bass. The SB-2 is a completely different bass. It doesn't have a vintage P-bass pickup. Even without the bridge pickup it can't be considered a traditional P bass.
  6. Definitely. I change strings the minute a new bass is delivered.
  7. Yes. I'm guessing the neck profile is different than the Fender and some people don't like the finish...I've heard people complain it's too plastic, but I was impressed with everything, other than the strings. The price is definitely right.
  8. Funny thing is, I'm considering buying this!
  9. Fender Vintera P bass. Best-looking bass in the store the day I tried it out. Played it for a nearly half an hour I have to say the tone was everything you'd want from a P bass..but it just didn't work for me. Wasn't actually a comfort issue, wasn't simply the neck, it was something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Really wanted to buy one, but I guess they're just not for me...it might be perfect for you, though. Not sure about the new MIJ Fender basses, but they used to be the best. As for the Player basses, sorry, no way.
  10. One of the few basses I'd actually buy...but $1,899 is just too much. Other than that, I only see white on the Godin page.
  11. Peavey and Dean Markley once used brown silk on their bass strings.
  12. New roundwounds don't sound anything like new flatwounds or tapewounds...in other words, they're not old right out of the pack and when they start going dead, they don't really sound the same as a good set of flats or tapewounds. Many bassists get rid of their roundwounds after they start losing their zing. They want that roundwound sound so they buy 𝘯𝘦𝘸 roundwounds. Roundwounds don't feel as smooth, not even close. Even some flatwounds/tapewounds feel better than others. One more thing, roundwounds don't look this good.
  13. I used to be big on flatwounds but I went with black tapewounds on both of these...GHS on the left, D'Addario on the right. I have the GHS strings on six basses and D'Addario on three. The GHS black tapewounds are exceptional.
  14. Yes, definitely yellow with a black pickguard.
  15. Looks good with black hardware. (For a second there, looked like black strings, too.)
  16. You might want to try something like this
  17. Nowhere near the volume of an acoustic bass...louder than an unamped P bass, sure, but not loud enough to hear if you're trying to learn bass lines from an ipod played through something like this.
  18. Just read on Talkbass that it's a $10 chorus pedal he bought before the show...Alvarez acoustic. (My Boss Dual Cube has chorus...I'm going to see how it sounds with my Exotica later today.) Alice In Chains' Mike Inez: "Picking very hard is part of my tone secret - I attribute that to Zakk Wylde!"
  19. Yes, but I'm guessing he might find the need to plug in, occasionally.
  20. Hold on, let me check. Hmm, he was asking about 𝘒𝘀𝘰𝘢𝘴𝘡π˜ͺ𝘀 basses, and it's really quite simple an acoustic bass sounds great plugged in, furthermore, feedback π˜ͺ𝘴𝘯'𝘡 an issue for many. Listen to the MTV Unplugged Alice In Chains show and point out where feedback was a problem. Now, as far as opinions go, some are simply more helpful than others. Plenty of people say P basses are one-trick ponies. Fact? No. Just a mere opinion that doesn't contribute to the conversation. So it isn't "don't listen to them, listen to me." It's "don't listen to the few, listen to the many!" As for hollow-body or semi hollow-body basses, I have an Epiphone Jack Casady and an Italia Imola, both sound great plugged in but they're nowhere loud enough unplugged and simply can't compete with an acoustic bass.
  21. I've been using GHS and D'Addario black tapewounds for nearly a decade with no issues. I don't use a mere guitar pick, though.
  22. Always nice to have a battery-powered amp, for those times you can't plug in.
  23. I'd never use a sound-hole pickup. The piezo is what gives this its tone. (Not to mention, my Exotica is more versatile than many solid-body basses.) As for those "They're only good for playing on your couch" remarks, not if you take the MTV Unplugged approach...plug in! By the way, feedback is a non-issue with a sound-hole plug. I've been playing mine for eight years. The only time feedback is a problem is when I take it off and lean it up against the amp or put it in its stand.
  24. i have it in my cart at Reverb. It really comes alive when the light hits it. https://youtu.be/TWNK__dNohM
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