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Everything posted by jd56hawk

  1. No need spending big bucks when these are available for $300 or so used...I'm talking the older models with the superior Aphex System electronics, Aural Exciter with Big-Bottom Sound. Not another bass made with the Aphex System! When it comes to solid-body basses, there are quite a few I can recommend, but when it comes to acoustic basses, even though I've tried out more than most people, I simply cannot recommend anything else. (By the way, I own two and wouldn't trade either one for a Martin, Guild, Warwick, etc...D'Addario black tapewounds on both.) Headphones are recommended. Good luck, and whatever you do, don't listen to the detractors and their "Acoustic basses are useless " bs. That's been proven wrong time after time after time.
  2. That's why it pays to check out Reverend.
  3. ...but this isn't just another FSO.
  4. Yes, Andy 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 likes the Dub King and the Thundergun...half a dozen videos.
  5. It sounds every bit as good as the Reverend Thundergun...some of the best stock pickups and electronics made, right up there with my G&L L2000s.
  6. I own two Squier Jazz basses, one very good, one even better...a Contemporary Active Jazz and a Crafted In China Classic Vibe. I bought both of them because they look better than most of the similar Fender Jazz basses. I had a CIC CV years ago, so I was well aware they're better than the Fender MIM Standard/Player Jazz basses, but I had no idea how much I'd like the CA Jazz, not being a fan of active Fenders. Turned out to be pleasantly surprised. Maybe the active electronics simply work best with my GHS black tapewounds. Other than that, Squier is definitely getting the attention they deserve. Are they all good, no, but the same can be said for many basses.
  7. https://reverendguitars.com/basses/linh-le-signature-lil-linhbacker/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
  8. I'm guessing no Thunderguns?
  9. The L2000 has passive and active options...you didn't like either mode?
  10. You should've kept the L2000. Active and passive, no need to change the pickups...they might be the best stock pickups made.
  11. I think I saw two bad examples...and I've seen another two in person that looked fine. Possibilities do exist, of course, among both Squier and Fender.
  12. Best surf-band bass of them all!
  13. https://fb.watch/jdBdSTxael/ https://youtube.com/shorts/71N62pZoHbQ?feature=share
  14. On Talkbass and Facebook more bassists rave about the '50s CV Precision than any similar Fender. Must be some reason.
  15. Thanks for reminding me. Watched it just a few weeks ago and didn't remember.
  16. I'd try one if I found it on my front porch tomorrow. Sure, I wouldn't keep it, but...
  17. Different enough that the two can't be confused, at least.
  18. Quite a few good basses, but you don't want good, you want great, right? Dare to be different! Reverend Thundergun, one of the best-kept secrets in the bass world...it's a super P bass.
  19. First time I ever saw a Thunderbird was in a pop band....1965! https://youtu.be/FFNoDsOmluA
  20. Not a big fan of Greyburst but I'll try one out as soon as they start showing up.
  21. My favorite...Fender should have used this headstock on the Meteora basses.
  22. I like the headstock.
  23. I like the slots cut into the pickguard!
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