I wouldn't buy anything from AliExpress even if Paul McCartney recommended it.
The Ampeg Dan Armstrong bassses are okay, but they were never really something special when it comes to playability and tone.
Greco made a decent copy for people who simply must have a Lucite bass...almost bought one until I realized even $700 could buy me a much better bass.
Used mine for rehearsal Saturday.
No comfort issues whatsoever...played for about an hour and a half...despite forgetting to put on the terrycloth wrist band I'd bought.
I've known about this bass for ten years but only recently tried one out...what a pleasant surprise.
I'd look elsewhere.
I like USA Hillsboros but can't justify spending $1,000 plus for one, and I'm a Dean fan...I have two Dean Exotica acoustic basses and have owned several other Deans in the past.
Basses you have stored in a closet or wherever, as opposed to something sitting in a stand ready to go.
(I always have a couple basses at hand.)
Plugged-in tone is hard to beat...more versatile than many solid-body basses.
I know exactly what you mean.
Started playing bass 10 years ago.
Wanted one of these the first time I saw it on ebay.
Finally bought one last year on just because I liked the way it looked.
Didn't have the opportunity to try it out, found it on Reverb, but I had a feeling it was going to sound better than it looked.
The O bass art deco pickguard sets it apart from every other LP-shaped bass.
Here's an example of poor pickguard design.
On the left we have the glaringly bad "Let's put some thought into the top half but cut off the bottom because we can't come up with anything better" Telecaster.
On the right we have an example with more thought put into it.
You're not talking about another same old, same old, are you?
Dare to be different!
Reverend Thundergun.
One of the best-kept secrets in the bass world.
Passive, pure and potent!
You won't find a better bass for the money.
I finally had the chance to play one a few weeks ago.
I didn't expect anything special, but I was wrong.
Tried one out for about 20 minutes.
Enjoyed the pure passive tone so much that I forgot to switch to active!