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Everything posted by jd56hawk

  1. $900 Italia Imola for $425. $2,000 G&L for $1,350. Both mint...another way of saying better than new. Just two of the nine basses I bought from Reverb...every single one better than most of the stuff I see at Sweetwater, AMS, Zzounds, Guitar Center, Sam Ash, etc. Other than that, I see great deals all the time...can't even begin to count them. (Just did an extensive search...no one else has either bass for sale, not even for the inflated prices so many sellers are demanding these days.)
  2. Just remembered...Sterling makes some very nice short-scale basses.
  3. More young girls seem to play the Ibanez Mikro than any other bass
  4. And just in case the 18-Volt active preamp isn't enough for blasting off to deep space...
  5. Squier, once more showing Fender it isn't all about black, white, 2-color sunburst, 3-color sunburst and 27 other various bursts. Other than that, I'm well aware that different lighting can change what a color looks like, but the Squier Capri Orange definitely looks better than the Fender finish...richer, bolder.
  6. Big difference between PayPal and Affirm...really big.
  7. Didn't help this one. Of course, the fact that Fender decided to name it after a mobile scooter for senior citizens didn't help...neither did being available in only one finish.
  8. Yes, the Starcaster headstock is clearly the best choice.
  9. UK seller doesn't use Affirm or this one would be mine!
  10. Obviously, you do...not to mention four or five others who replied instead of scrolling by.
  11. I'll say better than any Player series basses. As for the MIMs that cost $1,000 plus, I sure hope Fender makes good basses in that price bracket...and I've recommended the Vintera P basses several times before...but they're simply not for me.
  12. With one notable exception. Actually several...they're prices better and look better, and the CV sounds better than any MIM I've ever played.
  13. Key word...Squier.
  14. I will not buy Musicman basses. I will not buy Fender basses. No one's been able to provide a compelling reason why I should.
  15. $2,300 plus for the Snowy Night. $900 and less for the Neptune Blue. Haven't found any used Musicman basses in Snowy Night. The Neptune Blue looks better in person. The Snowy Night...not quite.
  16. More versatile than most solid-body basses...yes, plugged in, just like a Precision or a Jazz or a Stingray, etc. https://youtu.be/ZUIKUAYND6E (Headphones or earbuds are recommended.)
  17. True enough. I own neither. That's why when I went shopping Friday, I tried both based simply on how they play and sounded...both look great...and there was absolutely no difference between the two other than the price.
  18. Nothing wrong with Musicman basses other than the price. Seriously, this will get you there...I doubt if one in fifty bassists would know it wasn't the real deal. I played one today, after playing its big brother yesterday, and I'm damned glad I didn't buy the MM!
  19. The new Squier Precision and Jazz basses are getting good reviews. I have to imagine these will, too.
  20. Pretty much the same bass. Only difference is the matching headstock. Although it isn't Tidepool, it's Firemist Silver. With the case, it's a no-brainer at that price. One of the only Fender Roadworns I like.
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