I still have my doubts, but I do like the shape...definitely different.
As for active, I have to agree. Why, Fender, why?
Some people are saying these are the same pickups they used for the American Deluxe Dimension basses, even though they don't quite look the same, but I haven't heard anything about the Meteoras being 18 volt.
Regardless, the Dimensions weren't exactly successful, so if these basses do come out, will they sell and stick around or will they disappear soon?
Are they going to be limited edition basses?
Other than that, is Fender actually hoping bassists will buy them because they like the way they look?
That didn't work with the Meteora guitars.
I wont be buying one, maybe I would if they were passive, but probably not, because I'm more than happy with this slightly different look.
Reverend Thundergun...passive, pure and powerful...and I'm betting the Meteoras simply won't sound as good.