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Everything posted by jd56hawk

  1. My brother's first bass.
  2. Exactly. All anyone needs to do is look here, on Talkbass and any of the countless bass boards on Facebook...post after post after post where people show off their new basses and people reply "Wow, that looks great!" I have twelve basses and every, single one I own, I bought because it looked good. I can't remember ever seeing anyone saying "Hey, my bass is as ugly as sin, but it sure sounds good!" When I walk into a music store and something catches my eye, I pick it up, plug it in, and take it from there, and when I see something special hanging up amid a bunch of humdrum Fender Player basses, no way I'm even giving the Fenders more than a cursory glance.
  3. Does that mean Squier is going to start making them again at the end of the year?
  4. Maybe not, but people are buying them for $600 on this side of the Atlantic.
  5. Seriously cool look. If I see one this nice at Guitar Center or Sam Ash, I'm jumping on it!
  6. Still at Guitar Center here for $389.99, but sellers are listing them for $599.99 on Reverb.
  7. Fender hasn't had any in stock for a month or so, unless they had a return. They 40th-Anniversary basses are out of production.
  8. In stock within 1 to 2 weeks? Are they expecting a return from a dissatisfied customer?
  9. Wasn't sure about using them on a through-body bridge, but they seem fine. Wasn't sure about the case, either...didn't actually weigh it, but thanks for letting me know.
  10. It only weighs 11 pounds! Seriously, though, if it leaves the house, it will be in my Gruvgear Gigblade gig bag. The Peavey case isn't exactly light!
  11. Forty years old and it's still going strong! Low action, very nice frets, maybe a mark here or there on the finish. Nice case, too. This is what happens when you take care of your bass.
  12. I play my 40th-Anniversary Vintage Jazz more than my $2,000 L2000s, my Reverend Thundergun, and my Epiphone Jack Casady bass. Bought it for $269.99, not because it was on sale, but because it was one of the best basses in the store that day, definitely better than the Fender Player basses hanging up right next to it. Knowing what I know now, I'd have no problem buying one for the full price. As for other people supposedly buying them because they were afraid they'd miss out on a bargain, you might be right but I have yet to hear from anyone that would pass up a good bargain when they see it only to buy a similar bass for twice the price simply because it said Fender on the headstock instead of Squier. Other than that, how many sellers are asking £389 for them? I thought they were unavailable in brick-and-mortar stores other than Guitar Center.
  13. Some people bought them for $600 when they first came out.
  14. The Peach Jazz is very nice. (Sorry, wouldn't play the relic'd one if I found it sitting on my porch.)
  15. Too cool, always was one of the most interesting designs and it's a totally killer color. Wish I could find one hanging up somewhere so I could try it out. (Sure, It might be hard waiting until Christmas, but that's something worth waiting for. If someone bought it for me and told me I had to wait until the first day of spring, I'd be up for the challenge.)
  16. Hey, why no Ric copy? Sure, they can't make an exact copy, but they can make their version of the Chowny Retrovibe Vantage.
  17. Still in production, they're the bestselling semi-hollow body basses the bass world, and for some very good reasons...great price, great looks and incredible tone!
  18. Anyone thinking about buying one, now's the time.
  19. I should've bought one of these when I had the chance, but I'm not a short-scale guy.
  20. Buying a beginner bass...the least expensive you can find, middle of the pack, or $1,500 and up...Fender, MusicMan, Rickenbacker, Ibanez, Warwick or whatever? Sure, playability, tone and build quality are important, but do you base your purchase on looks? (I'm guessing most do.) Definitely more quality "cheap" basses available now than ever before, but some people might like to buy a topnotch bass, especially if they're serious, instead of upgrading later. I think the most important thing is to buy something you can really bond with. (Nothing worse for a beginner than to buy the wrong bass and give up in frustration a few months down the line.)
  21. I was aware of the company for years, but you simply don't see them hanging up here in the USA at Guitar Center or Sam Ash, so they were simply not on my radar. Then, three years ago I went to Russo Music, a local shop, to pick up a Thunderbird I had on layaway. Shop was very busy, so I took a look around, saw a Thundergun and thought to myself, "Wow, this thing looks too cool!" Grabbed it and plugged it in and knew within five minutes that it was coming home with me...the Thunderbird didn’t.
  22. Every time you see a Reverend bass hanging up at this or that music store, you can bet it's one of the best basses there.
  23. You answered your own question...get a new bass. Seriously, we're not talking about anything special here, doesn't matter if the Weston sounds good, it's not worth the price...sorry, but I wouldn't pay $50 for it if I saw it at a yard sale, especially since so many better basses are available and there are more holiday sales than I've ever seen before.
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