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Everything posted by jd56hawk

  1. You'd rather by a fake than something like this Sterling that blows a mere copy out of the water? I'm guessing OLP doesn't cut it, either.
  2. Never had any desire for a Gibson after I played the Epiphone 60s Thunderbird...might just be the perfect T-bird. Even so, when it came right down to it, I had to let it go. It was either Thunderbird or Thundergun and the Reverend was just a little bit better.
  3. Have you tried it through an amp? Other than that, this Tascam bass trainer?
  4. I've done it in the past, believe it or not, on a neck with binding. Started the job with a cuticle trimmer, finished it with a fret-edge file.
  5. Both are custom...the mirror one is from Quick Guards and the abalone was made by a local guitar shop...a copy of a Reverend Thundergun pickguard, slightly cut down at the top.
  6. Doesn't get much better than the L2000.
  7. Like this? No. Sold online.
  8. Window insulation foam and felt. I use color for the top and black on the bottom so the rubber doesn't stick to the finish.
  9. Have to agree. Tried quite a few Player basses, but I've always thought the quality simply doesn't justify the price. Especially now, compared to the 40th Anniversary Squier basses. This one's right up there with the Vintera basses. Could've bought a Vintera, could've bought two...but I didn't. Bought the Vintage Precision and the Jazz. As for going active, not for what you're planning.
  10. If you do go with tapewounds, just remember to bend before cutting.
  11. Rumblekats are very nice basses and that's a problem I believe is probably something simple like strings, or maybe pickup height. Other than that, I'd recommend black tapewounds. As for using a guitar amp? Okay in a pinch, but doesn't your bass deserves something better?
  12. Window insulation foam and felt.
  13. I contacted them and suggested they change the name to String Strangler but they never got back to me.
  14. I like mine so much I bought the Jazz bass the very next day.
  15. Always wanted a Sterling but I simply wasn't happy about paying less than $1,000.
  16. Wasn't the Jazz bass out of stock a few weeks ago? https://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_sq_40th_jazz_bass_sfg.htm?fbclid=IwAR3uZl-Tgd7YnewYaUbQGuHHdLD3m39cFthkVdMnN60FkOGTsdo11FCIemQ
  17. Adjustable pole pieces come in handy, too.
  18. Truly noiseless, very potent...and you're right, they look great in all three colors.
  19. Dimarzio Relentless pickups, definitely something extra. Smooth playing Jazz bass is now a heavy hitter.
  20. We're not talking about defacing the Mona Lisa here, we're talking about a simple mod on a Fender MIM bass. People mod Fenders more than any other bass, and you can always go back to the original pickups if you want to. When I was considering swapping pickups on my Squier 40th-Anniversary Vintage Jazz bass, you wouldn't believe how many people told me not to do it, even though I also have a Classic Vibe and several other Jazz basses, all completely stock.
  21. Dimarzio Relentless jazz pickups.
  22. Definitely shouldn't have left the factory like that, and if it did, definitely should've been noted by someone at the shop. Other than that, if it plays and sounds good and you can get some cash back, you might not want to gamble on a replacement. One of the few really cool Fenders being made today!
  23. Nice basses, but I think they're overpriced, and I can't see myself paying that much with so many better basses available.
  24. Instead of a piezo?
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