I feel I'm among understanding friends here, so thought I would share a confession I have about my 2013 Musicman Stingray HH.
It is, without doubt, a fine and well crafted instrument with a great tonal range and a fantastic neck. The action will sit as low as I want and it is no effort to play. A wide strap compensates for the weight and with the TI flats I have on at the moment it sounds great.
In short, it is the best bass I have ever owned and I like it - a lot. But (this is the confession bit) I don't LOVE it. Feels almost sacrilegious to say this but I've had her for 2 years now and play every day.
I don't know what it is, but I don't feel as free on the fingerboard as I do with other basses. It might be something to do with how the bass sits on me. It feels maybe a little too biased to the right. The neck is amazing, but altogether it just seems to lack that rubbery funky freedom (that's the best I can do) I've had on other basses. For precision, tone, quality and looks (sunburst with tort pickguard) for that matter I can't fault it. I'm just finding it a little..... sterile?
I just wondered if others have had a similar experience with Stingrays. I played a Stingray 5 recently, and that seemed to sit differently against the body.
I'd be really interested to hear your experience of this amazing bass that I seem to be surprisingly ambivalent about.
It can't be just me? Can it (Janet)?