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Huw Foster

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Everything posted by Huw Foster

  1. Photos: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/huwberry/6188448673/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/huwberry/6188450427/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/huwberry/6188972012/"][/url] More [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/huwberry/sets/72157627764998738/"][b]here[/b][/url]
  2. Everyone must be familiar with this cab. Although I've had it for 2 years it's hardly been used - in the last 18 months I've used it at occasional jazz gigs and one recording session. It works perfectly and is in great cosmetic condition - only minor scuffs on the plastic edges and a tiny chip on the grill (shown in close-up in one of the photos). [b]SOLD.[/b] Cheers! Huw
  3. Yeah it's one of the older models. Thanks for offering to look at it - if I'm stuck for solutions I wouldn't mind sending it your way. I also gig up north fairly often so if it works logistically a meet-up wouldn't be out of the question!
  4. Hey there, hope the title sums it up - my Electro-Harmonix Bass Micro Synth is playing up (as all EHX pedals seem to eventually). I'd like to maybe couple this with some modification, like having the LED indicate that the effect is on, and not just the unit itself. Can anyone recommend a shop or tech in/around London? I'm currently in SW, just in Surrey near Surbiton, Kingston etc but central London or elsewhere is fine. The problem in brief is this: the filter sweep is very temperamental. Most of the time it works, but for reasons unknown it often gets 'stuck' on whatever the start frequency is set at. I have discovered that giving the top panel a 'tap' (read: punch if I'm really frustrated) in the right place gets it working again, albeit for the short term. However, this is hardly good practice and I'd really like to have it back to full strength. Incidentally, I took it to CCGX in Hampton Wick a while back and explained the problem. They left it with their tech and it came back to me with no apparent defect. I tried it out in the shop and it seemed to work ok (albeit with a guitar - I think the tracking from an active bass accentuates the problem). Not long after that the filter sweep problem became apparent on gigs again. Any help is greatly appreciated - I really would like to get it seen to though. I should also mention that I've tried adjusting the trim pot on the underside to no effect.
  5. [url="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlat5a_steely-dan-peg-live-bass-playalong-by-huw-foster_music"]http://www.dailymoti...uw-foster_music[/url] Peg by Steely Dan, from the Alive in America album. Hmph. YouToob didn't like this one - WMG has blocked all of its content worldwide. Oh well, can't really complain. It's on Dailymotion now.
  6. Thanks Skol! We should be gigging by late October/early November hopefully. In the meantime, here's a bit of Thom doing a solo cover on youtoob: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wr-QWp7w9c&feature=player_embedded
  7. Thanks! There's a promo video for 'O, Constellations' in development right now...
  8. Just gon' give this a little bump....
  9. I recorded bass for this at Snap Studios back in June. I used my Precision on all tracks, running it simultaneously into a Little Mark II/Aguilar GS112, and a 1968 Ampeg Portaflex. Please check it out at [url="http://www.thomcross.com"]thomcross.com[/url], where you can also find all the credits. Mine also include vibraphone and glockenspiel, for some reason. I'd love to hear some opinions! Cheers, Huw
  10. Hi all, Just a quick post to say my function band [url="http://www.thewhitekeys.com"]The White Keys[/url] is doing a showcase at [url="http://www.doverstreet.co.uk/"]Dover Street Jazz Club[/url] [b]this Wednesday[/b] (24th August). Entry is free if you arrive before 10pm (after which there's a hefty £10 door charge, so getting there early is recommended), and we'll be kicking off at 10:15pm, with the second set to start after midnight. We do funk, soul, pop etc. The band is comprised of 3 singers, a 3 piece horn section, 2 guitars, keys, bass and drums (and we haven't yet worked out how to fit onto the tiny stage). The musicianship is at a high level throughout the band, if I may say so myself. I know it's last minute, but let me know if you're coming down, and come say hi etc. I'll be the blond one with glasses, too many basses (I'll be playing a combination of my Precision and my Stingray, just because I can) and I'll be trying out my new Vanderkley cabs for the first time. Hope to see you there! Huw
  11. [quote name='icastle' post='1341010' date='Aug 15 2011, 07:08 PM']Either will do the job with no difference. I tend not to daisy chain because if the first lead should fail you won't get a signal to either cab.[/quote] Brilliant, just what I was after, with a good tip thrown in. Thanks a bunch!!
  12. Hi there, A really quick question for you - is there a right/wrong way to connect a Little Mark II to two speaker cabinets? I've never actually done it before. I've just received two 1x12s, each with two speakon inputs. Can I daisy-chain them, or do I use both of the outputs from the amp? Or can I do either? It's a really stupid question I know, but I just want to make sure I'm not going to blow anything up doing either of these things. Cheers! Huw
  13. Been quiet for a while on the videos front (read: OBSCENELY busy everywhere else). However, today I thought I'd put a bit of foam under the strings of my Precision and give this tune a go: Bubinga5 requested it AAAAAGES ago, so there you go mate!
  14. Sorry for the delay in getting back to y'all - was really busy yesterday. It's now sold to phil.i.stein.
  15. Pics: [attachment=81085:photo.JPG][attachment=81086:photo_1.JPG][attachment=81088:photo_3.JPG]
  16. I bought this last July off Robin UK. It's a gated fuzz, which I intended to use in the FX loop of my Q-Tron+. I think I used it for one gig, after which it went back in the box. That's no reflection on the quality at all - it just didn't really gel with my function band's sound. Because it is a bit bonkers. Details here: [url="http://www.deviever.com/fx/bigfuzz/bit-the-legend-of-fuzz/"]http://www.deviever.com/fx/bigfuzz/bit-the-legend-of-fuzz/[/url] I'd prefer a sale as I need to generate funds for various reasons, but if you offer something I like in terms of a trade I might consider it. I'd quite like a distortion pedal that can dial in a bit of dirt without sounding like a hive of bees *cough*unlike a certain OBD-3*cough*. Something smooth and subtle, if that makes sense? Anyway. That's pure speculation. I would prefer a sale, and, considering its been used only once and is in the same condition as when I bought it, I'd like to sell it for the same price: [b]£65[/b] plus postage. Photos to follow soon. Ta! Huw
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1213489' date='Apr 28 2011, 08:20 AM']I enjoyed that - what synth pedal are you using?[/quote] Cheers! It's an EHX Micro Synth, with an OC-2 before it in the signal chain.
  18. [quote name='razze06' post='1211524' date='Apr 26 2011, 11:00 AM']BTW I'm quite envious that you're allowed to play with effects and stuff. I wasn't even allowed a little envelope filter in our funkier covers...[/quote] Really? That's a shame. Seems like some of your fellow bandmates need their ears checked!
  19. A Focusrite Saffire 6 like mine might do the trick!
  20. So the drummer from my covers band ([url="http://www.thewhitekeys.co.uk/"]The White Keys[/url]) decided to record last Saturday's gig (a wedding, like most of them), simply as an aid to any potential deps. It was a combination of the output from the desk and a room mic (affixed to a lamp on the opposite wall), recorded via a USB interface into Logic. After some (heavy) compression, the end result is actually not that bad! Obviously the levels are a bit off here and there (there's LOADS of synth bass; I don't think that's necessarily a problem), but that was to be expected. Here's a sample he sent out - the two tunes are 'Ain't Nobody' (Chaka Khan) and 'I Wish' (Stevie Wonder, although he insists on referring to it as Wild Wild West, probably just to annoy me): [url="http://www.4shared.com/audio/q-XIIpaW/Aint_Nobody-Wild_Wild_West.html"]http://www.4shared.com/audio/q-XIIpaW/Aint..._Wild_West.html[/url] P.S. The outro of the second tune cuts out early as Logic screwed up. An all too familiar occurrence to anyone else who uses it, I'm sure. P.P.S. I know I overplay the synth bass stuff (a combination of my OC-2 and Micro Synth) - probably as the novelty of those effects hasn't worn off yet. Also, please excuse the couple of occasions I slip out of the pocket, and the odd bum note. I blame this on lack of 'proper' recent practice, at least on my part! As with most gigs in this band I used my '50s Precision, through a Little Mark II and an Aguilar GS212.
  21. After reading that sales pitch does anyone else immediately want one, or am I too impressionable?
  22. Such terrible news. Their new album has only just been released, and it's ace.
  23. Since recording this video it has become apparent that I have a special gurn reserved just for playing with a plectrum. I think it's my concentrating face. Damn plectrums.
  24. I've only had an off the shelf pedal case from them, but it's sturdy as anything, reasonably priced and was delivered swiftly.
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