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Huw Foster

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Everything posted by Huw Foster

  1. [quote name='woaheasylang' post='1105817' date='Jan 28 2011, 03:39 AM']my first post here.. im a bassist from the philippines but i hope i am welcome here in this very informative forum.. sorry for the bad quality of the recording as i use only my cellphone and am also not very knowledgeble on getting clear ones.. just some random bass doodles: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkMR3rXHXMg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkMR3rXHXMg[/url][/quote] I love Hiromi. That tune is beautiful. Very expressive playing too!
  2. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1097615' date='Jan 21 2011, 02:53 PM']Pleece x-gooze my rage at 4:00 to 4:18^^[/quote] What do you mean? I want more rage!! MOAAAAR! Ace tone too.
  3. [quote name='ben604' post='1095269' date='Jan 19 2011, 03:24 PM'] [/quote] I really enjoyed that! Can't go wrong with a bit of Fleetwood Mac. Great vibe, solid performance.
  4. You could avoid getting annoyed by just assuming they all mean short hand for (bass) guitar? Or am I being too optimistic?
  5. [quote name='lojo' post='1092707' date='Jan 17 2011, 04:34 PM']I've posted my admiration for your playing before, but now i am wondering what your recording method is for these clips, the mix of your bass over the tune is good, but I still cant believe how great the tone of your bass is just coming through my standard Mac speakers, most clips on you tube don't have a tone like that[/quote] [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1092726' date='Jan 17 2011, 04:49 PM']From his YT page "I use a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB interface, running into Logic Pro. The video is done in iMovie. The whole thing is done on my crappy old MacBook Pro"[/quote] I also add a bit of compression, and I EQ the bass (and sometimes the track) ever so slightly - usually to eradicate any boominess. If that's a word. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1092726' date='Jan 17 2011, 04:49 PM']but i have a feeling its all in the fingers.[/quote] And that would be my short answer.
  6. I watched this twice through just now. His hair, facial expressions and general demeanour leave me feeling a sort of muted rage. I mean, what a douchebag. BUT, I concede... that's definitely a room full of talented people. Tasteless (at times), and the head of the tune itself was a bit lame in my opinion, but I couldn't fault the solos.
  7. Try as I might, I couldn't get the audio to stay in sync. Oh well, enjoy!!
  8. Something Jazz Bass-like. Maybe something a bit different from the average Jazz, without breaking the bank too much (tried a Jaguar a while back, wouldn't mind one of them with a few mods). Open to ideas!
  9. Ha! I didn't know I had any licks to steal. Go ahead, take them! Apart from vague physical similarities (glasses, facial hair, receding hairline? Possible Scandinavian lineage!??!), I'm flattered to be even mentioned in the same breath as Marlowe. The man is a legend of YouTube, whose work I cannot fault. By comparison my playing is sloppy and I butcher my way through the odd cover. I got my first bass 10 years ago as of tomorrow (was in New York for Christmas, it was a very basic Ibanez from Manny's). It was nearly as big as me at the time, and somewhere there exists a cringeworthy picture of me with said bass.
  10. You guys are too kind, really! Bubinga, if I remember correctly you said I had 'groove with flair'? I might have to use that as an official testimonial one day, haha.
  11. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1068212' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:27 PM']One question. What basic equipment is needed to put ur bass laying into the computer etc?[/quote] You typically need some sort of audio interface - there's plenty of USB ones which start off fairly inexpensive. For example, I have one of [url="http://www.focusrite.com/products/saffire/saffire_6_usb"]these[/url], but there are loads of options. The other thing you need is some software for recording - this ranges from the simplest (Audacity, Garageband etc), to the more advanced (Logic, ProTools, Cubase etc). Apologies if you already know this, just wanted to cover all bases. For a more advanced guide to making YouTube videos, urb has written [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=87414"]this very informative post[/url]. Hope that helps you out!
  12. [quote name='birdy' post='1067906' date='Dec 23 2010, 04:28 PM']Sounds great!! Lovely tone and feel.[/quote] [quote name='lojo' post='1068167' date='Dec 23 2010, 07:55 PM']Yep, Huwberry, ive enjoyed your clips on this thread, they always feature great playing to great song choices[/quote] Ah cheers guys! I'm my harshest critic, so I half-expect some nitpicking (at the least!) when I post my videos, but the response I get always seems mostly positive! I really appreciate the kind words.
  13. A couple of mistakes, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it:
  14. [quote name='yorick' post='1025981' date='Nov 16 2010, 03:41 PM']This is probably your best bet.... [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/products/productdetails.aspx?p=940&c=329"]http://www.roland.co.uk/products/productde...p=940&c=329[/url][/quote] I knew this was mentioned somewhere in this thread. That's the one, thanks for bringing my attention to it!
  15. Hi guys, thanks for all the suggestions! As is typical, I made this thread and half-forgot about it. I did check back before I made a decision though, so it was somewhat informed! I went out today and bought one. In the end I got a Roland Micro Cube Bass RX. I paid £170 for it. Only one channel, but in the end I realised that's not essential - the singer could get something similar (and probably cheaper) and it would be less battery-intensive overall. The effects, while not amazing, are great fun and a good bonus addition. As I'm planning on solo bass and vocals (maybe with a cajon player when possible), I need to be able to turn up the 'talent' (read: delay) when required. Thanks again for the suggestions, they were really helpful! I'll be sure to keep y'all updated with our progress if it turns into something half-decent. Or even if not. Huw
  16. I'm currently working on getting a busking duo together - electric bass (me) and a female vocalist (obviously not me). Will possibly add a drummer if we need one (probably using a cajon), but only the vocals and bass will require amplification, so amps with 2 inputs are ideal. I've done a little research - those Roland street amps seem good enough for guitar/vox, but I think they might be a little underpowered (not to mention tinny) for bass. So, what's the general opinion of the Crate taxi series? Could the TX15 cope, or is it too similar to the Roland? Am I going to have to fork out for a TX50DB? (Something I'm not too averse to, as it should be a decent investment... plus I could potentially split the cost with the singer.) Yeaaah. Sorry again for asking this question for the umpteenth time, but I thought my dilemma was at least unique enough to warrant a new thread. Cheers! Huw
  17. Synthy tones! I've depped a couple of times for [url="http://www.blackdiamondbay.co.uk"]Black Diamond Bay[/url], who dub themselves as electro-folk. I made heavy use of my OC-2, and my q-tron and micro-synth (when they worked!). Their usual bassist also predominantly uses an OC-2 as well as a MoogerFooger low pass filter. Sounds great!
  18. [quote name='4 candles' post='989514' date='Oct 15 2010, 06:18 PM']1.point taken 2.point taken 3.point taken very well put, doddy is quite right that beer and posting dont make a good combination.[/quote] That's very noble of you. I respect that you have broken your silence to concede that your rant might have been a little rash and ill-advised. (Now, if only I could think of a way of saying that without coming across as a patronising git!)
  19. My limited experience in this field (a couple of bands I'm in have videos of covers on youtube), is that you should be fine! As long as you're not out to make profit, no-one will bat an eyelid. It's when you upload original recordings that record companies (who usually own the sound recording, but not the intellectual rights to the composition) start to take notice. If it's blatant unauthorised distribution, then they get a bit miffed. Results seem to vary wildly though. But you're not doing any of that. Go ahead!
  20. Nice vids - really solid feel, and your articulation is enviably clean! I'll send you a friend request.... Oh, and welcome to basschat! Huw
  21. I really should have waited until the morning to upload and post this, but oh well. NEW VIDEO. More Jackson: And now, bed.
  22. By the way, there is a definite distinction between Leeds University, Leeds Met and Leeds College of Music. Just sayin'.
  23. This thread was made a week ago, DUHHHHH. (My regurgitated question still stands.)
  24. Kenny is a BEAST. Oh, and [quote name='chris_b' post='981894' date='Oct 8 2010, 06:55 PM']Just say hi, and does he need a dep?[/quote] seconded.
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