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Huw Foster

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Everything posted by Huw Foster

  1. My opinion: yes. Not always, but yes.
  2. Not sure if I ever posted this when we released it... It's a live studio performance with [url="https://www.facebook.com/NarcissusUK"]Narcissus[/url]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ToBI9rJf5o If you don't like self-indulgent jazznoise, look away now.
  3. Not long now! PM me for £5 guestlist.
  4. Concessions available again for a very limited time! http://www.seetickets.com/Event/A-TRIBUTE-TO-THE-BEST-OF-FUNK-SOUL-DISCO-POP-/Under-The-Bridge/680207
  5. My function band is doing a special gig at Under The Bridge (Fulham) on Saturday 23rd February. The gig will be recorded and filmed for our new promo! More info available at the Facebook event page: [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/445474188841826/"]https://www.facebook...45474188841826/[/url] Early bird discount (£5) available until Wednesday 9th January (£10 thereafter) [url="http://www.seetickets.com/Event/SOUL-EDUCATION-LIVE-/Under-The-Bridge/680207"]http://www.seeticket...e-Bridge/680207[/url] Free entry for MU members!
  6. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1344191525' post='1761019'] Sounding good man. What VST are you running? Try opening the envelope a little more and a touch of slight detuning on one of the oscillators. (I'm assuming your using 2). The sounds a little harsh compared to the original track. Everyone's going to struggle though unless they have two synced Minimoogs at home [/quote] Thanks Jake. I'm running the Novation Bass Station VST. I actually did detune one of the oscillators a little, but maybe it needs a bit more. You're totally right though, it'd be nice to have the real deal! One day, one day...
  7. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1343897034' post='1756862'] Huw that is superb. Might have to pull my synth out of the cupboard. [/quote] Yes please do! There's plenty of synth love to go around. Thanks for the kind words.
  9. Cheers mate, appreciate it!
  10. [attachment=111439:teaching-ad-2012.jpg] I can provide one-to-one lessons in London, or online via Skype. As well as bass guitar, I have experience teaching guitar, ukulele, piano/keyboard, composition and theory. Please visit [url="http://www.huwfoster.co.uk"]http://www.huwfoster.co.uk[/url] for contact details. Thanks! Huw
  11. https://www.facebook.com/HuwFoster/posts/387514147977065 A jam from yesterday's gig, where we were supposed to be supplying 'background music'. Oh well, we all get carried away sometimes!
  12. Just a wee bump as it's tonight.
  13. Here's a video from last time: http://youtu.be/PZg23DBsSw0
  14. Hey everyone, I'll be playing at [url="http://www.doverst.co.uk"]Dover Street Jazz Bar[/url] with [url="http://www.thewhitekeys.co.uk"]The White Keys[/url] this Friday, as part of our monthly residency there. Come down if you're free! Entry is free before 10pm, £10 afterwards. Our first set is at 10:30, second set after midnight. Let me know if you're coming, it'd be great to have a chat.
  15. I'm currently endorsed by [url="http://www.vanderkleyamp.nl"]Vanderkley Amplification[/url]. Marc actually got in touch after seeing one of my youtube videos, which was cool! Like many people here, this means it's a discount (and my name on the site) rather than free stuff. Working on others as I type this!
  16. A tune from last week's gig at Dover Street. Not amazing quality, so I'd like to do it again better and maybe record a feed from the desk.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZg23DBsSw0
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOsANudM03k Did this one as a request... need to branch out from disco now though!
  18. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1334953332' post='1624115'] What model Precision are you playing in the video ? it's a great tone [/quote] It's a Mexican Classic '50s model. Amazing value, really solid.
  19. Need to get some new stuff uploaded. [url="http://www.soundcloud.com/huwfoster"]http://soundcloud.com/huwfoster[/url]
  20. Oops, that post above should say April. It's this Thursday, the 19th. Free entry before 10pm, and we'll be on just after at around 10:30. If you're thinking of coming, let me know!
  21. This sounds good - I'm in the house band at the Silver Bullet tonight though! I'll try to come down soon.
  22. Another one this month, [b]May 19th[/b]. Same as above. Let me know if you're coming down!
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N11kMO5nuI
  24. We're at Proud Camden this coming Monday! It's FREE, and it happens to be a competition - we'll need votes to beat the other bands, so the more the merrier. [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/328682857174523/"]Facebook event[/url] Hope to see some of you there! P.S. Gear geeks: I'll hopefully be playing through my Vanderkley rig (if I can get it to the venue straight after work). It sounds amazing.
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