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Everything posted by Bernmeister

  1. What i was trying to say was, for me not at the expense of the sound that i've spent £'s, years & hours trying to achieve.
  2. I must confess this is a topic i've thought of raising myself especially when people have changed their setups. Then within a short space of time, they put another post up saying they can't seem to find a sound that they're after or what they previously had. (disclaimer: this isn't aimed at any individual by the way ). I've had my amp & cab setup now for nigh on 10 years now the only thing i've really changed is that i've taken out a 1 x 15 cab to replacing it with a 2x10 for tonal reasons, rather than weight. I know my sound inside out & i wouldn't compromise any of that just to save a few xtra pounds / kilos in weight, not mention the xtra £'s spent to get something lighter to find that you have to start the same process of trying to get near the sound you had with the heavier gear. I can fully understand the weight for health reasons, but for some convienience reasons i'm not so sure. There's always 2 sides to an arguement but thats my 2 pence worth. Ps: Then on the other hand i may be lucky cos when i brought my Swr's at the time, i guess they were considered lightweight & compact, but now weighing at 55lbs each they're considered heavy !!!
  3. Hi All, I must say that i've done some deals with Keith in the past & i can honestly say he keeps his gear in top condition, he's a very friendly geezer & very easy to deal with. Best of luck with the sale / trade Keith. Cheers Bernie
  4. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='223312' date='Jun 20 2008, 09:44 PM']nice SWR tower – do you prefer the 3 2x10 cabs instead of a single 6x10? i suppose your rig is better to chop and change for the circumstances though? small rig for small gigs and add more cabs for larger gigs etc…[/quote] Well as you mentioned it gives me the flexibilty of choosing the amount of cabs i need for certain situations ie: 1, 2 or 3 cabs as necesary & also due to having a small car i wouldn't be able to fit a 6x10 in my car. It does sound very clear & clean with plenty of definition
  5. Here's my current rig: Which consists of my 3 swr 2x10 cabs, my swr sm400s stereo head, with my behringer compressor.
  6. Pleased to see that you've got a good result on this
  7. Mmmm pure porn of the highest order
  8. Thats a serious deal !!!! In fact i'm suprised it's not been snapped up yet
  9. I agree, don't do it , i'm sure you'll regret it
  10. Hi Bill Good to meet up with you today. The bass is sounding fine through my rig, i've managed to get use to the controls now. Cheers for the drink & directions.
  11. I had the pleaure of trying this bass out earlier on today. It has a great range of sounds & is an absoulute bargain at the price. Must say that Bill is very good to deal with too
  12. Oh i see Gaf, I dare say you may get some extra days in next week, cos i notice that 2 colleagues will be joining me on the trip to amsterdam
  13. Hi Gaf Loving the jazz basses have me gassing for one now Its seems that you have too much time on your hands & far more funds since you've left RS
  14. well done dude ! these situations can be very nerve wracking especially when you don't know what your expected to play when you get there.
  15. I always gig with my sansamp, in fact i swear by it. Its especially good when i'm not using my own amp at rehearsal studios i can get my sound almost instantly. I just prefer the scooped sound it helps me cut through the mix onstage, it helps me hear every note piano like. Engineers love the sound as it enables them to manipulate a clean sound easier from the desk. Live i mainly use mine as a boost to fill out the the sound i already have. Great pedal.
  16. Hi Stewart, As everybody else has more or less mentioned, the basses that you already own are more than capable of getting the sounds that you are trying to create. Also as already mentioned you may need to change strings to roundwound or even nickels would do the job. Its just a question of possibly re-equing you're amp & your bass settings. To be honest the trace rig is well capable of getting the sounds you require. But the SWR RedHead new or used ( there's some bargains to be found used if you can find one) like i did will certainly get the sounds your after & will be better with an additional 2x10 to cope with the low "B". Hope this helps
  17. + 1 with warwickhunt on this one. That would be one of the first upgrades i'd do if i had one of these basses
  18. Oh blimey !!! Didn't think you'd ever consider selling this
  19. Oh she's a beauty identical to mine Just noticed on mine that it doesn't have the hipshot tuners, but the G&L ones. My serial no starts with CL0
  20. Hi Sarah, Welcome in, there's lots of interesting info & endless gossip to read, there's never a dull moment. Mmm can south staffs be classed as the midlands, ahhh go on i'll let ya
  21. Welcome from a fellow brummie & best wishes with the band
  22. Yes !! Although i'm not an ampeg fan myself, Doug Pinnock does possess a very grindy tone. I love kings x, i'm looking forward to the shortly to be released new album too.
  23. Bernmeister


    Hi Dave, Cables arrived this morning. Top quality, Top price & Top service. Job done. Cheers Dave Bernie.
  24. Cheers Pete, I'm pleased the cabs serving you as well as it did me. Bernie
  25. Where did you say the venue was ? May have to book a gig there, very soon methinks
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