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Everything posted by Bernmeister

  1. looking forward to meeting you again too
  2. Ooh just realised Sharkfinger, what good taste you have you have a similar bass rig to me as well i use swr too with an 800w poweramp on my larger gigs
  3. oh wow is me, i can't view the pics properly i also have a jv squire bass & a customised korean squire bass & those who were at the midlands bass bash approved i believe
  4. my earliest memories of one of these basses is when i went to see the jap rock band Vow wow in the late 80's (just after he left whitesnake the first time round) & seeing Neil Murray guesting on bass playing one of these thro a marshall jubilee series bass stack.
  5. Just been listening to The Jamiroquai's The return of the space cowboy album I'm digging the bassline on the track Manifest Destiny. I also love the bassline from the track supermodel sandwich with cheese by terence trent d'arby from the album Vibrator.
  6. don't we all love a good ending all together now ahhhh !!!!!
  7. I'm the lucky owner of the super redhead, i'm lucky enough to have the option of using mine with a 2 x 10 or an 1 x 15 extension cab & i can coax any sound i wish from it either for rock, pop,blues( jazz if i could play it) & its especially good on funk. I haven't used the Black beauty combo myself, but i'd say it has a slightly fuller / warmer sounding bottom end than the super redhead although i'm not sure what eq'ing options that is has available to it. Yes it is a weighty combo, but it'll do the job for me. Oh a quick add on which my fellow swr user JpJ forgot to mention, the redhead is rated at 240 watts @ 4 ohm & the super redhead is rated at 350 watts @ 4ohm.
  8. Mmm & the plot thickens !!!! i guess Mikeh is the new recipient of your Epi 310's
  9. i think he's sold the cabs now !!!
  10. Does this man ever sleep ? sent him a pm early yesterday morning & within minutes he replied with all the details that i had asked. He even had a cable in his stock ready for postage, how could i refuse his incredible attention to detail & knowledge, i just had to buy one of his big fat speaker cables.... job done. You guessed it arrived just when he said it would & without any fuss. Cheers Dave I'll have to recommend you get an obe - "order of the bass empire"
  11. Yeah !! i just checked out his king kong complex ditty pure funk & groove at its finest. he gets a mean growl out of his sadowsky
  12. Ooh superb piece of equipment there Keith. Unfortunately travelling plans & finances rules me out of this for the time being, i'm sure by the time i get myself in order this will be long gone. I must say though that Keith is a top top man & is a very genuine, he always keeps his gear in top condition, looking at the piccys it looks as new. Anyway enough of the waffle i'm nearly talking myself into buying it !! Best of luck with the sale Keith.
  13. Thanks Wazz pm received & replied
  14. Thats an absolute beauty that is wazz i've been gassing for an jazz v am deluxe may i please ask where you got it from & how much ? you can pm me the details if you wish Ta
  15. I have one on my upgraded squier pj bass & not a problem with it
  16. Dug out one of the old Terence Trent D'arby cd's today the Vibrator album & was very impressed with the bass playing by a chap named Kevin Wyatt. There's some cracking grooves,very tasteful playing & bass funk to the max. Where is he now ?
  17. Hi all, A special thanks must go to Nick for hosting the Birminghm Bass Bash what a fantastic location ( wait till you see the piccys ). Also you must a have a well done for remembering everyones names & being such a good host. Must apologise to everyone who attended who didn't get chance to have an in depth chat with. There was such a good variety of equipment to look at & play, plus i arrived a bit late too !!! Was good to put faces to names. Definately looking forward to the next planned Birmingham bass bash. Once again Cheers Nick. Will email you some pictures that i took later on this evening or early tomorrow
  18. Just about to set off !! See you all soonish
  19. Hi Joe Just my tuppenth worth, i also vote you bring the stingray
  20. This is what i'm thinking too, i did post a note on hear asking who was going & what gear they planned on taking. But so far there has been very little response !!!!
  21. Hi Gazm, that does clear a few things up, but i'm sure i'll have a few silly questions to ask you at the bass bash
  22. Great quote there from the cracking film "Usual Suspects".
  23. Hi there Gazm hope that you're still coming to the Birmingham bass bash would love to hear how your rig sounds like. Could do with some tips on wiring my rig up.
  24. Sorry ! But would definately say, its suggestion 1 for me. Its not as if the aggie 112's are a big & heavy cab are they.
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