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Everything posted by Bernmeister

  1. Maybe she plays bass too or is a musician of some sort !
  2. Looks like i will be able to make the Birmingham Bass Bash after all. It would be good to have a heads up to see who's going & what gear is being taken down to Nicks place. I'm not sure what to take it could be either my swr super redhead & an extension swr 2x10 cab or my a pair of swr goliath junior 2x10's & my racked swr sm400s head. Basswise it'll be one of my customised squier p-basses with pj loaded emg pickups & emg loaded btc control preamp circuitry.
  3. On the clip of footage kindly linked for us by mr nottswarwick his kingbass does sound quite thin, although i have no prior knowledge of what kingbasses generally sound like. Although i have heard that Mr King himself does use really light guaged strings so i can only put it down to that. I was lucky enough to see Level 42 live when they were at their peak at the Birmingham Odeon many years back, when he was using his jd basses & he did have a fuller sound back then. Although i enjoy his slap playing, i was really into his finger playing even more & he had a really fat groovy beefy sound when he did that which always was a joy for me to hear.
  4. Tis a difficult one to judge, if that was me i would probably be putting my bid on in the last 15mins or so to test what reaction i would get from other bidders before i would start doing that. But we all have our tried & tested formulas of winning auctions. I know i wouldn't be reaching for the reserve price so early on in the auction though even if i really wanted to win it. But like others have said it could be a friend of his pushing the bidding along to get it upto market value which is what it is nearly at now. Tough call really !!
  5. Slightly off track, but i agree with Gizmo, the Charlie Dominic project / album that he mentioned. That album is definately worth looking out for its awesome. Anyway as d-basser mentioned i also heard systematic chaos approx a month ago, it still hasn't grown on me yet either, but as everyone has mentioned there's definately a heavier roadrunner records vibe to it. Its a very non commercial dream theater album, but i read that this was the intention as its their anti conglomerate big record label give me a radio friendly single album which their prevoius label kept asking for. So they wanted to get back to their roots so to speak on this album. I've also heard the new Planet X album, its very good with some great guitar playing by Alan Holdsworth & the gang, but it certainly does miss the Tony Macalpine chemistry on this one imho.
  6. Ooh very nice mikeh, the well documented / tried & tested gk 100rb with the 2 x aguilar gs112's combination. I bet that sounded huge with the trb bass that you have for trade. Note the shamless plug or your behalf !!
  7. Hi Joe Welcome. I'm also from Birmingham, so with a bit of luck i may see you at the Birmingham bass bash. (still trying to make that day free). You have a nice selection of gear there as well as a similar taste in bass players too. It would be nice to see you, to see you nice !!! (at the bass bash).
  8. Have you considered trying one of these [url="http://www.fender.co.uk/products/search.php?partno=0138100306#"]http://www.fender.co.uk/products/search.ph...tno=0138100306#[/url] i've tried one in my local pmt store & was quite impressed with the sound & they're well balanced & light in weight too. I believe the list price is approx £599, but i'm sure there's deals to be had although if i remember they're made in mexico
  9. I use Elites stadiums too. They work well for me & i can get them at a very good price too.
  10. Oh just as well i didn't see it really as i may have made you an offer for it It would have taken more than a box of choccies to persuade the mrs to let me through the front door, after my visit to you.
  11. Oh Mr Bassman keith when did you aquire this lovely bass ? did you keep that beauty hidden away from me when i payed you a visit. mmmm luurvely !!!!
  12. John Deacon had a great ear for melody & he always played the songs. His parts weaved in & around the vocals, guitars & drums. He's what i call an intelligent & thoughtful player.
  13. Bernmeister


    please keep it on till the end of the month i'm a bit spent out at the moment, but rest assured a donation will be on its way from me when i get paid. Thanks for your patience
  14. I have 2, 4u racks for running different systems depending on gig & venue size. 4u rack containing: - 1u Behringer compressor mdx1600, 1u vented blanking plate as my 2u Swr Sm400s bass head gets hot even though it has a built in fan & which i generally run in stereo mode, which can power upto 4 cabs, but i ususally run just 2. My second 4u rack contains: Swr grand prix preamp, Sony srp l2000 compressor & a 2u Swr stereo 400 poweramp which again i tend to run in stereo mode powering 4 cabs. Superb & awesome sound.
  15. I've always wanted to own the stage 2, so far it has eluded me but one day !! i have been lucky enough to play one & they sound lurvely, growly in the way that warwicks sound & very punchy.
  16. i agree with lukeward must put some piccys up of the one i used to own they're superb sounding & a very comfortable bass to play
  17. yeah ! is the birmingham bass bash still on ? if so has a descision been made on a venue, time & dare yet ?
  18. woweee !! i'm loving your collection there especially the two sunburst fenders the warwick looks cool also mind you saying that the stealth jazz looks great too if only it were fretted but then again i would have been gassing for that ......
  19. i've just voted squier basses,although mine are customised they are my number one choice when it comes to 4 strings but for a 5, i have a G&L2500 bass original series.
  20. I'm in, hello it looks good in here
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