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Posts posted by philw

  1. [quote name='mrn1989' timestamp='1431351773' post='2770301']
    £250 free delivery, but there will be taxes and import costs of £20 - £80 when it hits the UK

    Seems to me the import duty, VAT and handling fees will be £80 minimum. I reckon you need to be mentally (and financially) prepared for something around £100.


  2. Love the green/teal one. Never seen one before so presumably they're rare. What Fender model was it? How long ago was it discontinued?


    EDIT!: Duh, sorry, didn't see the link in the OP.

  3. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1430992918' post='2766589']
    Just wanted to ask,
    Do you find the TI Flats are very low tension?

    Hi Marc,

    Yes, they are pretty low tension but not so floppy that all the feel has gone. I have a set of LaBell White Nylons on one of my fretless basses and although they have a tone to die for, the extreme flopp makes them a really acquired taste and not one I'm sure I have, well not all the time.

    This is LaBella White Nylons (on a fretless Yamaha BEX4): [url="https://soundcloud.com/philberish/whale-song-pw-remix"]https://soundcloud.c...e-song-pw-remix[/url]

    Thanks all for the other suggestions. DR Fat Beams sound like an interesting option for the Wal.


  4. I "won" myself a cheapish (£27) set of TI Flats on eBay the other day. I'd never tried them before but I know how many here hold them in high regard.

    They went straight on my pimped Squire Jag and they're bloody brilliant! So comfortable under the fingers and with a unique tone.

    So, now I'm wondering if I should try a set on the fretless Wal or if I shouldn't splash out a set of TI roundwounds of some description for that (never been a huge fan of flats on the Wal before, I miss the roundwound growl).

    Any suggestions?


  5. Thanks for all the answers

    Yeah I guess the easiest option is to respray a Squire VM Jag, but the respray actually makes it pretty expensive (who's the most cost-effective and/or best refinisher in the UK?). It'd be nice to find a previously loved VM Jag to donate its body.

    I'm sure there must be a more cost effective route than that. That Warmouth Jazzmaster body is great but it'll be probably near £400 by the time it gets to me once you've added shipping, duty, VAT and the various handling charges the couriers like to add just 'cause they can.

    I know I'm sounding like a cheapskate here, but dosh is tight at the moment :-)


  6. All

    I've long had serious, untreatable GAS for a Jaguar bodied bass (probably passive with two Jazz pups) in surf green. To my eyes this would combine Fender's best looking bass body with their coolest colour. The thing is though, it's a decidedly rare combination, so, excluding the idea of ordering, say, a Peterbuilt custom bass from scratch (which I'd love to do but can't afford right now), any suggestions for the most cost effective route to satisfy the GAS. I'm perfectly capable with a soldering iron and screwdriver so a self-build bitsa bass is feasible. Only thing I can't do is spray paint (which unfortunately is always the expensive bit).

    Thinking caps on guys please...


  7. My memory of the 80s is that [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tokai was the brand that finally pushed Fender into the arms of Japanese manufacturers. I think the first Squires are actually re-bedged Tokais. In other words, 80s Tokais are actually early MIJ Fenders.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]P[/font][/color]

  8. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1429029763' post='2747210']
    Was in Motherwell there to pick up my new specs from the opticians and couldn't resist popping into the local Crack Converters for a nosy.

    They had one of these on display, they gold / black version, maple neck, looked pretty ok actually, asking for £115 I think. Wasn't tempted myself, but looks like it'd do a turn.

    **sorry for regurgitating an old thread, just done a search and was the only relevant one I found.

    Errrm £115 is a steal!


  9. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1425288449' post='2705770']
    I can imagine the pressure! But it's awesome you got to use his rig and play support such an awesome band! Gotta say I'm a tad envious aha

    Yeah it was stressful but real a privilege and great fun. We had to cut down our gear (we're a six piece) to fit on the stage (drummer played cajon and I cut back to one bass from the usual three - fretted, fretless and EUB), but we seemed to do ok and got lots of good feedback. I didn't get to speak to Norman, other than offer a quick thanks for the rig loan, but the other Blockheads who hung around to chat for a bit in the soundcheck were very friendly and welcoming. And yeah, they're an awesome band.


  10. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1425239435' post='2705494']
    Chances are the rack tuner will be more sensitive than your pitch-black. It'll likely show the tuning on a smaller scale. i.e.; intervals of one as opposed to perhaps 3 or so. If you follow me that is?!

    That's a good point James. I wasn't in the kind of frame of mind to look too closely (bit stressed in the soundcheck when the sound guy asked for some bass and NWR was sitting there, just by the stage), but I have a feeling now you suggest it that the rack tuner had more than one scale on its display. So what I thought was a few cents (between 5 and 10) was maybe actually a factor of 10 less.

  11. The band I'm in supported the Blockheads yesterday evening and I got to use Norman Watt-Roy's Ashdown rig (that's the name dropping bit). Clearly, on the whole, this was a brilliant experience (especially since the Blockhead's audience didn't all stay in the bar while we Galleons were on), but one thing worried me. On top of Norman's rig was a serious looking rack tuner (can't remember what make), but when I first set up at the soundcheck I hadn't noticed the tuner so I had my usual Korg Pitchblack in line with my bass. The thing is though, even though both tuners were set to 440Hz, they disagreed. Norman's rack tuner thought the Pitchblack was a few cents sharp. I went with the Pitchblack's opinion and things sounded fine, but now I'm not sure if I can really trust it. So, anybody else been worried before by tuners that disagree?


    PS. Norman's rig sounded glorious. Such a shame my Wal is out of action at the moment and I only had my modded Squire Jag with me.

  12. The Talman bass has arrived at Music Productiv (a German dealer if you're not familiar) at a ridiculously inexpensive £147. It's not available in any of the nice colours though - just black and 'boreburst'. So near but so far.



  13. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1424177264' post='2693454']
    I like that. I like that a lot.

    Although of course, as a kind of illustrative health warning, I did indeed follow that philosophy a little while ago and got my heart broken. All my head had to say on the matter was, "You stupid arse, you bloody knew that was probably going to happen but still you did it!"…..


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