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Posts posted by philw

  1. I've actually used Graham before on a simple repair job, but I'm not sure he's the right guy for a complete fingerboard removal and replacement. I'll give him a call though.

    Aguilera Guitars has closed down recently. I think Paul must have given-up the unequal struggle.


  2. Can anybody suggest a good luthier in or around Brighton to put a fretless fingerboard on one of my Yamaha BEX4s? I was going to have Bernie Goodfellow do the job but having been waiting for him to get around to it for a good six months now I think it's time to look elsewhere.


  3. Been out in the winter sunshine with the camera, so here's a bump for the long promised pictures.

    [attachment=98893:Veillette Paris1.jpg]
    [attachment=98894:Veillette Paris2.jpg]
    [attachment=98895:Veillette Paris3.jpg]
    [attachment=98896:Veillette Paris4.jpg]
    [attachment=98897:Veillette Paris5.jpg]
    [attachment=98898:Veillette Paris6.jpg]
    [attachment=98899:Veillette Paris7.jpg]
    [attachment=98900:Veillette Paris8.jpg]
    [attachment=98901:Veillette Paris9.jpg]

    Next up, maybe some Veillette bass noodling.


  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1327866594' post='1517973']
    Hi Phil

    what are the dimensions?? I've got a couple of not bad quality soft cases which don't get used..you can have one for the price of postage (assuming one fits!!)

    That's a very kind offer Mick. I'll email you.


  5. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1327865471' post='1517941']
    If it has to be cheap-ish gigbag (ruling out a Mono, which is my preferred one) then the Madarozzo bags that BassDirect ships some of its basses in are OK at about £30 [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Madarozzo.html"]http://www.bassdirec.../Madarozzo.html[/url]

    Ahh, now that's the sort of post I was looking for. Thanks Clarky.

  6. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1327841189' post='1517439']
    I also used to have a Wal..... I worried about it even when it was in it's hard case

    Probably best you don't have any kids then. You'll worry yourself into an early grave (apart from which, if social services find out about you keeping the kids in a hard case they'll be taken away).

    Think I'll give up on this thread and go talk to the cat :-)


  7. All,

    I have more basses than gig bags and since my original Wal hard case fell apart years ago (wish I'd kept it now, even though it was trashed), I could do with something good but inexpensive to carry the the old girl around in. So, can somebody a good, cheap(ish) gig bag.


  8. Don't know about books but I'd certainly get a few lessons from an experienced double bass tutor - a decent arco technique and bow grip is unlikely to be something you'll invent without help. Lessons will also help ensure that you don't end up with a left hand/wrist injury (keep that left elbow up!).

    As far as a bow is concerned, I just got one of these:


    It's French I know but there's also a German version (my original tutor pushed me towards French, saying that a decent relaxed grip comes more naturally, he may of course have been talking nonsense, but a French grip certainly looks less awkward to me). I use it with both my NS CR4 and my "proper" DB and I'm really pleased with it. Vast improvement on my old fibre-glass thing.


    PS. I suspect you might find arco on a 5 string NS bass significantly more difficult than on a 4.

  9. All,

    It's time for me to invest in a new Veillette demo bass so the "old" one has to go. This is a decidedly unusual Veillette Paris Fretless 4. It's a piezo pick-up only instrument so is aimed fair and square at the "acoustic" vibe end of the market (think Rob Allen or Rick Turner instruments). And it does the job brilliantly - a lovely warm rounded singing tone but with some bite if you play up by the bridge.

    It has a poplar body with a maple neck, and a pau ferro (rosewood) fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge. The bridge has an ebony saddle insert. Unusually for an instrument of this type, the bridge is height adjustable. The neck is slim and very fast and the bass is uncannily resonant. It really does sing.

    Currently it's fitted with LaBella nylon wrap strings but it'll take conventional strings if a brighter tone was needed. Electronics are a Fishman piezo with a D-Tar Wavelength 18v preamp. Controls are simply volume and tone. Weight is 7.5lbs and it balances perfectly on a strap.

    The bass is around two years old and has been played only occasionally. It's never been gigged and it's in as-new condition. A new bass of this spec would now be around £2100 but, just as a Basschat deal, I'll let it go for [s]£1600[/s] £[s]1400[/s] £1200 including a nice Veillette branded gig bag.

    I'll get some more pics up in the next few days, but if any questions occur please PM me.


    [attachment=97974:Paris Bluebass.jpg]

  10. All,

    I'll be setting off from sunny Brighton a bit later to drive to Cambridge for a live session with the band (The Galleons) on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire (about 9.15 apparently). We're going to get to play two songs, so that's 236 miles driving (according to Google maps) for around 8 minutes playing. Or to put it another way, 29.5 miles per minute of music. Now I'm sure, in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing too exceptional, but it got me wondering what's the longest anybody's travelled specifically for the shortest single performance?


  11. [quote name='grossey' timestamp='1323264301' post='1461192']
    I may be getting involved in playing some worship in prisions in the new year.

    Given the context, can I just check who you'll be worshipping? The guy upstairs or the one downstairs?


    PS. Get a Double Bass.

  12. Pete, through the bass he made for me back in 1983, undoubtedly and fundamentally shaped my life making music and news of his passing is really very sad. My beloved Mk1 fretless custom sitting in the corner as I type suddenly looks just a little bit more special this evening. RIP Pete.

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