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Everything posted by philw

  1. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1498611759' post='3325903'] I remember seeing Ashey Huhcings in the Albion Band using one of these. Funny how 2 bass players renowned for being folkies used such modernist instruments! [/quote] Funny, I was having the exact same memory of seeing Ashley H using a Riverhead as I scrolled down the thread. Think it was the Putney Half Moon I saw the Albions - would have been mid 80s.
  2. That's really lovely. Many congratulations.
  3. Such a shame there's no unlined fretless options on the piezo/f-hole ones. I'd be really interested otherwise. P
  4. I suspect Adrian Maruszczyk will have something that suits. I rather like this one: https://www.public-peace.de/bass-of-the-month/2139-public-peace-proudly-presents-the-bass-of-the-month-march-2017 P
  5. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1495392601' post='3303435'] Well since I got my first bass, an Aria SB700 for my 18th birthday in 1982 and I still have it and pull it out for a session now and then I guess the answer for me is 35 years! I've had my Wal Custom since 1992, 25 years and my Wal Pro IIE since 2001, so that's 16 years. [/quote] Blimey that was quite an 18th birthday present Trevor! I got a bottle of champaign for mine, which I drank in one sitting and later deposited, back up the way it went down, in the Thames at Kingston. Happy Days. I was still on my fist bass I think - an awful Arbiter short scale thing. P
  6. Wal Mk 1 Custom Fretless. Had it since May 1983.
  7. Strings wanted here too - and actually D'Addario half-round. Anybody any thoughts on the likely best deal out there? A certain German outfit beginning with Th has them for about £30. P
  8. Blimey that's nice!
  9. Well that's a few minutes I won't ever get back....
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1493305277' post='3287336'] Behold the power of google [url="http://www.bassmute.com/bassmute/bm_mainframe.html"]http://www.bassmute...._mainframe.html[/url] [/quote] I vaguely remember seeing that Bass Direct had started stocking this. Quite interested in getting one for the SurfJag.
  11. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1493192848' post='3286292'] The only problem is, that they're rather more expensive than the OP's budget, and they don't seem to come up second-hand (maybe as there aren't many around anyway?) Marc EDIT: If you do manage to get one Phil - let me know - my sister lives in Brighton and I promise to bring nice biscuits! [/quote] Well I've seen the odd one or two for sale second hand over the years but, yes, they are pretty rare. Having said that, the NXT version of the Omni is £1200 new, which would fit the OP's budget. I'm not going to get one for a while yet, although the first signs of arthritis in my left hand may well make 42" scale double bass an increasing challenge in the not too distant future. We'll see. It's open house here for Basschat members with nice biscuits, with or without a NS Omni Bass. P
  12. Have to say, the OP subject triggered my ironic smile. I mean, when Leo Fender came up with the first P bass, it was effectively a, "small and portable EUB" that he had in mind. However, I didn't just come here to be a smart-arse. What about the NS Omni Bass? Much smaller than all the other suggestions 'cause it's 34" scale. I've always liked the Omni Bass idea and do occasionally (like, well, now) wonder about swapping my NS CR4 for one: https://thinkns.com/instrument/ns-design-omni-bass/ns-design-omni-bass-nxta/ Phil
  13. [quote name='Root45' timestamp='1492991268' post='3284717'] As I said in the quoted post - yes, the bridge has to be moved [/quote] Just goes to show how closely I read things! Remind me never to sign anything without having somebody else read it first.
  14. [quote name='Root45' timestamp='1492874962' post='3283830'] Here's my "bitsa"..... not quite finished yet...... Fender MIM body with MIM Rascal shortscale wide nut neck ( I have tendon problems with my left shoulder, so this is the neck I need) [/quote] Will this intonate properly with a short scale neck on a standard scale body? Surely the bridge will have to move? P
  15. In the parallel universe, where I won the Lottery, that's exactly the kind of quirky, unusual, interesting bass that my parallel self buys. GLWTS.
  16. This is lovely..... https://www.reverendguitars.com/basses/mercalli-5-20th-anniversary ......but thank the lord that the four string version doesn't have a maple fingerboard option. I'd be in touble if it did. P
  17. philw

    Acoustic Bass

    Loudest one I've ever played is the one I have at the moment - the Fender marketed Olympia copy of the Tacoma. Like this one: https://reverb.com/item/139838-olympia-ob3ce-acoustic-bass Happy to let you have a go if you're anywhere near Brighton. P
  18. Here's mine. The Surf Jag.. [attachment=241584:Green Bass hi-res.jpg]
  19. Only 33 Wals away from mine, based on the serial number... I can shed some light on the string-tree thing. Wals of that period originally had only a single tree holding the D & A strings. It was positioned where this OP's bass has a buried screw between the E and G tuning posts. Problem is, the single tree sometimes left the G string without quite enough break angle over the nut (this was the case on my bass). Paul H changed mine to the arrangement on the OP's bass when it went in for its first "service" after he took over the business. So the string tree isn't an issue - it's what Paul routinely does I think to fix a characteristic of basses from that period. Lovely bass by the way, if only I was rich...
  20. Thank god the LPB isn't fretless.
  21. Another +1 for Manne basses. Very, very cool.
  22. Hmm, I clicked on that link hoping I was going to like it. Oh well :-)
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1488451681' post='3249008'] As topic titles go, there are few more open to misinterpretation than this one ... [/quote] My thoughts exactly. Clearly we both need help.
  24. I had one for a while - they're really nice. And in fact I still have a neck from one - on the Surf Jag: [sharedmedia=core:attachments:222271]
  25. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1488960036' post='3253186'] BTW, how to spell the word relicked? Should it have the k? Without it it should surely be pronounced like "released"? Or Maybe a double c? Relicced? Nah, that looks awful. [/quote] Thing is, there's no such word as, "relicked" so the question of its spelling is academic. "Relic" is a noun not a verb. Never has been, never will be (especially now I'm in charge).
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