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Everything posted by derrenleepoole

  1. No worries mate, thanks anyways
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1355680' date='Aug 29 2011, 08:54 PM']The above is very interesting, as I`ve had similar experiences. In my last band, playing at The Pitz, in The Woughton Centre, Milton Keynes, the PA guys have always pre-DI`d me into the FOH PA. The first time we played there, at the sound check, I went out front and wasn`t too happy, as on it`s own, the bass sounded gutless to me - but thought would wait until hearing the whole band mix, to see if any adjustment was needed. Once I heard the mix, I asked "what changes did you make to the bass eq then?" None was the answer, thats your bass straight through the bins. Yet in the mix it sounded awesome. So it was literally the sound of a flat Fender Precision coming through the speakers, and it was exactly right in the mix. Clear yet not weedy, thick yet not boomy. From then on, I`ve tried to have my amp settings as flat as is possible, only minor adjustments. On it`s own it never sounds enough, yet with the whole band, it just works.[/quote] Good points. Obviously, it won't work in every situation, but in this instance it did. The sound guys were excellent at Limetree festival. In fact, I also played the Small World Festival two weeks before, and it was exactly the same situation - turn up, use my bass pre-DI'd into supplied amp. Again, the tone was from my bass. At this gig I used my SX short scale fretless. There was one BC member there that I know of called Paulo M, an absolutely lovely bloke. He made comments on my tone, and that was just a budget bass with upgraded GFS pro wind pickups in it. I think there's something to be said for just using a J or P bass with flats, and letting your fingers do the talking.
  3. Played the Limetree Festival over the weekend, and it was a great gig in that all I had to take was 'me and my bass guitar' The supplied amp on stage was a Crate 1x15 combo, nothing amazing, but it did the job. Now, what struck me was this, I played the gig through my new, literally 2 days old Squier Jaguar SS, and I ran first into a DI box splitter and then into the amp. The amp was there purely as backline and didn't carry any tone to the PA at all. The whole tone of the instrument was from me and the way I played the instrument - nothing else involved. Everyone, and I mean everyone made comments on how good the band sounded and played together, I even got individual praise on my playing and tone! Now, the next guy turns up, he's using a beautiful MM Stingray and a lovely SWR 2x10 Redhead combo... thing is, that wasn't his tone out front coming through the PA. He ran his signal exactly the same way I did, so the SWR acted as backline only - there's no way that that combo could produce the volume required for the gig - PA handled it. Granted, the MM has a much better tonal capacity than a budget Squier. But you have to wonder at what point is tone all that important. In this instance none. I sounded just as good as the next guy, me with a £170 bass and him with a very expensive MM and SWR rig. Makes you wonder doesn't it BTW, if that other bassist is reading this, he was a great player
  4. Greetings from Blackburn. Derren (The Cottonhouse Shakers)
  5. Bloody hell, has that come around again already? Or has there been two this year? Seems like only yesterday that we were discussing the event and everyone complaining about the potential for a noise-fest meets slap-fest! As was my experience when I went I didn't go last year, might of been the year before... it was Poogie Bell, who was ace. For me, the highlight when I went was catching Yolanda Charles outside the main stage... very talented, and one of only a few musicians there actually playing bass. I'm kinda tempted by these things, if only because I get to see and possibly hear and might even play, gear that I wouldn't otherwise get a chance to, being that I live in a gear blackhole of a town! But, the mass of ego's that parade these things is very off-putting to be honest, and I find them wearisome. Maybe I'm old fashioned, or just getting older, but seeing great bassists is, well, great..... But it doesn't beat seeing a great band, with a great bassist laying down some serious tunage where everyone is playing for the music and not for the attention of one particular instrument. I think that's why I enjoyed Poogie Bell so much over the other performances I saw when I did go that one time...
  6. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1353870' date='Aug 27 2011, 08:29 PM']Yeah, where were all these NS WAVs a couple of months ago when I was looking for an EUB![/quote] With me obviously Sunday evening bumpage...
  7. Good thread, and point well made. I think I came to the same conclusions a long while ago. I have my cheap SX Jazz, a newly acquired Squier Jaguar and a small yet powerful amp and a great band to play in. I have everything I need to make good music for a long time to come and I don't need anything else. Learning to let go of things, in this case the desire of new objects (basses or amps), is very liberating if you can do it. I have been a lot happier since doings so.
  8. Greetings from Blackburn. You might know me from the Cottonhouse Shakers, we play a lot in your neck of the woods Derren.
  9. *Friday morning bump*
  10. Somewhere on the web, there is a site by a player that has audio examples of lots of different strings, all done on the same bass. So you can hear what strings sound like and make a better informed opinion of them. Maybe someone could provide the link.
  11. If I could afford it, it would be a Rob Allen Mouse bass to the highest spec possible. *drool*
  12. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1351471' date='Aug 25 2011, 04:12 PM']That looks cool! I do like the Jaguar body shape. Do you mind saying what it cost? No matter if you don't [/quote] I paid £170. Mates rates RRP is about £190.
  13. Just treated myself to one of the new Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar short scale basses Just needed a fretted shortie, and these seemed to fit the bill. That, and I was itching for a new bass. So far the impressions are very good. The fit, finish and weight are superb. The neck is lovely and slim and very comfortable which is what I like. The p-bass pickup is great, with loads of output - more than I was expecting. The jazz pickup is quite weak actually by comparison though. No worries, I'm planning a bit of modding anyway. I'd read and seen reviews stating that the SS version electronics weren't up to par with its bigger brother, but with a bit of TLC, this could be a great bass with loads of balls. First gig Saturday with it, let's see how I get on.
  14. The Cub is a great little amp, and I use it for the upright (which I'm now forced into selling BTW...) and rehearsals with the band. Even though the Promethean is small, it's a bulky small, so the Cub is perfect
  15. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1351358' date='Aug 25 2011, 02:38 PM']Is it as bad as their last three albums?[/quote] Yes! Well, that is just my opinion... much of the same as previous. Maybe further listens will change my mind, but I doubt it.
  16. Listened to it, and well... yes, it's just what I expected. Some good stuff, some equally bad stuff. Overall quite underwhelming :/
  17. Item removed... please delete thread.
  18. I think the Briefcase is heavier than the Cub, even though it is lightweight. The Cub is also smaller in size which could account for it. It's worth noting that when I say quiet, I mean for 'my' upright. Get an e-bass in there with good output and it can get a fair bit of volume. But, I've used some practice amps by Orange recently rated at considerably lower volumes, and they just punch big time. But, and this is the thing for me, the tone of the Cub is just fantastic. And this is ultimately what you're paying for in gear like this. It's small, light, beautifully made and delivers great, clear tone. I'm hoping to get the 250w powered speaker that goes with this amp to make a nice tidy upright rig for louder venues. That will help no end
  19. That sounds great mate I know what you mean about PJB gear, I have the Cub which I use for the NS Wav, and it sounds ace. I don't know how PJB do it, but even with little speakers, these amps work really well with uprights. I love the tone of the NS through the Cub more than the Promethean amp. The one thing that lets the Cub down is that it isn't a loud 100 watts compared with the Briefcase. Not sure why this is really. It will certainly cut it in a small trio, but it does need help for anything larger.
  20. [quote name='owen' post='1342229' date='Aug 16 2011, 06:29 PM']LOW achiever SUB standard I will buy one of each.[/quote] Like it
  21. Simple ideas: 105 - 90 - 75 - 60 (or variations thereof) EADG or BEADG (or variations thereof) Bass is ace! The Ace Of Bass! I've got wood (For uprighters 41hz - 55hz - 73hz - 98hz (or variations thereof) I drop D! Slap my bitch up (with accompanying thumb illustration So on, and so... You can have all these for free
  22. [quote name='walbassist' post='1326718' date='Aug 4 2011, 12:08 PM']I gig mine all the time and it is plenty loud enough for pubs and clubs using the LB212 or my Mini Neo "stack"![/quote] You see, this is why BC is dangerous. Now you have me thinking
  23. I love these little things, wish I could afford one. The question is, and apologies if it's been asked a million times before, can you gig with it? I don't do large venues at all, maybe one a year, mostly pubs and clubs. Would one of these cut it with a good efficient speaker cab? I'm insanely jealous guys
  24. Not sure what the price is on one of them, but there are some interesting and affordable 7 stringers on eBay. Not sure if they're any good mind. THis one looks really nice, but it is fretless: Or one of these from Vietnam:
  25. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1324873' date='Aug 2 2011, 08:59 PM']My advice? Forget ebay, at least for the bass, buy your bass here. There are loads of excellent bargains to be had and loads of people here have starter basses they hardly use any more. You may pay a little more for it, but you`ll know what you are getting and it will have been cared for. Also, folk here care about their rep so you have some comeback if by some bad luck you buy a lemon. Stick a wanted ad up here and see what you get offered. MM[/quote] Very good advice indeed.
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