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Everything posted by derrenleepoole

  1. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1126527' date='Feb 13 2011, 10:46 PM']that is all. goodnight. [/quote] That was pure quality
  2. +1 on La Bella. Fantastic weight, great feel and bags of tone Strings Direct do them. But you may be better getting them from evilbay. It may work out cheaper for several sets ordered at once from the US.
  3. Mmmmm... I'm very interested. Let me check the bank balance
  4. I certainly am! Ever since playing Steve Berry's absolutely stunning fully carved DB, I've been smitten. I've owned a full scale DB in the past, but couldn't get on with it. Having played such an amazing instrument before owning my own, I realised that to get what Steve had, I'd have to spend at least 15k +, and that is never going to happen. So for me, the EUB is a good choice. I know it's no real DB, but the physicality of the instrument makes you play in a different way entirely and forcing you into thinking about what you're doing, rather than just going with the flow. I'm still very much getting my chops back in, and I'm finding fatigue an issue at the moment, but it will come back eventually with loads of practice. And that's just it, I want to practice with the upright, the bass I don't. Plus, in my minds eye, even though I'm playing an EUB, I sound like Jasper Hølby or Dan Bergland, so I'm more than happy
  5. Put an item wanted add [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=22"]here[/url]. Or, put some info in your signature
  6. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1128579' date='Feb 15 2011, 04:55 PM']Where have you seen the 2nd hand NS' for £500?[/quote] On here... I've just got one for £550, and they come up time to time on eBay. Now that the newer NXT models are out, the older ones will probably start to surface. Put an item wanted add on here and see if anyone bites
  7. Bought a NS Wav EUB and the whole process from sorting out payment to completion was an absolute pleasure. A real gentlemen to deal with and keeps you constantly informed and updated on the progress of the sale. Well worth dealing with. Cheers for a great buy
  8. I'm thinking of getting a cheap set of gut strings from India (eBay) for the NS Wav EUB. I've never used them before, so I suppose I need advice on the pros and cons of such strings. What are the pitfalls to look out for? What are the benefits of such strings etc? Your wisdom and guidance is much needed
  9. The Harley Benton models are the same as Palatino range, and are a basic EUB. They're okay, but to get the best out of them they need a hell of a lot of setup up. The cost of which would be equivalent to buying a good EUB to begin with. If it was a Yamaha copy, it was more than likely a Stagg. Again, a cheap instrument. Not terrible, but but not too great either. If you're thinking of making the move to EUB, and cost is an issue, then the Stagg would be a good starting point. But, if you can afford it, you may wish to try the Ned Steinberger WAV 4 instruments. They cost about £700 new, and £500 ish second hand and are very good instruments. I've just got one As with all things EUB, they are always an approximation of the DB experience, and if you want a truly authentic DB sound, you need a DB. Some very expensive models come close, but that is it - close, not the same. To get that type of top of the range tone you need to be spending several thousand on an instrument!
  10. [quote name='BassBus' post='1127261' date='Feb 14 2011, 04:37 PM']Both of you should be on Finnbass. [/quote] *Groan*
  11. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='1127089' date='Feb 14 2011, 02:33 PM']You should spend more time on your scales![/quote] And I thought my joke was bad
  12. Get yourself a nice travel chess set and you've got your set breaks sorted
  13. [quote name='mybass' post='1127053' date='Feb 14 2011, 02:01 PM']You must get out more often!![/quote] Sorry, I rose to the bait and couldn't resist Slow day at work!
  14. Don't overlook the Ibanez Promethean combo! A very versatile unit with detachable head capable of 500 watts! Lightweight and portable, you can get a gig bag for it, has a tilt back leg, and offers great tone. The unit is really well priced too and is as good as any Genz Benz, MB, PJB setup you'd pay twice the money for. But I'm biased as I use one
  15. You could try Muddy Waters Mannish Boy as done on the album Electric Mud. It's a lot more of a funk under current to it with a nice drive and push, but still bluesy as hell!
  16. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Promethean head as a good and powerful, but cheap alternative.
  17. If you want something a little different, I caught Ralf Gauck at Bass Day and he did a series of arrangements of well known pop tunes on solo bass, mostly Beatles, but some Police too. Nice bloke too: This is probably more of what you're after. He has some CD's out too.
  18. [quote name='urb' post='1119568' date='Feb 7 2011, 10:21 PM']This is a great bass-led album: Kai Eckhardt- [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Honour-Simplicity-Respect-The-Flow/dp/B004HKQUSA"]Honor Simplicity, Respect the Flow[/url][/quote] +1 for this album. Obviously not a solo album, but a damn fine album nonetheless
  19. Funnily enough I've just been listening to her covers of Bill Withers 'Who Is He' and Marvin Gaye's 'Make Me Wanna Holler' - absolutely solid versions with killer bass groove and a tone to die for. There's some amazing youtube videos of her live that just absolutely kill!
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='1119034' date='Feb 7 2011, 04:15 PM']HAHAHA! I found it. Everyone was really quite civil though and the guy obviously learned his lesson very quickly, he was incredibly contrite too. All good![/quote] You wouldn't be saying that if you'd read it before I edited it
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='1118926' date='Feb 7 2011, 02:30 PM']You're not serious!? A BCer sent a bass to you in nothing but a bin liner!? That's f***ing insane. Did you say anything?[/quote] Oh yes! Very verbally in fact! It wasn't just me though, he was selling about five instruments and did the same on all of them. Seriously! I was lucky in that the bass only had a minor chip and some scratches on the back, albeit small ones, other buyers were not so lucky. The bass in question wasn't massively expensive, and I managed to get some money knocked off. Thing is, had I sent it back it would of cost me money and time to pack, and the sale of the bass if it came up again would be about what I ended up paying for it. The seller was just generally very inexperienced and just didn't think about what they were doing! But still....... In all fairness to the courier, when the bass arrived he commented on the p*** poor packing. I think he, and other handlers had tried to take care of it realising the situation, but plastic bags can only do so much not to protect a bass! It's all water under the bridge now and the bass in question is now my main instrument. I don't remember the sellers name now, but I did start a feedback thread about it. I then toned it down after I calmed down No point holding grudges.
  22. Well, just be thankful your bass didn't arrive just wrapped in a black plastic bin bag, which one of my purchases from here did! Heaven knows how it only managed a few chips and nothing worse during transit!
  23. One of my first ever basses was one of these, absolutely quality instrument! Fantastic tone, great build quality and a great weight too. This will make someone a fine instrument
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