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Everything posted by derrenleepoole

  1. I own two SX basses, both short scale. One is a P-bass fretted, the other a J-bass fretless and they are both fantastic instruments. The build quality on each is superb, especially when you factor in the price of them new, which is nothing really. They're equally as good as any high end Squier or similar instrument, if not better. These basses are very easy to mod, as most replacement parts are like for like swaps. I have for example a Gotoh 201 bridge on the j-bass and soon to fit Varitone passive on board preamp. The P-bass is getting a Gotoh bridge and is fitted with upgraded GFS Pro Wound Pickups. Cheap basses, with affordable upgrades make for great instruments in my book. I've never been happier with these two basses as I have with any others. I've owned low and high end gear, and I've at last found my bass keepers This is in part due to the fact that I've discovered short scale to be the answer to a lot of my back problems too! As others have said, the newer Ursa models have the ugly headstock, but older models are still available. Rasta on here is selling a full scale SX P-bass for £100. I've just bought it off him, but it was advertised as short scale, which it isn't The bass is on its way back to him today, so he'll be probably putting it back up for sale at some point. Here is the sale [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=102211&hl=sx+bass"]thread[/url]. The bass is in reasonably good condition, but will need a full clean up and setup as well as strings. Mine is the P-bass on the left, the one on the right is Rasta's which is for sale. Ain't the p-bass diddy? Still packs a great punch though
  2. Great units, I adore mine, but you can buy these new for not much more than you're offering and this would come with a warranty. I suspect this is why you're not getting any interested offers at the moment. Just a thought. Good luck with the sale
  3. Well, it pains me to do it, but I've got to put some gear up for sale to clear some debts. [s][url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/basslines/cutting-edge-1/stc3m3_stc3m4_f/"]Seymour Duncan Basslines STC-3M3[/url] internal bass preamp - £60 (inclusive of postage mainland UK)[/s] - Sold pending usual The preamp is fully working, boxed, has manuals and even has additional high quality chrome pot covers included as well as the original black ones. [s][url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/basslines/progressive-1/smb4a_5a_alnico/"]Seymour Duncan Basslines SMB-4A[/url] alnico humbucker pickup (not 3 coil) - £60 (inclusive of postage mainland UK)[/s] - Sold pending usual Pickup is essentially new, and was used briefly in an OLP Stingray bass. I no longer own the bass, and don't see myself buying a Stingray anytime soon [url="http://www.soundman.de/englisch/dr2.html"]Soundman DR2 Portable Recorder[/url] - £50 (inclusive of postage mainland UK) This is a portable mini field recorder, but I've never used it. It fully works, but I don't need it, so someone may find it useful. Soundman make the expensive in-ear binaural mics, just so you know. Cheers guys for looking. Any questions just ask. I would prefer bank transfer or Paypal (fees to be covered). Cash on collection is also fine if need be.
  4. Mmm... not sure what to say about this! The bass has arrived, was packed perfectly, but it ain't a short scale P-bass, but a standard 34" scale (My 30" SX P-bass is on the left) Lee must be a giant
  5. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='977129' date='Oct 4 2010, 02:21 PM']Yes, but if i met Robert Fripp, i wouldn't say 'Oh, Hello Mr.Crimson'.[/quote] Well no you wouldn't, that would be just silly. He'd probably find it amusing though
  6. Jay Kay IS Jamiroguai just like Robert Fripp IS King Crimson. Simples
  7. Does anyone here have the Basslines [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/basslines/cutting-edge-1/stc3m3_stc3m4_f/"]STC-3M3[/url] onboard tone circuit fitted to any other type of bass than that of a Stingray? I was wondering if it would work with a jazz or precision bass instead?
  8. This is only a poll of who is most popular, or to put it another way, bassists that most of the music public are likely to have heard off! Myung at number 1# eh? Don't make me f***ing laugh, the guys not even in the same league as half of those mentioned in the list. Absolutely no mention of Tony Levin who is by far the most versatile bassist on the planet and who I'd put first each time and every time. He spans every genre imaginable and does each properly like a true musician should. Only a handful of players on that list can even come close to him. Most of the players, while technically superb, are one trick pony merchants - Wooten, Claypool, Flea - they play well, but only do one or two things well. Versatility is the key. It's all bollocks!
  9. beauty
  10. I might know someone who'll be interested in this! Hang fire, I'll let you know ASAP!
  11. I admire Jeff Berlin because of his uncompromising stance towards music. Whether you agree with it or not, I admire him for it. I also love the fact that he can command such mastery over a four stringed instrument, seemingly capable of producing music of vast complexity, dexterity and wizardry all in one go. It's because of reading an interview with Jeff that I realised that I don't need more than four strings as a bassist/musician, and made me focus on just the job at hand without this nagging doubt "but I might need a 5 string some day!" I don't like all of his stuff mind, a lot of it does get boring quickly, but that doesn't mean I can't admire what he does or how it does it.
  12. [quote name='fretmeister' post='956975' date='Sep 15 2010, 10:27 AM']Anyone tried half-wounds or groundwounds? The D'Addario's look interesting.[/quote] I use Picato 766 strings which are half-round - I use long scale sets on a short scale as they're slightly higher tension than quote IMHO and work a treat. They're a bit sticky to begin with but sound absolutely fine after they've been played in. I find they offer a bit more zing and bite on a fretless as well as fretted. They're only £18 a pack too and are as good as any string I've tried.
  13. Bought a short scale SX p-bass from James, we arranged a meet up at some over expense services on the M1, had a brew and chatted about all things bass! The bass is splendid and the company was even better Nice to meet you James and I hope our paths cross again!
  14. This was a topic I started on BT forum a few years back and I thought it might be a good one to start here... Basically, what bass makers have amazing instruments but crap logos? Or perhaps cheaper instruments with good logos? I'll get the ball rolling: The Sadowsky logo is basically a Chancery font straight off a PC! For a company the makes bespoke instruments to high spec, you'd expect a better brand identity. If you didn't know any better, you'd think the basses were a cheaper Fender knock off! This is a crap logo IMHO! Anyone else want to chip in?
  15. Tim has just bought a bass off my good self, and the transaction was as smooth as silk! A very enthusiastic and honest Bass Chatter. Cheers Tim
  16. As we all know, not every player has the same requirements for amplification. I'd love a Phil Jones D200 head, but it only gives out 150 watts of power - so with this in mind I'd be very tempted to get a small 4 ohm cab to maximise output for instances where volume is not an issue, or there are strict requirements on stage for space etc. If you play in a small acoustic trio, then such small heads and small 4 ohm cabs make perfect sense. I guess it's a case of knowing what works for you and how to use it. It comes back to knowing that power is nothing unless it can move air! So more speakers equals a great perception of volume regardless of power output.
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='948190' date='Sep 7 2010, 12:26 PM']Nah, most good dub pedals around root 5th octave.[/quote] Close enough though
  18. Most fat dub tracks
  19. Charlie Hunter plays a 7 string Novax guitar, with there being 3 bass strings and 4 treble, it also has fanned frets. CH is an amazing guitarist and his basslines ain't too sloppy either!
  20. If you want odd time signatures, check out King Crimson. Nuff said
  21. The Bass Doc has just PM'd me about offering a custom plate cut, so I'm currently exploring that avenue instead
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