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Everything posted by derrenleepoole

  1. Mine took less than a week. In fact, I had it delivered to work and it sat in the factory for 2 days because know one could be bothered to tell me it had arrived
  2. Defo a Stingray bass with roundwound strings, not flat's. And I'm guessing probably a valve amp of some sort used in the recording that has been mic'd up rather than DI'd. The tone reminds me a lot of the bassist I saw with the Mighty Boosh Live, and he had a Yamaha Attitude bass with Mesa Boogie rig - the best bass rig I've ever heard!
  3. [quote name='Oggy' post='894854' date='Jul 14 2010, 04:48 PM']Wonder if they’ll ever do a 30” or 32” - hope so .[/quote] It's funny you should mention that, because I emailed him about the same thing. More specifically a 30" jazz, but he commented on the fact that there wasn't enough interest. Maybe we should get a few people on here to show interest and he might do one
  4. If it's holding together despite of the damage, then the chances are the damage may not be too extensive and more cosmetic. Signs of a life well travelled There are a lot of knowledgeable DB-ers on Talkbass.com who might be able to you identify the bass, especially if you have really good pictures that show the true colour and detail etc. The helped me identify mine (when I had one) to a Meinel or Musima, based purely of the beading and headstock! Might be worth a shot?
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='894592' date='Jul 14 2010, 12:20 PM']Trigger pulled on a 1x10 combo. My breath is baited...[/quote] *Thumbs Up!*
  6. Basses with small bodies, particularly hollow bodies can suffer from this. It makes playing awkward and uncomfortable so can negate any benefits of the whole 'going lighter route' !
  7. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='891540' date='Jul 10 2010, 07:38 PM']Hi All, Due to a problem with my shoulder which makes playing a bass stood up painful I have considered changing from a Hohner B2a to a violin bass. The short scale will help and the hollow body will help with the weight issue too. I will be looking at getting a copy of the Macca one, but there are so many copies out there it is difficult to choose mainly because this style of bass are not stocked in the local shops to try them out. I haven't yet looked into the different makes and models. It might depend on what I can get for existing Hohner. I'm not bothered about sound or quality too much, as long as it is playable and there is no fret rattle!! Has anyone got any opinions of this type of bass? Phil.[/quote] I tried the Violin bass for this exact reason, but found them to be uncomfortable. Depending on model they have a bit of neck dive and found this just as uncomfortable as a full sized bass. Plus, the small bodies make for seated playing awkward and clumsy. Is this something you've considered, because I know I hadn't? There are some good short scale semi acoustics out there. I've just picked up a Tanglewood TEB-12 for £100! A superb 30" lightweight bass with a good neck, and nice beefy humbuckers. There has recently been one on eBay (was called a Candlewood though - girl didn't know what she was selling!), and there has been one on here very recently in the sales section. Not sure if it's still available mind?
  8. [quote name='benebass' post='893097' date='Jul 12 2010, 07:38 PM']Thanks for the info, but I really want to keep it passive - after years of playing predominantly multiple pickup or active basses I'm finding the simple passive set up quite refreshing! Have you ever bought anything from that eBay shop based in Hong Kong? There are some decent prices on there, but I'm a bit wary of buying guitar parts from the far east. Cheers, B.[/quote] Yeah, I bought an Artec system several years ago, and it was okay really. They do say you get what you pay for, and the quality was acceptable for the money - it's not going to be amazing, but it was okay. The Chinese however are industrious and the stuff worked. With good shielding installed on your bass, there is no reason why an Artec system wouldn't work very well. In fact, most electronic components are manufactured in Asia these days, so who's to say that this is any different from what you're buying on the Varitone system for example? I know what you mean about passive basses, I enjoy them too. But an active EQ, rather than active pickup does open up tonal possibilities at little extra cost. Just a thought.
  9. I can play Teen Town just fine, just open up iTunes and hit the old play button I'll get me coat...
  10. [quote name='benebass' post='892387' date='Jul 11 2010, 11:06 PM']Totally agree with you Derren - started on a knackered old Guild B301 & moved on to a Thunder 1A that was my first playable bass - totally blew the Guild away. Not too precious about changing things on this bass as it's already a bit battered on the body, but not considered a Varitone before - might be a bit over my budget at the mo. Will do some research... Any ideas on decent cheap high output Precision-sized pickups? Cheers, B.[/quote] Now you're asking, I'd direct that question at someone more experienced than myself - as there are lots of factors to consider such as type of tone, cost factors etc... people often quote Quarter Pounds as good thumpy P-bass picks - alas though, not all pickups are created equal Yeah, the Varitone's aren't cheap, but there are alternatives too... you can get 3 band active EQ systems from China that are dirt cheap and will add variety to you tone. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3-Band-EQ-Preamp-Circuit-Active-Bass-Pickup-/320560101882?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4aa2def9fa"]LINK[/url] There's also some stuff from America that quite cheap [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Genuine-Fender-P-Jazz-Bass-Deluxe-PREAMP-Upgrade-/400135192437?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5d29ea7f75#ht_1267wt_913"]LINK[/url] - you get the idea anyway.
  11. Have a gander in the amps F/S section on BC. Plenty of bargains to be had: for example an [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=94407"]Ashdown[/url] 2x10 for £180 that's up North! However, for that type of money you could get an older SWR Working Pro series combo or even a Gallien Krueger off eBay - depending on age and condition etc. And like someone said, loads of Trace Elliot gear too that is more than capable. Also, plenty of Ashdown bargains too. Most sellers will be flexible on collection/delivery if you could find a compromise - this will open up your options no end.
  12. Good old Westone's, absolutely ace basses. My second bass was a Spectrum DX and it was as rock solid as it was a pleasure to play. There are many collectors of Westone's too, and I imagine some frequent here, so expect a more learned answer from them. If you're not a purist and if it were me, then you could easily add better pickups with higher output and more thump. You could also consider maybe adding a passive preamp section into the bass - something along the lines of a Varitone etc. A relatively cheap way to vary the tone of what is in effect a P-bass copy. Do a search on Youtube, there's plenty of videos knocking about of basses with them install.
  13. Any further thoughts fella?
  14. [quote name='OldGit' post='890208' date='Jul 9 2010, 10:32 AM']According to the Youtube vid comments "Andy does it again! with the best in the business, Bernie Dresel on drums. Jerry Watts on bass." Personally I think playing Footprints at this speed murders it.[/quote] Look through the comments and must of missed 'em! Cheers.
  15. This is a quality version of Footprints by Andy Summers. Anyone know the band playing with him?
  16. A sort of official video to one of their tracks:
  17. Wicked! Thanks for sharing that, very enjoyable. Reminded me a bit of Trilok Gurtu when he sings the tabla notes while percussioning. If you like the d'n'b vibe in jazz, check out an amazing group called Trio ELF, specifically their album 746.
  18. First and foremost, and EUB will never sound like a DB. Ever. Full stop. The difference in build construction, physicality etc make this a fact. Many really high end EUB's do get very close though compared with cheaper models. However, a lot of problems come down to the fact that many people don't know how to set up their instruments (and amps) to help them get a more convincing DB tone. Also, it's how you play that will help in getting the tone closer. Many people often come to EUB through fretless playing as an aid to then play full DB, so will approach playing like an electric bass player, when quite often the technique makes a big difference. Well, that's been my experience anyway. Also, here's an interest thought, how many times have we all heard a DB recording and thought it sounds weak and very unrewarding when compared to our expectations of what we perceive a DB to sound like?
  19. Hell's bells! Why has no one bought this? Cort Action basses maybe the lower end range that Cort make, but they are far from inferior. This range of bass is superb, and for the asking price it's bloody amazing! Good balance, good weight, good looks and very good build quality for a bass at this price! I've been after the short scale version of this bass otherwise I'd have snapped your arm off Have a bump on me
  20. Man that's odd, but in a cool way. I would venture you'd have better success selling this on eBay. Start it at 99p and let it run for 10 days. I've just sold a Prosebass micro 27" bass for just over 100, bought it for 60. As with all things eBay, if you give a detailed description, the badass bridge particularly, and mention that with a de-fret it might make a bespoke EUB I guarantee it will sell - I did this with the Prosebass and I think that's why it sold - the adaptability proving popular with project enthusiasts. You may not get as much as you want, but it may better than nothing. Sometimes you have to take a loss on these things. Good luck with the sale though.
  21. Smooooooooth.......
  22. [quote name='Mateybass' post='886923' date='Jul 6 2010, 12:49 AM']In defence of the Stagg, leaving out my 5-string conversion, the mods done to bring it up to giggable standard have probably cost about £20 all in. The conversion to 5-string cost was around £150 in total, of which £45 was the cost of the low B string. Including the price of the original instrument at £285, I have a perfectly good [b]bowable 5-string EUB[/b] for less than [b]£450[/b].[/quote] I've used a Stagg and it's a great cheap copy of the Aria EUB and very capable - I missed out on getting one for £200 , but the Palatino is a little bit different I feel. The Palatino is slightly hollow bodied compared to the Stagg, and many of the mods seem to be aimed towards this advantage. So when I owned one, the move was to make the piezo element more responsive and improving the bridge - at the time this was perhaps more costly. The mod of using a cymbal stand can be a cheap solution, but a really good quality cymbal stand compared with a cheaper one makes all the difference to stability. A good sturdy stand will set you back £100+ - add these mods up and all of a sudden you're approaching £650+ mark (at the time of me owning one), that price is not too far away from a new WAV4 for example.
  23. Man, this would be perfect, but I'm saving up for a new iMac, so I've decided I must be a good boy It's not fair though!
  24. I've owned a Palatino, and the one thing I would say is the stand is a little weak. The body is heavy, and the extending foot system isn't that well designed - the bass slips down over time. Have a search on Talkbass for piccies on mods using drum cymbal stands to help keep the bass more sturdy, or I can email you some of my mods when I get home. The Palatino is a good EUB, but it does need a lot of tweaking to get it better. Which begs the question, if you're going to be spending all that money making an average bass better, why not just get a better bass to begin with?
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