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Everything posted by derrenleepoole

  1. [quote name='bleedproof' post='794912' date='Apr 3 2010, 11:03 AM'] [/quote] I personally think the JP model is quite nice, and it does remind me a little of the OLP's in the headstock design crossed with the SX bass vibe from over the pond. The second headstock design is perhaps a little more subtle for my liking, and I do feel that the first design would suit some of the other models just as well, especially the single humbucker bass. But that's just me... I hope this works out well, as I've always admired Overwater basses and have often wished I could own one. I think the PJ model is now on my 'to try and to buy' list.
  2. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='800216' date='Apr 8 2010, 08:58 PM']ah right,, i just read the website again there....it does seem awesome,,,apart from none of the songs on it are on my setlist haha[/quote] Well, that would help I guess Have a look on the forum, some of them might be featured for download. Or, do your own and add them to the app yourself!
  3. It's an electronic real/fake book, just with chord charts though. Most official fake books don't have the melodies for copyright reasons and this is the same. Each chart can be transposed to any key too making it more useful than a paper version. You can search by title, composer, genre etc. There's also a user forum were users can add their own charts and you can download more that aren't featured in the original app. A very useful tool for the gigging bassist when knowing the melody isn't important.
  4. Marcus is a great bass player, but I've always found his albums too polished and over produced. Not evough dirt in the mix for me
  5. I imagine it's going to be what you get in a Stagg, Palatino or similar. If that's the case, then it's quite a cost effective thing to mod them without spending a fortune. Mind you, I did think the Stagg sounded okay as stock - so what do I know
  6. Had a quick trawl through Evilbay and there's a '76 up for sale at £1300 ish and a '79 for a £1000. So that's a good place to start. I do understand your pain though, I can recommend the P-bass Lyte as a good alternative. The weight difference is very noticeable, but a change of the pickups might be in order to get that 'P' punch back.
  7. I've been watching this builder for a while, and the folding basses are odd. These other models seem newer, and I think he finishes them to order. I'm guessing that the quality will be comparable to that of a Stagg and Palatino EUB but at a much better price point even with import duty. I'd certainly be interested in the second model. I had a Palatino, and is was a good bass to modify, even if the initial cost was quite pricey. This could make a good modding bass in this regard?
  8. GODFLESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! British metal that's never been bettered!!!!!
  9. Have spotted these new EUB models on eBay and thought I'd share them. The seller is 'tdzpf' and it seems like these are a batch of new products slowly filtering into the market from China, cheap too. No idea if there any good mind, but some look really nice - some of the photos do look like prototype shots: I particularly like the look of this one, even though it's not finished
  10. The transposition capability of the app is an absolute life safer too, perfect for lazy people like me
  11. We use a website called [url="http://www.northwestbands.co.uk/"]http://www.northwestbands.co.uk/[/url] - obviously you're in Oxford, but I do know many of the gigs we've had have come from venues who use and who are listed on this site. There may well be a sister site for more areas, so check it it out
  12. I haven't done it myself, but my good friend is a guitarist who has done this for about 10 years, and from his experiences and tales it boils down to: 1. a worthwhile experience in the short term as you'll see new places all over the world as part of the job 2. you'll meet loads of new people 3. you're playing skills will grow dramatically through constant playing 4. you will get drunk a lot 5. you'll put on weight as a result 6. cabin fever will eventually kick in and the job may become too much 7. it can lead to other music shows across the world if your playing is really good 8. it could destroy your musical soul and leave you never wanting to play again
  13. [quote name='51m0n' post='797405' date='Apr 6 2010, 12:14 PM']This guy has been around a lot longer than Les I'm afraid....[/quote] Not familiar with him I have to say, but I have heard of the group... [quote name='Chris2112' post='797428' date='Apr 6 2010, 12:32 PM']With half the talent, yes! This guy is a great player. I like the video on youtube where he shows you some of his bass collection. I'm sure it includes Warwick, Kubicki, Spector etc etc...very good taste![/quote] I'm sure he is a good player, but talent is subjective at best. One man's meat is another man's gravy as they say
  14. Hasn't Les Claypool been doing stuff like this since forever?
  15. A great cab, but you can't use it with the LG350 head - the LG350 head is 4 ohm bridged so can't run to the two 4 ohm channels of this cab. Just so you know.
  16. There are variations of guitars like this dotted all over eBay. This is a Roberts model: In defence of the Sinsonido, it is a superb travel bass, but you'd never really use it for any other purpose in my experience..... The Roberts and Skylark look like they'd suffer serious neck dive due to the large headstocks and comparatively light bodies.
  17. Oh my... that SX is lurvley If his is still available in the next couple of days expect an email, just need to wait for something to sell first!
  18. Might be interested in this... it is just the H4 and not the H4n?
  19. +1 on the MB CMD121P, I've owned one but they're a very clean sound which might not be to your tastes... or a cheaper alternative is the new Ibanez Promethean range, which I have and is rather good.
  20. The powerblocks are fantastic amps and I wish they'd make one for bass, even though they work fine for them anyway! I bought one for £50 new a few years back and stupidly sold it
  21. Nice shout out about this gig mate, it was great. A really nice and cosy affair with lots of chat and banter between both John Etheridge and Yolanda Charles with the audience. Even got to me Yolanda at the end. She's such a good player and can groove for England! The recording I did of the gig came out excellent too, now I've got to edit it
  22. This is also a John Etheridge gig, so should be a blast. See you there PS, I'll be the nerd recording it with my Zoom H2...
  23. Nice one, might toddle on over
  24. La Bellas are simply superb strings. I quite often buy sets from the US in pairs off eBay as it can work out cheaper than buying a single set here in the UK. Just takes longer to get here that's all... The 115's are heavy strings. I've found La Bella's to be a very taught string and feel heavier than they are. So sticking around the 105 range is probably a good bet.
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