This is the story of how a cheap strap can break your heart
I had my status series 2 in 1985 it was £1500, then, which was a frightening amount of money
But it was paid for by our wealthy manager at the time so no worries
After 2 or so years we had a gig at a university, I cant remember where, but we loaded all our gear onto a Transit and the tour manager said that it would not need tying down due to the weight, I was a little young to argue
The gear consisted of a set of Pearl export, A charvel guitar and a dx7
We set off and everything was fine until we went onto the motorway, at 60 miles an hour one of the toms flew off followed by the dx followed by the charvel and then my beloved status
We stopped to check the damage and the traffic police came along to stop the traffic while they collected the equipment from off the road
The dx had been run over by a car on the edge and was flattened on the one side, (I forgot to mention that the manager decided to save money by having his friend make flight cases. These turned out to be biscuit tins)
The Charvel was totally trashed and we could not find the tom. I was expecting the worst of my status but it had a status flight case which looked damaged, I opened the case and it was perfect and still in tune.
Two weeks later we had to do a PA tour in Scotland and the keyboard player did not want to go on stage so he said he would roady for me, (he was a bit of a [Bowler Hat]) I warned him to be careful of the strap as I did not have strap locks on it. The next thing I heard was a bang and I saw my status bounce off the floor taking a chunk out of the body then seesaw and take another chunk out of the neck.
I then had to go on stage and smile
Moral buy a good strap and a good case
I am considering having it repaired if I can find a good luthier or I may sell at the right price
Cheers Glenn
there is a picture of it in bass porn