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Everything posted by Lew-Bass

  1. [quote name='The Funk' post='600218' date='Sep 16 2009, 02:01 PM']Gallien Krueger 700RB 2x10 combo for £325. Could serve you well. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60735"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60735[/url][/quote] I saw that mate, thanks for the heads up. It's collection only though from Essex and I'm based in Liverpool. Do you reckon the Hartke HyDrive 210c would be good for me?
  2. [quote name='mike257' post='599860' date='Sep 16 2009, 08:21 AM']Haha, I'm on my work laptop, maybe I'm best waiting til I'm home to look at that then Cheers for checking the band out - those demos are pretty old school, we've just finished our EP so there'll be some new tracks going up soon. It's a new sound for me really, I've always been in noisy rock bands up until now! What kind of stuff are you guys playing? EDIT: Just got your PM, reply coming back atcha![/quote] Haha, we play pretty standard metal really.. I'd prefer it to be a bit more proggy but ah well, it'll sound pretty good once its properly mixed etc. (and with bass!) Did you find that you have more 'sonic space' in a band like the one you're in at the moment? I've always wanted to be in both an indie (I'm using the term broadly here) and a metal band, as the bass has two different functions really. I've insisted, as the band former, that there's only going to be one guitarist in the indie band, to allow the bass more room to be heard and utilized. I reckon we'd be ready to gig within a few months in all honesty, it won't take long to knock a few songs up with the odd cover thrown in. It'd be great if we could open for you or whatever, if you have any say in that
  3. [quote name='mike257' post='599053' date='Sep 15 2009, 11:06 AM']Hey man, The Zanz provide you with backline, they prefer you to use that rather than have loads of changeovers. I was actually surprised how good the rig sounded last time I was there though. The Barfly don't have any in house backline, it's only really the Zanz and the Cavern that have their own stuff in. Everywhere else, you'll likely need your own gear. What are you guys called? I'll keep an ear out for you, defo let me know when the recording is done Mike[/quote] Ahh, thanks for the info. And yeah, you're not wrong about the Zanzi, the majority of bassists have sounded decent when I've been there. We're called Padula mate (urbandictionary has the answer if you [i]really[/i] want to know.. it isn't pleasant though!). We couldn't think of a name so we just went on there and looked for the strangest thing that sounded decent Had a listen to your band, you're really good mate and I'll keep an eye out for you too. Not usually the type of music I'm that into but really enjoyed the listen, good luck with gigging etc. and even though we're very different genres (Athough I am starting an indie band up; maybe we could sort a support slot out for you when we're ready?) hopefully we cross paths
  4. [quote name='trent900' post='598768' date='Sep 14 2009, 10:05 PM']Depends what you call heavy. Hartke cabs are no heavier in my experience than others with similar drivers. I don't think Hartke have gone Neodymium...I can't think of a lightweight Hartke but I might be wrong. The 410XL weighs 88lbs, which is about normal for a 410, but it's still heavy. Very heavy. Put some wheels on it. GK heads are solid, quite heavy, immensely rugged, die-hard solid state (until their recent foray onto the dark side), and very, very punchy. GK heads are famed for the GK 'growl'. Partner GK snap and growl with an aluminium cone Hartke 410 and you'll have a sound punchier than Vinnie Jones. It will kill a yak at 200 paces. Another advantage is that you should be able to fire anti-tank weapons at your rig and not damage it too badly. I'll stick my neck out and say that if you want to recreate a compressed, overdriven sound then you could do a lot worse than a GK/Hartke setup. See if you can get a 700RB or 800RB secondhand for a good balance of weight, power, quality and price. I have the 2001RB. Even if you can find one in your price range don't buy it - it is a fantastic bit of kit but absolutely backbreaking to lug around and stack on top of cabs. Hope this helps. Jon PS. I wouldn't get a Hartke single 15". They're less directional and cheaper than the 410s but I get the impression they're not very efficient and they don't have the punch and kick you expect.[/quote] Thankyou for the detail you've gone into mate. Maybe I should've made it clearer, but I don't want the compressed tone I have at the moment, it's just making the best of a bad situation. I've found a song that has pretty much my ideal bass tone. It is slightly more trebly than I would [i]ideally[/i] like, but it is as close as I can imagine If I post a youtube link here could you possibly listen to it and advise me what amp/cab combo would best help achieve it? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_kWUCjKDwo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_kWUCjKDwo[/url] Thanks
  5. [quote name='mike257' post='598089' date='Sep 14 2009, 12:23 PM']Hey Lew, I'm a regular stage-botherer at the Liverpool Barfly - The Funk is right on the money with his recommendations, that kind of power will do you fine. If you're playing those kind of gigs, your amp is only really there for you to hear on stage anyway, the dirty great big PA does all the hard work I've used heads from 350w up to 600w in there, and never got my master volume even close to half way on stage, so you don't need anything earth-shattering. Who's your band then? Probably catch you around sooner or later if you're gigging round here, Barfly's only round the corner from my flat! Mike[/quote] Do they provide you with a head n amp there mate? I've noticed at the Zanzibar anyway that there always seems to be a Wawrick ProFet 5.1 there with a cheap cab (Laney/Peavey I think). If so, what happens then? Do you have to use it? And thanks mate, I think 300W with PA will be plenty loud enough like you said. And also, I'm only pretty young (16 on April Fools' Day ), and I'm yet to start gigging but my band have a few songs already. Luckily our drummer has a pretty much professional studio in his house so the recording isn't bad for what it is. Got no bass recorded yet though as his dads working intensively in there for the next couple of months. I'll put a link up on here though once it's been recorded, hopefully we'll be gigging by then too [quote name='The Funk' post='597909' date='Sep 14 2009, 03:10 AM']If you're going to be gigging all this stuff, the finish will get damaged. So long as any damage is purely cosmetic and doesn't affect function, there isn't a problem. Can't go wrong with a 250W-300W head and a decent cab. With a budget of £350, you could just about get a GK head and a Hartke cab. I think GK heads and Hartke cabs go very well together.[/quote] Thinking about it, you make sense. I guess I just don't want anything that looks 'old' if you understand me, i.e. not tatty or ripped or anything like that. Aren't Hartke cabs pretty heavy? And would the GK and Hartke provide the sound I want? (I'm starting to rather like the tone I've got atm, but there's a time and a place for such a compressed, overdriven sound)
  6. No chance atall of shipping?
  7. [quote name='ahpook' post='597699' date='Sep 13 2009, 09:14 PM']you anywhere near [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60496&hl="]bristol [/url] ?[/quote] Unfortunately not bud, I'm all the way up in Liverpool. And also, I'm only really looking for stuff in mint condition, plus that marshall cab is a beast at 42.5kg!
  8. It may seem like I'm asking for too much for too little in my description, so I want to make it clear that obviously I know I'll need to compromise on some of my needs: I want a really defined, warm, smooth, fat tone. At the moment, bedroom playing on my beginner Stagg 30W combo (I know, I know!), the best I've managed to get is a warm, smooth, undefined, compressed - almost overdriven tone (to be fair, the compressor isn't half bad in it). I'm not really into the compressed/overdriven tone much though. I'm hoping to start gigging with my (metal) band soon, so I want them to be easily capable of handling gigs like the Liverpool barfly if anyone happens to be familiar with it. I was thinking a minimum of 300W? Am I right or..? Also, I'm not bothered whether it's a combo or an amp & cab combination, but I don't really want anything heavy for portability purposes. I was thinking a maximum of about 25kg for the cab and 10kg for the head? Is that do-able, second-hand, with a budget of £350 (£400 if something [i]really[/i] un-missable is up for sale)? What amps/cabs do you guys recommend? Thanks a bunch, I'd be (even more) lost without this site! EDIT: If it helps, I'm currently playing an Aria SB-405 5-string fretless bass, but in the near future will be purchasing an Ibanez SR500
  9. Not really on topic but I quite like the tone you've got already . Nice job so far and good luck for finding the tone you want
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='596666' date='Sep 12 2009, 05:03 PM']I've had a couple of solid walnut Fenders... great, but VERY heavy! [/quote] Gorgeous bass
  11. Woah. That's the nicest bass I've ever seen & I'm sure it sounds just as good. Good luck with the sale
  12. Point taken guys , I was just trying to do something useful with my time!
  13. Thought this could be used as a good resource for anyone looking to buy new gear but not sure which brand would compliment and help them achieve their tone. So if everyone quotes the list as it was before their post, we should have a nice list of amp/cab makes and what they typically sound like. Cheers EDIT: Other typical attributes such as lightweight etc. could also be helpful
  14. Sorry if I seem to be asking the same question, but I still haven't quite got it straight in my head.. is the 'live' version a lesser version in anyway? It's just the fact it's cheaper, but it's built in to a pedalboard so logic would say to me it would be the more expensive one... :wacko:
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='559951' date='Aug 4 2009, 09:47 AM']Why not buy it from Dolphin seeing as you've already tried one there? If they don't have the exact one you have perhaps they can get one in & if their price is higher than you've seen elsewhere perhaps there's some haggling room.[/quote] The customer service was poor. He was pretty adament that they didn't do it anymore, but when ringing their warehouse or wherever to double-check he told me that the price has now been changed to £509! Darren from Bass Merchant has sorted this out for me now. Excellent salesmanship and I'm more than happy to throw my business their way
  16. [quote name='BOD2' post='559996' date='Aug 4 2009, 10:33 AM']A) If you are plugging direct into the PA you don't need a power amp at all - just plug the Pod into to the PA directly for the front of house sound. What you might need, though, is some type of "monitor" system so that you can hear yourself playing - either a feed back from the PA mixer to a monitor or a separate feed from the Pod into a small amp/cab or monitor. The "live" versions are built into pedal boards. The other versions would need separate pedal boards if you want to switch them while playing. C) Yes - programmable "patches" means you can select pedal combinations quickl.[/quote] Thanks alot for the information mate. So if I wanted to gig with it, all I'd need essentially would be; the Bass POD XT itself, a pedalboad (which would probably end up being the FBV Shortboard), a PA and a form of monitoring? Ped: The in-ear thing sounds very interesting also; what is it actually like having your sound in your ears? Is it all you can hear? Just it will be my first time gigging so in all honesty I wanna soak up the atmosphere! EDIT: Just taken a look at the price of in-ear monitoring... I think the house floor wedges will do me great Cheers
  17. So, to sum up for me in my situation, would it: A) be possible for me to just get one of these and a power amp, plug this into the power amp and then straight into the PA (no need for a cab)? be possible to do this with either version (the 'live' version or the one that looks more like a typical head - is there any difference in their functionality?) C) act as a huge bundle of customisable effect pedals ASWELL? Thanks guys, seriously intrigued by this
  18. [quote name='Eight' post='559697' date='Aug 3 2009, 09:50 PM']A huge +1... er... how big can I make a +1? [size=7]+1[/size] I'm beginning to wonder if they stock anything at all - despite what the web site says.[/quote] , I'll be sure to do so then! Thanks
  19. [quote name='acidbass' post='559639' date='Aug 3 2009, 08:54 PM']I've dealt with GAK before, and IIRC they charged me an absolute fortune for delivery because it was to Northern Ireland, though this may not be a problem for you depending on your location. Apart from that, the order was fairly painless though, they give you an estimated delivery date and keep you updated with the dispatch information etc, so recommended if you're in England! Danny EDIT - might be worth giving them a ring first to check if the bass is in stock, as the website is sometimes slightly behind actual stock levels.[/quote] Thanks mate, fortunately they offer free delivery on the SR500L. What was the state of your bass like out of the box (action etc.)?
  20. I'm planning on getting an Ibanez SR500L in the near future, tried a righty in dolphinmusic today and it was great. I've had a quick scour and I can't find any second hand ones on the net in the UK, so I'm going to end up getting it new from an online store (unless one crops up on the bay or here!) Both nevadamusic and GAK have it for sale at a very similar price, £439 and £442 respectively. So which one should I buy it from? Does anyone have any past experience with either? And if so did the bass come set-up? If somethings wrong are they easy to deal with? Opinions.. past personal dealings.. fire away! Thanks
  21. Gorgeous bass, what is the wood used for the facing? Good luck with the sale mate
  22. [quote name='wrinkleygit' post='551590' date='Jul 26 2009, 09:24 AM']You could always do what hendrix did & buy this- [attachment=29589:2005_040...spic0001.JPG] see for sale ads post,status energy fretless,best of luck,mike ,[/quote] Thanks mate, but I'm not really keen on the idea of just re-stringing as the control knobs will be awkward to access and my hinder me and to be frank it would just look a tad odd. Also, one of the reasons I'm in need of a new bass is that I just don't trust myself on an unlined board; I know my way around it pretty well, but better safe than sorry in this case
  23. I'm more interested in this than I should be, with it being a righty 'n' all Would it be suitable for metal/indie? And is it active? Thanks
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