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Everything posted by Soloshchenko

  1. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1119145' date='Feb 7 2011, 05:33 PM']Guys, come on, no need to argue here. Prices were a bit over the line, I'll correct them if the bass don't sell as a whole (potential buyer took day or two to sort the money).[/quote] No worries mate and good luck with the sale. I certainly didn't want to detract from your sale, that's an awesome bass. Warmoth quality is simply amazing and your bass parts are no exception.
  2. [quote name='Gyp The Blood' post='1119072' date='Feb 7 2011, 04:39 PM']It was your figure not mine and I was just pointing out that you hadn't accounted for shipping and duty costs which rightly or wrongly tend to be factored in to the second hand sales of stuff like this.[/quote] Fine, I see your point, although the £200 asked for doesn't take into consideration delivery from the Czech republic either does it? Also, I thought the use of "[b][/b]Even if[b][/b] it's worth $340" would clearly show that this ISN'T my figure. My figure is $250 as my post, if understood properly, clearly states. Anyway, moving on...
  3. My local guitar shop has pretty much wall to wall crap in, except they have a deal with Sandberg. I've played one of these and they f**king rule. The quality is amazing. I don't know why they aren't a bigger name. Good luck with sale, I'm tempted but car insurance month!
  4. Won't lie, I'm tempted but I really think this is a bit beyond me! Good luck mate, an interesting build thread awaits I hope. Also, here's a really good guide to fretboard removal: [url="http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm"]Fretboard removal[/url]
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1118531' date='Feb 7 2011, 02:06 AM']It was probably a Shaftesbury or maybe a Cimar, sorry, don't know who made these yet. My Fireglo Frankenbugger would have originally been the same as this - it's very good. The truss on these adjusts with a nut rather than the usual allen key - my guess would be that some gimp chewed the wood out of this so they could get an adjustable spanner on the nut, rather than get the correct tool or a suitable size socket. J.[/quote] I suppose that's sometimes the problem with 70s stuff. Over the course of 30 plus years they must find their way into the hands of a fair few idiots.
  6. [quote name='Gyp The Blood' post='1118543' date='Feb 7 2011, 03:28 AM']$340 + shipping to the UK at around $60-$70 and then add VAT at 20%, so the total cost new would be in the region of £300-£320 landed.[/quote] Again, as I said in my post, this neck is the posters spec and as such should be comparably to the stock showcase necks at around 250 bucks so your $ 340 figure is wrong. It's more like $250, so your landed price becomes £240ish or possibly less for a new neck delivered to your door. He's charging £200 for a second hand neck before getting into delivery from the Czech Republic. The poster asked a reasonable question and I'm giving a reasonable answer. Regardless of what things go for on eBay, if someone is selling something you can get new for a similar deal then it clearly is over priced. Anyway, Im glad it looks like you've sold the bass as a whole mate, it will mean less hassle for you and it looks great as it is. Hope no offence has been caused, I was merely trying to give advice as it was requested. Good luck with the pending sale.
  7. Tax on instruments is a bit of a lottery I find. I had to pay next to nothing for an SX precision delivered from Rondo whereas others have been stung for 40 sheets (this is a cheap bass we're talking about). As for the Rockbasses, look ace although if I was a Warwick owner I would NOT be chuffed that the new rockbass headstock looks so similar. Aren't they just setting themselves up for a million counterfeiting issues? A stupid decision.
  8. As much as I like Pink Floyd, the roger waters bass actually pisses me off. What the hell is the point of putting some mismatched hardward on a standard P and putting his name on it? It sums up all the negative things about signature models. Don't get me wrong, there are some brilliant and innovative signature instruments out there, I mean what about the Les Paul? How iconic is that? In comparison, the RW P is embarrassing.
  9. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1118447' date='Feb 6 2011, 11:47 PM']Is it really $250? They must have changed their prices recently... This one was definitely quite some $$ over $300 + postage + tax + new nut (that corian was poor and broke at one point). Hmm, I tried their online calculator and it shows $340. Where's the problem?[/quote] Yeah but that's if Warmoth BUILD me a neck to my specifications, if I'm buying yours already, it's basically showcase stock built to your specifications. They have loads at a cheaper price already: [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Pages/ClassicShowcase.aspx?Body=1&Bass=1&Shape=38&Path=Neck,JBass&nWood=31"]Wenge necks, some with a nut already installed.[/url] Even if I did get one built to my specs and it's $340.00 USD, that still equates to £211.213 GBP. Warmoth stuff doesn't hold it's value very well, but you are selling a product second hand for £11 less than a new one before we get into delivery issues (you live in the CR I take it, that ain't cheap delivery either). I'm not looking for an argument mate. You clearly want to sell the bass as you said on your other thread, and it is a lovely bass made of beautiful parts but you asked the question, is it overpriced, I'm telling you it is and it won't sell at that price.
  10. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1116208' date='Feb 5 2011, 08:49 AM']Should I get it it's overpriced?[/quote] Personally I think your neck is overpriced. I can get an all Wenge neck off Warmoth new for $250 which is about £155. Even with all the duty, a new one to the UK probably would be under £200.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1116811' date='Feb 5 2011, 06:29 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160541987871"]Rikky, neck througyh, looks like mine in fireglow.[/url] Truss rod hole looks to have been dug out.[/quote] Weird, maybe an ill advised attempt to get a truss rod working? Any idea what it is Jon?
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1116616' date='Feb 5 2011, 03:25 PM']It is what it says on the tin... and was quickly shelved by Fender.[/quote] Quite right too. Looks f**king awful!
  13. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=121489"]Rickenfaker[/url] Sorry if it's been discussed but out of interest what is this one?
  14. Sandbergs are absolutely awesome. Tempted but skint. This is gorgeous and I can't believe how well priced their basses are.
  15. What's the reserve on this? (Thinks: I've just sold a Ricenfaker project, why would I want another?)
  16. [quote name='bh2' post='1115607' date='Feb 4 2011, 05:11 PM']Congrats... they really are the business and I love sonic blue. I've had severe gas for one of these for a while bit they're hard to find now and I've still no funds... oh well. They look great with some vintage machines. These on another 60s CV P... [/quote] I love Sonic blue as well. That's another thing, I would do a refinish if it wasn't my favourite PBass colour. I don't wanna add to your GAS mate but... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Squier-Classic-Vibe-60s-Precision-Bass-/150555679581?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item230dd15b5d"]Precision CV [/url] Ending 2moro and the starting price is reasonable.
  17. I can't help myself, I simply had to start this thread. After only a few weeks of owning it I loaned (and instantly missed) my sonic blue Squier 60s CV bass to my best mate who's currently bassless but got a gig with a decent band. Now the gigs are finished and I have her back which means my lovely Wizard loaded Mexican Fender Jazz has hit the gig bag for a few weeks. I absolutely love this bass. It's awesome loaning out a bass to a good friend for their gigging needs then getting it back. It feels like falling in love again. As he was still playing it and doesn't have a bass, I'll loan it back in a few weeks (he has now made me three offers to buy it). Anyway, I suppose the pictures are pointless, we all know exactly what these look like, but what the hell, this thread is pointless. Another reason I love this bass is that I'm a tinker man. If I'm happy with a bass, I still end up pissing about and changing things. I honestly can't think of anything to change on this bass other than the control knobs which are soon getting changed. The pickup is awesome, the bridge is chunky and beautifully hidden by the plate and any other colour scratchplate looks daft. In the words of Tom Cruise, I'm in love. I'm jumping on the sofa and embarrassing everyone by declaring this love. I bought this bass in imaculate condition for £190 with a hardcase, Fender strap and cool strap lock things. it was the best piece of bass related business I ever did.
  18. Personally I'm glad I've never seen one of these fellas on the BC marketplace: [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calp-series/calp"]Sandberg P[/url] I'd probably end up having a fight with myself and buying one. I've only ever played the Basics but from that, if quality is what you want, these need to be considered.
  19. Stunning but bloody hell. For that price I'd expect it to do all the housework.
  20. Loads of options for getting a P bass. My advice would be go down the fender route and replace the stock pickups with wizards. The suggestion of saving a few quid and just getting a Squier CV is also a good one. I absolutely love mine and currently play it more than my Fender.
  21. [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]This is where to go[/url]
  22. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1109962' date='Jan 31 2011, 07:52 PM']Wow thats praise! Whats the proccess like?[/quote] I assume you mean putting it together? It was slightly time consuming but really enjoyable. I got my stuff unfinished and in putting it together felt I learnt a bit about guitar construction and loads about wood finishing. Filling the grain was the most time consuming thing.I must have gone through a million different ways in my head on how to finish it. Anyway, the guitar is a thing I absolutely treasure even if I don't play guitar that much anymore. Like I said, my dream bass is to do a Warmoth Jazz and I'mnot even talking their fancy exotic wood stuff, I mean the Swamp ash body/maple neck kind of thing Fender could do for me. I just think Warmoth quality, when you get it in your hands, is far superior and consistent. Here's my guitar, forgive me bass gods. Word of warning though, re sale value is LOW. People don't wanna buy your idea of a dream bass, especially given you might have buggered up putting it together along the way. If I was ever to sell this, and I'd have to actually be starving,but if I did it's normally a good idea to split it back into parts I think.
  23. I really don't get why Fender still piss about putting these things on. Hands up who still plays this way? Me neither, but I do have 2 screw holes in my CV Precision scratchplate that annoy me a little bit and the knowledge that a standard Fender replacement scratchplate probably won't fit. I know it's a small thing but what is the point in the first place?
  24. Is that a good price for these SH? Balls, I think I've really missed out by refusing one in the past as a trade then!
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