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Everything posted by Soloshchenko

  1. I ordered my Gold anodized scratchplate for the SX from them and found them cheap and delivered quickly.
  2. [quote name='Musky' post='592385' date='Sep 7 2009, 07:35 PM']£115? Was that the final cost with p+p, or was there any tax on top? I think you've got a very good deal if customs have screwed up. [/quote] $187 delivered so just under £115 but I'm fairly sure that is without tax or duty or whatever so I'll probabaly get invoiced for that soon. I'll let you know. MrCrow: The actual sound is excellent when I changed the strings. The pickup certainly isn't getting changed as it sounds very good quality. The only reason I didn't like it stock is because there is a problem with the grounding wire (think it is the connection between the bridge and the wire_) I'm not sure how common this is, not heard it mentioned but a lot of people on Talkbass have said they have re wired theres and as it's something I fancied doing anyway it's not problem to me. All things considered I would recommend this to any UK bass players. Without getting into the rather dull talkbass argument of whether they are better than MIM fender, you're getting a very good bass that (in most cases) will just need a set up/re string. Badass would be great, a bit pricey for a budget project though. The original bridge is actually very good though (better than on my MIM jazz which actually NEEDED changing). Might still go Gotoh 201 depending on how much I use the bass.
  3. Thought I would provide an update. Bass was delivered the other day and how did it sound? I couldn't tell. They may as well have put elastic bands on the thing. Truly awful strings. Very sturdy neck, in fact it;s huge with a really big head stock. Feels like a lot of bass for £115. One moan is that the bass wasn't grounded properly (in fact that's inexcusable for a "beginner" bass in my opinion) although as I had intended to gut the thing and rewire it isn't much of a problem for me. In comparison to my Mexican jazz, it feels of a similar quality although "out of the box" the MIM is a clear cut above. I remember using the MIM to audition for my current band the day after it was delievered with a minimum of adjustments. I don't think I could have done as well with the SX, particularly with the grounding issue. Also, changing the pickguard has been, for such a simple job, a bit of a pain. Quite a bit of neck/p[ickup route adjustment is needed but it does look great now it's ready. I certainly feel I've got a bloody good deal for very little money so far but the proof will be during band rehearsal/gigs which I hope to test drive in the coming weeks. Should be rewiring some point this week.
  4. While I class myself as an English teacher, I take a few music lessons in high school and help out with the practical moderating of the more rock orientated musicians in school. Although it is subjective I would suggest that New Born wouldn't have got you an A as while fairly challenging, it isn't that difficult. I imagine you played it very well to get the B though. Can I just suggest something from experience? Do a Chili Peppers song, a tricky one from Bloodsugar. Play it well and any moderator will be seriously hard faced not to give you an A. Good luck.
  5. [quote name='Musky' post='583595' date='Aug 28 2009, 02:44 PM']Was the tone you found awesome or the volume? If it's volume you're looking for there's a number of reasons the Warwick would have been louder beyond just the rated wattage. For a start the Warwick was running into two cabs, and the 4x10 alone will shift more air than your 1x15 even before you take the second cab into account. The two cabs will probably be running at 4 ohms which will get the full rated power out of the amp - at 8 ohms it will only produce about two thirds of the rated power. Assuming your Trace is running into an 8 ohm cab you'll be getting about 130W out of it. Unfortunately plugging your Trace into a cab rated at 400W, or even 4000W, won't necessarily make it any louder - it'll still knock out about 130W into 8 ohm load. There's more to volume than wattage, but your best bet to get an increase in volume is to add an additional cab to your rig The wiki might be of some use (though it could probably do with some updating) [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage[/url][/quote] Cheers, that is a really big help. Yes, it is increased volume I am looking for but also I found the actual sound was significantly improved. The warwick was over the other side of the room so naturally I just got a fuller, more detailed kind of sound. That's what I'm looking for. So really what you are saying is as long as head and original cab (1x15) are running at 8ohms, a big 400 watt cab (this Warwick is currently borrowed) is kind of pointless isn't it? Ie. I could be getting anything above 130 watts (say another 200 watt cab) and I'm sorted in what I'm trying to achieve?
  6. [quote name='leonshelley01' post='583438' date='Aug 28 2009, 12:20 PM']I've never tried a Aerodyne so I can't comment, but I do know they look great![/quote] I've played three and would recommend them. Seem to be a made in Mexico with a bit of TLC kind of bass.
  7. Every range has it's stinkers regardless or price and vice versa. You get lucky, I've played some appalling MIM basses and some brilliant ones, same with USA models. That squier model is generally very well put together and may be better than some MIM models. It's impossible to rank them in order as so many little factors effect each bass.
  8. Hi guys, as stated, I'm fairly new to bass from guitar and my understanding of amp power is awful. I currently play through a 200w RMS trace head into a 1x15inch speaker. Recently also plugged into a 400w warwick cab (running two cabs from one head) and the sound was awesome. Unfortunately the 4x10 Warwick is too big for gigging needs, do I still need to get something that is 400watts RMS? Can anyone recommend a small 400watt cab which won't break the bank? Cheers.
  9. Okay, I'm a jazz bass guy and 98% of the time when I'm playing I rest on top edge of the neck pickup as I'm sure most of you do. I've never played a Jazz Bass with a string cover (and they have none in the local guitar shops). Would I have to change my fingerstyle if I was to add a string and bridge cover to my new bass? CHeers.
  10. [quote name='Dave Dubya' post='580695' date='Aug 25 2009, 08:57 PM'](A slight threadjack, sorry) I bought a scratchplate for my Squier VMJ and two problems were - wouldn't fit without reshaping and screw-holes completely in the wrong place. Does anyone know where to get a one that might fit? The reshaping is fixable, but the screwhole problem isn't quite.[/quote] I had this problem with my MIM jazz bass. It had a white guard I wanted to change to Tort but the new guard had slightly off screw holes. I just drilled new holes into the bass with the basic premise that 1) I'll never get sick of tort on white bass and 2) It's highly unlikely I'll ever sell that bass as I got lucky with it and rate it as an excellent MIM. Also, after drilling when I lined up the old plate it did cover all of the new holes so even if I did sell, why would anyone care about extra holes under the plate? I'd recommend drilling if you are planning on sticking with the bass.
  11. [quote name='joegarcia' post='582607' date='Aug 27 2009, 04:31 PM']I've said it before and I'll say it again but those Diago boards are a rip off in my opinion. They are made of chip board with cheap parts with a ridiculous mark up. Any board made 'specifically' for pedalboards seem to have an obscene mark up. Best bet I think is to get a small mixer case or turntable case or something and modify it slightly or if you don;t need a full flightcase type one built it yourself. Alternatively, the Spider Engineering ones are well made and warrant their price I think.[/quote] Seconded. I got a lovely small Spider board off the net. Solid as a rock and MILES cheaper than most makes.
  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='582741' date='Aug 27 2009, 06:38 PM']I've got a Gotoh 201 in Cosmo Black I was about to list if you want it (although chrome or gold might be a better bet for that bass) also a tort scratchplate (although not sure if it'll for the SX, it's off a Fender). Replacing the nut is easy enough to do, and may give you better tone on the open strings and make tuning smoother and easier. If the pots are cheap you may find that they go scratchy pretty quickly, so you will probably want to upgrade those down the line. While you're under there you could also solder in a new pickup like a Wizard Thumper or something![/quote] Shame it's black mate, I'd of definately taken the Gotoh off your hands. Heard a few negative reports about the volume pots. I've wired guitars but never a bass, am I right in assuming you need 500k pots? I'll test drive the PU and nut at band pratice and see how they hold up, the pickups are meant to be fairly good generally. How do Wizards compare to Fender custom/Seymour Duncan PUs? On Axesrus they have a Fender custon PU for £55 delivered which Ihave my eye on.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='582984' date='Aug 27 2009, 10:32 PM']I prefer the gold Jazz underneath![/quote] Me too. That looks awesome.
  14. How do you get a finish like that? Jesus, that is awesome.Good luck with sale.
  15. Just ordered this off Rondomusic: I'm thinking off adding a Gold anodized plate as I'm not a huge fan of black/white combo. While I'm at it I may as well spruce up the bridge to a Gotoh 201 unless someone on here has a s/h badass II they want rid of! Should look like this: Any other suggestions? I'm kind of torn on the gold thing, maybe a mirror finish one or a black pearl might be better.
  16. Great bass mate, a bit out of my price range.
  17. I'm certainly not trying to be rude and I'm interested but given there is a new one on Warmoth for $205 now, I think you price is far too high mate.
  18. I recently saw a bloke who was supporting my band playing an ibanez bass through a huge ashdown. Whether it was the bass or the amp I dunno but the tone was colossial. Just absolutely huge sound, very detailed. As a Jazz bass man that really changed my view of their basses.
  19. I'd also be interested if it was a different colour. I can't have 2 white fender basses, it just seems lame. Good luck with the sale. As these seem togofor £220 ish new I'd say your price is fair for a sweet bass.
  20. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='518338' date='Jun 19 2009, 01:12 PM']Got my cans from that guy, not used them yet but should be next week. Al let you know how it goes.[/quote] A mate just used those on his Warmoth tele project and they are excellent finishes. 100% recommended.
  21. [quote name='cris the man' post='501448' date='May 30 2009, 09:48 AM']I saw a 'Toka' or 'Toca' (not sure what it was, definately wasn't tokai) copy of a rikenbaker 4001. It felt OK, but not what you get for £399. It was in fireglo, my least favourite colour , but it sounded horrid. The bass was very difficult to play with finger and with slap. The Jayro Rickenfaker mentioned above sounds like a bargain to me![/quote] Do you mean the tokai ones? I saw one recently too. [url="http://www.rockfactory.co.uk/prodimages/IMG_0221.jpg"]http://www.rockfactory.co.uk/prodimages/IMG_0221.jpg[/url]
  22. As someone who isn't normally a fan of unusual bass shapes I have to say I really like this. Lovely looking bass. I really like that big ass headstock.
  23. I got lucky. Mail ordered a MIM Fender Jazz and it's a great bass for the money, easily as nice as some US ones in my opinion. I DID have to replace the bridge with a Gotoh 201 because the stock one was a piece of tin sh*t! You can play some horrible Fenders though, across the range, guitar or bass.
  24. Tried a Jim Deacon SX today. Verdict is yes it's a lovely bass for the cash, yes I would feel comfortable using it in gigs yes I would recommend them to new players but I must say, it just isn't a patch on my MIM Fender Jazz.
  25. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='484698' date='May 10 2009, 11:27 PM']Gimme one of these beauties: Jim Deacon / SX FPB62 in vintage white... available for [url="http://www.hartnollguitars.co.uk/products.asp?id=4714"]£109 delivered[/url] including strap/lead/bag etc, and comparable to genuine Fenders according to Talkbass hype. I want to get one and put flats on it so I can keep my grindy SS rounds on my main P![/quote] [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543329"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543329[/url] A lot of discussion on here about it. Seems the general consensus from those who use em are that they are at worst very good value and at best better than Fender models. I really like the look of that particular one.
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