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Everything posted by soopercrip

  1. soopercrip

    Hey ho

    Hi David and welcome Stop buggering about. Buy you squier (and some bic razors) and lets get started!!!!!!!!!!
  2. No wonder his feedback rating is down the toilet on 2 sales
  3. [quote name='Spoombung' post='461041' date='Apr 13 2009, 10:03 AM']Well, it's a clapped-out Astra in my case but I shall soon be in receipt of the Aston Martin of custom basses, hopefully.[/quote] Been watching the build with great interest (and envy) learning a lot
  4. [quote name='Spoombung' post='461026' date='Apr 13 2009, 09:32 AM']I'm not sure the economic argument is that strong Andy, given that some Fenders can match the prices of the models you list - and how would you explain the common practise of commissioning a custom build and ending up with a slightly shinier replica Fender?[/quote] looks V sound I guess I agree fender's top end stuff is on a par with premium brands, but the more economical of us who don't have space on the credit card, still want a nice jazz bass made from ash maple neck and board seymour duncan quater pounders sd pre amp and it will sound as good as any premium brand. Even if the badge is Lada, you still want an Aston Martin, but drive a focus...
  5. I reckon we are only conservative with the contents of our wallet, Though we all lust after the Vigier, Shuker, Overwater,Sadowsky etc, the income dictates the Yamaha, CIJ fender, Warwick rockbass, skyline etc and I think 90% of us are content with that. Personally I would love a bass version of this [url="http://www.teuffel.com/english/guitars/birdfish/birdfish_main.htm"]http://www.teuffel.com/english/guitars/bir...rdfish_main.htm[/url] but don't even have the spare 400+ euros for the display stand (Genius or lunatic???) Andy
  6. Just having a go with an old 5 string you may get the urge for a self build. worst you can do is dump it in a skip if you bugger it up [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45917"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45917[/url]
  7. welcome matey just sneaked in before the 6000th member prize of a free lifetime membership of the labour party
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' The five digit serial number was introduced some time around the late 80's I believe. I went to check the Jaydee serial number database but its no longer on the Jaydee website [/quote] A phone call dated mine, ever so helpful people
  9. Decisions, decisions Spent some time wondering round the ether looking at various pickups, pre amps, and thought I would run these by you guys. Seymour duncan mb 5a music man pup Aguilar obp 2 tk pre amp The one with separate bass and treble. Gives three controls so the existing fourth hole I will fill. you think thats ok? Option to go for the ACG/john east which seems to be the holy grail on here, can always liberate it for the full build later Wondering wether to go for through body stringing, again for the practise. Honest I will put up some pics soon Andy Edit: photos-[attachment=23491:Picture_3491.JPG][attachment=23492:Picture_3501.JPG][attachment=23493:Picture_3511 .JPG][attachment=23494:Picture_3521.JPG][attachment=23495:Picture_3541.JPG][attachment=23496:Picture_ 3551.JPG][attachment=23497:Picture_3561.JPG][attachment=23498:Picture_3571.JPG][attachment=23499:Pict ure_35621.JPG] Neck pick up hole routed square, plug is cut, just making sure it's plenty dry. All sanded with 120 grit Headstock reshaped (Had some odd looking angled bit on the end, er now looks like a lollipop but hey...) Still unsure about jointed neck. doesn't look too bad feels good and solid, dont know if it will disguise with sanding and laquer, or if it will be paint. suggestions?...
  10. [quote name='BOD2' post='456519' date='Apr 7 2009, 03:55 PM']Oh don't you just hate it when that happens..... [url="http://www.emginc.com/content/wiringdiagrams/BTseries.pdf"]http://www.emginc.com/content/wiringdiagrams/BTseries.pdf[/url] Sorry ![/quote] No worries matey well maybe one or two actually this looks quite complex for a simple joiner who's soldering iron is still to be bought think I'm going to order up the bits and sit and stare at them until it makes sense Thanks pete, slow and steady, this isn't a race eh? will research the books, Andy
  11. [quote name='BOD2' post='456384' date='Apr 7 2009, 01:43 PM']Here's an example wiring diagram to be looking at and getting familiar with With a single pickup, the relevant diagrams are - "1 Volume 1 BTC Control" or "1 Volume 1 BTS Control" Ignore all the other variations as these are for two pickups. The BTC has a stacked pot for treble and bass, the BTS has separate treble and bass pots.[/quote] Thanks Bod but the link is?
  12. i intended fitting a wood plug in the pick up hole, never thought of squaring it up (duh), was more concerned about matching the wood for expansion rates cracking the finish? Always found myself ducking when threads on here started talking electrics, so now I need to know it has come back to haunt me Vol/bass/treble controls will be more than enough for a first attempt I think, with a humbucker to eliminate noise. Photos soon...
  13. i have an old fusion style 5 string fretless (cheapo) which I have decided to abuse for practice, before I attempt a self build. I have been a joiner (latin: woodus spoilitus) for most of my working life. Redundancy has given me far too much spare time, so rather than sit on here for too long I'm going to make my mistakes with my old 5er, and then go for the real deal. Posting it here rather than self build as I can forsee a few techical issues. Having said that a bit tounge in cheekish, I would really like it turn out ok So the bass has a single jazz and a single humbucker, both active and both dead Rosewood fingerboard. Everything else is painted black. I've stripped the electrics out and removed all the hardware, separated the neck and body and begun removing the paint to expose the woods and check the quality. Er, it's not good, but not horrendous. There is some damage round the j pick up hole. The neck is jointed (very well done, to be fair) near the head stock. and thats about it. The neck looks like maple the body looks like it could be wood, yep it's wood, sound and dry but iffy quality, so it's going to get painted Will consult my cabinet maker buddy Lea, who is my consultant and assistant for finishing, to identify it. Would like to simplify and upgrade the electrics and this is where i tumble over. Because it's now paint, I'm going to fill the J pickup in (maybe a scratchplate? will see how it finishes) and fit a better quality humbucker (a la MM) Consequently I would like to have a 2 band eq. and I struggle to wire a plug safely!! I have an electrician friend who will help and make sure I don't kill myself, but I want to do as much as possible. Your input is most definately required here! (in fact your input is required everywhere!) Think I can get away with a laquered neck, but the body is a defo paint, and is going to be white. I'm going to fret the neck for the practice. (I bet you lot ask for b*oody photo's now ok-soonish) Andy
  14. I'm suprised noone has said 'Overwater' My Perception 4 is only a couple of weeks away Watch this space for a review... (wipes away drool)
  15. Well done matey! there for three hours and all talk sounded positive, the least you can take away is that auditions aren't a horror story, and you can do it. I feel inspired
  16. Love the playlist! Shame you are a bit far away for debut gig. also sad sax player is a bit of an ars*e, some floyd (us and them?) would fit well I reckon
  17. [quote name='molan' post='449310' date='Mar 30 2009, 11:22 AM']I was watching it & there no bids until quite late. Could have been an auto bidder that might have driven it up higher anyway. £700 is a good price for something like this though. Just shows the combination of recession & some dodgy photography can really hurt a bass sale price![/quote] Just checked the overwater website and new now is £1895.00 (without the birdseye maple neck I would guess) so that was a bit of a steal had a bid on it but didn't get back online before it was over..
  18. AAAARRRGGHHH!!! missed the bugg*r, and it went for £700, 20 mins ago
  19. [quote name='thebeat' post='448186' date='Mar 28 2009, 04:35 PM']Nostalgia is a thing of the past mate. 10 points for whoever knows which Irish band had that line in one of their tunes. [/quote] Dubliners???
  20. Man that really sucks, stuffs your auction and cant re-list for b*oody ages, and stuffs you from liberating funds had same sh*t twice with a mobile fone
  21. Hi claire, and welcome. Practice makes better I think, for perfection you should speak to my ex wife...
  22. Welcome plenty more to lust after in the for sale threads (tissues advisable )
  23. [quote name='fuzzy' post='438640' date='Mar 18 2009, 08:36 PM']hey fellas, if it makes u feel any better, i went with the bassist of my band yesterday to pick this up (im a drummer, but my dad plays bass hence my reg on here) hes bought it not for profit, but because its one of his three dream basses. Can i ask what the gold knobs should have been if not original, and can i also ask on hios behalf if anyone knows how all that circuitry works... lol[/quote] Hope he enjoys it, it's a great bass, just didn't suit me. Sorry he had his leg lifted, but if he loves it, it makes it priceless Can't help about original knobs, didn't know they weren't original. Four position switch is pick up selector, sequence- off,neck,both,bridge two gold knobs are pup volumes three black knobs are eq controls. Andy
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='438632' date='Mar 18 2009, 08:26 PM']So am I right in thinking that you sold it to someone on here, who fed you a load of bullsh*t?[/quote] a newbie who only registered to buy, haven't seen any posts b4 or since,
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