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Everything posted by soopercrip

  1. Certainly put me off ebaying my rig, someone has got a serious bargain there Andy
  2. [i][quote name='Rammsteinbrit' timestamp='1332330523' post='1586662'] Have another bump on me... Dont suppose youd be interested in a trade for my left leg, would you? [/quote][/i] Hmm tempting, what size speakers does it have??
  3. [quote name='Chairleg' timestamp='1331113311' post='1567683'] Well Andy, there are rumours around these parts that many years ago, as far back as the 1980's, someone with a fairly large garage started to use the back end of it for storage. Kids left home, too much stuff in the house etc etc..so a clearout was undertaken (possibly on a dark, windswept night whilst a lone wolf howled in the distance.......or possibly not....might be over-egging it there). I have it on good authority that, amongst the stuff that went in there were 3 guitars, one of which is a bass. I intend to mount an expedition in the next week or so to go in search of it. Nobody knows how old it is, what make it is or even what colour it was. I reckon this should be interesting. I will keep you posted as to what I find in there. Regards, Mark. [/quote] The prospect of the 'uncles loft' early precision eh? Probably more like an old Kay or Teisco, but still a good find. Good luck with it Mark, send us a postcard from the wilderness . Andy
  4. Well done Mark looks great. Whats the next project? Andy
  5. Big fan, always have been, Comfortably numb, high hopes, take it back, etc all good. Love the echoes dvd at earls court. ...and was that Doddy I saw?? Welcome back mate! Bloody ship sunk I guess? Andy
  6. Saw That on FB. Was going to enter myself but I look a tw@t holding a bass... err,I look a tw@t without one I've just been informed over my shoulder... Well done matey Andy
  7. I don't think a minimum post is necessary. If your buying from a newbie on here or ebay it is a case of 'buyer beware', and using your own judgement. I reckon it would deter people from joining the forum and would be a loss. Andy
  8. [quote name='Mike' timestamp='1330342574' post='1555844'] Thanks for the headsup! It's arrived and seems very, very nice! Cheers! [/quote] Good for you Mike, looked a good deal and glad it's turned out to be. Andy
  9. Looks like a classic MFI bass from a leftover piece of worktop...
  10. Wasn't looking for another bass, just spotted it while looking in the clearance section for an amp combo. I don't own an electric blanket, why would I??? Andy
  11. I'm looking to get an Ampeg B300 (when my rig sells eventually) but can't decide on 210 or 115. While looking at info on the web to decide I also checked prices. From Thomann the 210 is £437 and a few pence [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ampeg_ba300210.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...eg_ba300210.htm[/url] inc free delivery i muso want £695 [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/Amplifiers/Amplifiers-By-Instrument/Bass-Guitar-Amplifiers/7375-/Ampeg-BA-300-210-Bass-Guitar-Amp-Combo?utm_source=googleproduct"]http://www.imuso.co....e=googleproduct[/url] with free delivery and Red Dog in Edinburgh want £699 although not in stock [url="http://www.reddogmusic.co.uk/Basses-Amps-and-Effects/Bass-Amps/Bass-Combos/Ampeg-BA300-210.html?origin=googlebase"]http://www.reddogmus...igin=googlebase[/url] Am I missing something here? Andy
  12. Saw them at York last May and going again this May. Excellent show over 2hrs + and an interval to replenish beer. Very authentic, good choice of tunes, well staged. They have a website which has vids which were recorded at Liverpool. thorughly recommend it for a good night, well worth the cost. Andy
  13. [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Overwater-Classic-J-Series-Bass-Candy-Apple-Red---Ex-Display~ID~16647.asp"]http://www.soundsliv...ay~ID~16647.asp[/url]
  14. Bass doc made me a tort plate for my stingray, excellent quality and very reasonable price. Andy
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