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Posts posted by Shambo

  1. Don't do it!

    Can't you sell the AVRI and use the proceeds to get a luthier to make you what you want? Or buy a new body for it and mod that instead? Or use a more common second hand american standard that might benefit from the TLC? You'd be making an irreversable mod to a valuable guitar rendering it virually unsellable to anybody who isn't looking for that specific model with that exact specification, ie nobody but yourself.

    Only joking! It's your guitar and if that's what makes you happy. Perhaps you want to take it to the grave with you. You pay's your money and takes your choice.

    But seriously, don't.

  2. Since first owning an S1 Jazz, I've now insisted on this mod for every jazz since. A useful option to have.

    If you're not good with a soldering iron, Basschat's own Ki0gon will make you a high quality push/pull series/parallel loom for a price, so no drilling required either.

  3. I'm up to a personal best of three at the moment, having dropped down to zero earlier this year. I've got a Stingray, a Jazz and a Westone Thunder which I'd like to soon supplant with a Precision to complete that Leo Fender trinity thing. I know I only need one bass, but I reminisce about all the basses I've sold over the years (usually because I was skint). Fortunes dictate that I am allowed to collect... for the time being. I'll sell them all eventually with the usual tinge of regret.

    • Like 1
  4. I've noticed that there's more Jazz basses for sale recently because I've been looking for a Precision. They're not better or worse because that's entirely subjective. Most of the basses for sale of either variety have been sunburst, which I can entirely understand.


  5. I love the Meters, but I'm hard pressed to think of a band who sound just like them. Charles Wright occasionally? Sometimes reminiscent of Dyke And The Blazers? Besides the excellent use of space to let their melodies breathe, I've also accredited some of the success of their sound (in my mind at least) to the way the bass and lead guitar sometimes choose to replicate each other.



  6. All your base are belong to us.

    How many bass guitars do Fender/EBMM/Yamaha/ect. make every year?

    Are less basses made now than in the 1970's?

    Are there more manufacturers now than thirty years ago?

    Do any such figures exist as to how many bass guitars are made per year? By country? Continent? Worldwide?

    I have none of these answers. I asked myself what are the chances of meeting a random new person and discovering that they played, or at least owned, a bass guitar. It occurred to me that I have absolutely no idea. Any speculative theories would be welcome.


  7. I like these strings so much I overenthusiastically bought two sets recently. Only for the sake of change I've decided to try a different brand, so I'm keeping one set for the future and selling the other.

    Brand new and unopened, this is the 0760M 'Jamerson' strings. They're big and heavy and stiffer than an arthritic pensioner with a bag of viagra.

    I think they sound fabulous.

    £40 gets them posted in the UK. Paypal gift or bank transfer please.


  8. If I hadn't just recently bought a very similar 75RI in black, I'd be all over this. It looks great. I've even got the required trade bait, but I've not long owned the Stingray either (which has spent more time in my busy luthiers workshop than in my posession) and want to give it more of a chance to work its way into my affections.

    TL;DR  Someone buy this quick to stop it from tempting me. GLWTS.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Burns-bass said:

    Hi Andy, I know how you feel. I do the same with my DBS. Having a pro work on it just puts your mind at rest and Labella strings will exert more tension on the neck than the new Rotos on there (make sure you don’t ditch those strings, I only put them on last week for an hour!).

    I asked a friend and he recommended these guys in Stokes Croft:


    I actually need to take a guitar to get looked at by SiCo sometime (I need the pickup rewound and I’ve heard they do a good job) so if you’re stuck I can drop it in with mine but won’t be until next week sometimes.

    Hi Lawrie.

    Edge Guitar Services is the Mr Eltham Jones I mentioned earlier. I read somewhere, probably here, that he prefers to work from his workshop in Bridgend these days. I think I might just have to give him a ring this afternoon and see what the score is.

    Thank you for the offer of the drop off, you're a good'un. ;)

  10. 12 hours ago, Cuzzie said:

    is it worth getting a few bits and using one of the awesome online you tube things to help?

    Oh, I've done quite a few setups before. I've got a set of allen keys and I'm not afraid to use them. I'll try and explain my reasoning to you, (and myself).

    I want a full time luthier to do this because; a) they should be better at it than me, and b) because it's difficult to be subjective when adjusting an instrument for your own use.

    If I do it myself, I'll be trying to make the bass feel familiar or 'right'. These adjustments could take months, years or forever.  If I tell a luthier how I want it, when I get the guitar back, (depending on how good a job I think they've done), I'm more likely to accept the instrument for what it is and adjust my playing style subtly to suit. Then I can just restrict myself to the twice yearly seasonal truss rod tweak, and use more brain power trying to play the damn instrument rather than trying to fettle it.

    I put Labella flats on all my basses, (yes even Stingrays it seems), and only once. I'm probably more likely to sell a bass before swapping new flats for old.

    I've always been happy to take an allen keys to a friends bass when asked, because I can be subjective and I don't have to live with it every day. Also, under the proviso that I am very much an amateur and that a pro luthier will do a better job than I could.

  11. On 11/04/2018 at 15:05, Cuzzie said:

    Simon Bamber of Sico set ups is in Hallen mate.

    That was one I was looking at, and your recommendation is enough but... he lives outside of the city and I don't drive. I'd be looking at a 2+ hour journey on foot and bus each way... with Saturday morning my only window of opportunity to visit.

    I might end up there yet if there are no other luthiers, in the city, somebody could put in a good word for.

  12. I'm looking for a luthier based in Bristol to set up a Stingray for me.

    I could do it myself, but the adjustments would never end... up a bit, down a bit, back a bit, forward a bit, repeat ad infinitum. I'm happy to pay for a good pro luthier, then tell them how I'd like it to play. They can usually do a better job than me.

    I hear Waghorn only does guitar builds now. Or that Eltham Jones doesn't work in Bristol very often.

    Can someone recommend one to me please?

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