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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. next to my old CV 50's P
  2. Shambo


    The recently installed Malwarebytes just jumped in for the first time on this site to prevent a malicious code. -Log Details- Protection Event Date: 8/23/17 Protection Event Time: 7:54 AM Log File: Administrator: Yes -Software Information- Version: Components Version: 1.0.160 Update Package Version: 1.0.2642 License: Trial -System Information- OS: Windows 10 (Build 15063.540) CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: System -Blocked Website Details- Malicious Website: 1 , , Blocked, [-1], [-1],0.0.0 -Website Data- Domain: u.cubeupload.com IP Address: Port: [62785] Type: Outbound File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (end)
  3. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1502578292' post='3352340'] Here's where we are at: More to follow! [/quote] [b]RUINED[/b]! lol, only joking. Each to their own. As said, it's really interesting to see your relicing technique.
  4. It might stay. It might go. Moving house, and not driving, is a PITA so the less I have to travel with the better. That's why, if it makes it to Bristol, I shall in all probability keep it. I only made it earlier this year so haven't had time to get too sentimental about it. I know I'd be hard pressed to find anything of this quality to buy elsewhere but... I made it once (and thoroughly enjoyed the process) and I could do it again. Thank you for the kind comments.
  5. Thanks guys. It is rather nice... more than the sum of its parts and better spec for mexican money. nice tight pocket Gotoh 203B 'vintage' style bridge... still shiney new 2014 Fender Mexican Precision neck and tuners with no marks Why am I selling this?
  6. The Gotoh 203 bridge is a direct replacement, a little bit more substantial and retains that old school look. I haven't tried it with a cover though. More info here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/129315-gotoh-201-v-203/
  7. Somebody snap this up!
  8. The hateful photobucket is not wanting to give up my images so easily.
  9. Bit of a reluctant sale this, but uni has finished and I've gotten a new job in another city, (Bristol). I'm moving house soon and haven't got alot of space at my new temporary digs. I'm prepared to sell this on the promise to myself I'll replace it with something else once I'm settled. I documented the building here ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/299633-natural-bitsa-precision-first-time-build/"]http://basschat.co.u...rst-time-build/[/url]) after complaining about not being able to find what I wanted here ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/297365-how-hard-is-it-to-find-a-natural-precision/"]http://basschat.co.u...ural-precision/[/url]) which would have made a perfect accompaniment to a sales thread, showing the creation, provinance of the bits and the finished instrument in detail, but Photobucket has rendered it useless by removing the images... so I'll describe it best I can here. 2 piece alder body (2.48kg), lovingly sanded and given a clear nito finish by myself, with no nibbles or blemishes. I[s] didn't [/s]couldn't buff it too hard so it's more of a matt finish than a gloss. 2014 Fender Mexican rosewood neck and tuners ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/299494-sold-2014-fender-mexican-precision-bass-neck-rosewood/"]http://basschat.co.u...-neck-rosewood/[/url]). Genuine Fender 'F' neckplate. Gotoh 203 bridge (the more vintage looking one). Aftermarket no name pickguard, Kiogon solderless loom and CS pickups from 2014 American Standard ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/299774-sold-fender-custom-shop-precision-pickups-with-pots-and-jack-from-2014-american-standard-p-bass/"]http://basschat.co.u...tandard-p-bass/[/url]) and Shaller straplocks. Cavaties shielded with copper tape and wearing my favourite Labella flats! All in all, it's a great bass and I'm going to regret letting it go. I'm a convert to nitro finishes if they always make the body feel so resonous. Amplified it sounds... well just like a P bass should I suppose. Roll up the volume, roll off a bit of tone and away you go. I don't have scales so can't give an exact weight of the fully assembled bass, but I'd guesstimate it between 9-10lb and the nitro finish means hopefully it should get lighter as the years pass by. I'm in Plymouth for a few more weeks where it can be tried out, then it will come with me to Bristol, (where I might change my mind and keep it). I can post it to the majority of the UK for £25 next day delivery (I've got alot of bubble wrap and I'll find some cardboard to double box it), but check with me if you want it posted to the highlands or such in case it costs more. UK sale only for this I'm afraid because there is no hard case. It's worth £350 easily. Cash, bank transfer or Paypal gift please. Now I'm going to have to drag the images from the damned photobucket site across to imgur, and will update the thread with pictures shortly.
  10. Shambo


    There's a first time for everything, and this is a first time for me. Normally, I consider myself a tech savvy person, have a mulititude of blocker (inc U Block), ghostery, cookie crunchers and whatnot installed and don't visit any dodgy sites, but I just got my first virus pop-up 'dial this number to remove the virus' scam.... browsing here. I don't want to install no-script because it's so intrusive but perhaps it's time. I think I managed to successfully zap it with malaware bytes, but it would have scared the bejesus out of somebody like my mother, who would have probably rang immediately with credit card in hand.
  11. [quote name='Hellzero' timestamp='1498838493' post='3327496'] And no human can hear below 20 Hz or above 20 KHz, that's a fact, so the good old 16 bits 44,1 KHz cd is the perfect solution for music or sound. There is no need for something else and THAT is the real problem in a world ruled by marketing and planned obsolescence. [/quote] You say that, but when you're trying to record the Dog Whistle Ensemble's latest album...
  12. I can't help but think the Foo's are what The Darkness would have been like if they took themselves very, very seriously.
  13. This looks just like one that got away from me many moons ago. It would have been a lot heavier than this though. Black on black, rosewood blocked & bound is a great look for a Jazz and I'm a recent convert to nitro finishes... but I can't afford it. GLWTS.
  14. Those electrics shots seem to be of a different Jazz bass. Nice Jag though.
  15. They're selling [s]make up brushes[/s] guitar dusters, and somebody bought one. Weird.
  16. Sell the yellow body to offset the cost of a new unfinished body. That will save you one job. I picked up an unfinished alder P bass body for £100 on ebay and the same company are selling ochebe bodies starting around £60.
  17. Done. Good luck with your dissy.
  18. *picks up jumbo popcorn & sits back in beanbag*
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1492611811' post='3281627'] I hope the people that are upset about people selling basses previously owned by them for more than they sold them for are forwarding cheques on to other sellers to make up the short fall to any sellers selling them on for less? No? thought not, back in your box [/quote] I don't think that's the issue. Nobody has said they expect mates rates just because it's basschat, it's more of a problem when somebody wants to buy and sell basses on here like a tout sells tickets.
  20. People seems to be asking a bit more for the more recent Mexican Fenders but I personally, for a used [i]standard [/i]mex, wouldn't want to pay much more than £350. Less if it was a bit battered or in need of some work.
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1492498902' post='3280639'] I've been lucky though and even though it wasn't my intention I have bought things that have tended to be more desirable when they've been sold a few years later than when I bought them - It's meant I've got to play some lovely instruments, I don't think that that is my fault! [/quote] I don't think the scenario you have described is the buying and selling for profit and no fault has been implied. That sounds like a very normal situation. Buy a 2nd hand instrument instrument, enjoy it (or not), then move it on... perhaps its gone up in value, hopefully it hasn't dropped. Speaking personally and for nobody else, I wouldn't want to purchase an instrument here from another member of the 'community', who [b][i]only [/i][/b]bought the instrument to move it on quickly for a profit... and not even with the good manners to try and flog it somewhere else. I think such behaviour is damaging to the forum.
  22. What about a large picnic cooler bag? They come in all shapes and sizes, perhaps it will fit in something like this? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Insulated-Camping-Picnic-Cooler-Travel-x/dp/B01D4UIO96/ref=sr_1_19/258-0255875-6104678?s=camping-hiking&ie=UTF8&qid=1492093890&sr=1-19
  23. If you want a dehumidifier and live in any major conurbation, eBay is the best place to buy second hand and collection only. People buy them for specific tasks, like drying a newly plastered rooms, then barely look at them until they decide to get rid. Like guitars they're awkward to post, so collection only bargains can be found. My last one retailed for £120 but cost me a fiver and had barely been used. I run it once a year in all rooms before winter and it's amazing how much moisture it can pull out of walls, floors and soft furnishings. I've convinced myself this makes my home warmer and saves on heating. All my gear has always stayed in the house though, because I've never owned a garage... *sniff*
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