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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. Sounds like half a weak joke and half a medical procedure. I voted hate it.
  2. That is a very keenly priced instrument. Good luck with the sale.
  3. The 80's Ibanez Roadster thingy I had for the years when I wasn't interested or playing often, which I despised. Don't know what came first, the apathy or this godawful instrument. Failing that the first bass I owned which was an Avon Rose Morris EB0 copy... just cheap and nasty.
  4. I remember when blatant profiteering was frowned upon on this forum, and it wasn't so long ago. [i]Blatant[/i] being the operative word. We used to be looking out for each other and flippers would be given short shrift. Are we not doing that anymore? More's the pity. Back OT, I hope this problem gets resolved asap.
  5. Q. How many musicians does it take to change a lightbulb? A. Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to stand around and mutter, "I could have done it better than that".
  6. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358324990' post='1936860'] But when they got it right... [/quote] I liked that very much. Thanks for sharing.
  7. 'Rock of Ages' puts me in mind of the lively discussions to be had when The Darkness arrived in the public consciousness. I was always of the opinion that people who used to voraciously slate them were having a temporary humour bypass and embarrassing themselves a little with their high brow opinions about three chord pop.
  8. Too embarassed to spam my virtual chums with a bass[s]nerd[/s]chat facebook page... not even for a keyring.
  9. I've just received the Newtown spam but, tbh since Monster.com got hacked a few years ago, I've faced a never ending stream of it.
  10. Careful getting down with dem kidz, it's not the 1970's yknow.
  11. I'd say keep the old marketplace because that's what drives the whole forum. Yes you do get the odd one post wonders but I'm willing to wager alot of regular forum users came here just to buy or sell a bass, and then stuck around when they realised there's a helpful community here. 1) Charge a small fee per listing, not annual subs because that will scare the casual user away. I dare say if you do introduce a larger annual sub then some bright spark will open another site without one to fill the gap in the market you've created. 2) Introduce mandatory price and location fields when creating a thread. That's a no brainer. 3) Introduce the 36hr bump button, but no so rigid as to be unable to update your thread before 36 hours are up. That way we can keep the discussion in the sales threads, the sense of community and self policing and keep the chat about bass flowing.
  12. Am I not seeing a button, or can you not distinguish between which classified adverts you've already viewed and which ones you haven't?
  13. I prefer higher tension (LaBella's my preference) because it means I can get the action really low... which means I don't have to apply so much pressure with my fretting hand... swings and roundabouts innit.
  14. I appreciate it's a work in progress but like Mr Horse once said, "No sir.... I don't like it". The marketplace has always been the spark of life for this forum and now that the new listings have lost their linear, conversational vibe for me the forum seems slower and... duller. Rare, coveted or keenly priced items generate more replies in sale threads and stay near the top of the board, whilst less exciting overpriced items sink quickly only to return to view briefly with the echo of a "bump.... bump........ pricedrop.... anybody?". That's a dynamism that the new classifieds lack. I can't see the interaction between members that would normally take place in the old marketplace spilling out into the other forums and I can't imagine why it would. Questions asked in the new classifieds seem non existant and as the number of basses for sale grows I guess will mainly come to consist of.. "is this item still for sale?"
  15. Just bought a mic from Harry in a straightforward and pleasant transaction. Thank you.
  16. This is surely a nice bit of kit and too posh for me. I've seen 'sniperschool' from Gearslutz selling basses here, perhaps you could try selling this over there, or maybe the SOS forums?
  17. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1350657432' post='1841902'] Here's the official top 50 cover songs based on the set lists of bands on North West Bands website. [url="http://nwb.co/setlistchart"]http://nwb.co/setlistchart[/url] [/quote] There's an extremely easy drinking game in there... I'm going to print that list out and take it to the pub with me this weekend. One alcoholic beverage for every whoary old cliche played off that list. No wait, that'll only make the landlord/lady encourage those songs.
  18. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1350252938' post='1836548'] The Meters' 'Rejuvination' [/quote] [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1350289927' post='1836735'] Betty Davis - Betty Davis (Her first album had Larry Graham on bass - legendary...) [/quote] +1
  19. Just sold Jamie a Squier CV bass. Nice straightforward transaction and I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him again. Thanks Jamie, hope you enjoy it.
  20. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1349298289' post='1824538'] My family of many years ago. [url="https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/9582357284/"]https://www.facebook...ups/9582357284/[/url] [/quote] Aw, I remember you guys. Remember watching you play at the Krazy House not long after my 18th birthday.
  21. SOLD. Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest.
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