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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. [quote name='Soloshchenko' timestamp='1349522824' post='1827296'] Having sold this bass to Shambo I'd just like to say it's an absolutely lovely thing. Great, proper PBass sound and Shambo is a great bloke to deal with. If money wasn't so tight I'd be tempted to re buy this! [/quote] Thank you mate. Hope you're keeping well.
  2. Arguing about which Fender is better than which has always struck me as being a bit like arguing about who's Ford Transit is the best. It's just a tool with a specific task and as long as it reliably gets you and stuff from A to B, it matters not where it was built or if it has electric windows and a nice stereo..
  3. [quote name='GS1000' timestamp='1349381687' post='1825658'] One thing, popped the pickguard off to have a quick butcher's at the electrics and it's got CTS 250k pots and an orange drop cap in there. Is this standard on these or has it been upgraded? [/quote] That'll have been upgraded. Shameless plug... I've got a sonic blue one for sale ATM.
  4. I don't think 'enjoy' is quite the word I'd use to describe reading your compression blog but I think you explained it pretty well. Good stuff.
  5. Basschatters review of the classic vibe bump... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/84210-squier-classic-vibe-60s-precision-bass-fiesta-red/
  6. so pretty... if i could afford it I would...
  7. I've had no notifications randomly too. Also the sales thread I created recently didn't appear in 'My Content', but then showed up after a few days.
  8. Just to clarify, £20 P+P is for 24 hour tracked delivery [b]within the UK only.[/b] I'm not prepared to post the bass overseas because it doesn't come with a hardcase. Any other potential overseas buyers please accept my apologies on this matter. There must be a UK buyer for this bass somewhere? Rare(ish) colour, excellent condition, lovely player and potential collectable that will hold it's resale value. You've got nothing to lose!
  9. Honestly, no trades for guitars please people. I don't play one and I've never wanted to try.
  10. I've stopped loitering miserably in the shadows and taken to getting up and leaving after the first couple of songs, (you can usually tell after the first two songs), and trying a different pub. If you came to my local and started your set with a suitably raucous rendition of 'Line Up' I might stay for another pint.
  11. I don't think some of you guys give the audience enough credit. I've lost track of the number of times I've heard pub band members say this or that overplayed song is 'what the punters want to hear'. You might well get a few pissed girls up in front of the singer dancing to 'sex on fire', or dads nodding their heads telling you they're always loved 'where the streets have no name', but you have to look past them to the bored looking people loitering away from the dancefloor. Those bored ones are the ones who go out regularly and have heard the same set list done to death, usually badly, by some middle aged men who live for those weekend moments when they convince themselves they're a rockstar. There's a miriad of interesting songs, that your average punter would recognise that don't get murdered in the pub every weekend. It doesn't have to be the obscure stuff your moody guitarist cryw***s himself to sleep to, and any new take on an old song would be most welcome too.
  12. That price is firm. I don't have a pressing need to sell, I just thought somebody else could have the pleasure... and it's worth it.
  13. [quote name='Stuee' timestamp='1347539189' post='1802113'] Ah yes, that would make it tricky. It would also make it tricky for anyone to come & try it out Ok, when was it made? [/quote] I don't know... Squier started making CV's in 2008 and the 60's P turned fiesta red during 2010. Anybody who would like to come and try the bass would be most welcome. Tea/coffee & biscuits for all visitors.
  14. [quote name='Stuee' timestamp='1347491783' post='1801747'] Hey Shambo, do you have a pic of the serial number please? Or could you at least post the number here? Many thanks, Stuee. [/quote] It took me over two hours to bubble wrap, pad and double box the guitar before I got a quote for shipping. I'm a bit reluctant to take a stanley knife to my over zealous and paranoid packaging to make a note of the serial number... and I don't own a camera, I was hoping the pics in the previous for sale thread would suffice.
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