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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1223334' date='May 7 2011, 03:59 PM']This bass played hundreds of gigs, night after night and lots of studio recordings and never faultered. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22074&hl=KGB+Status+replica"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...+Status+replica[/url][/quote] Nice. I noticed in the photo's your singer is wearing a Scorpio Rising t-shirt. I remember them, was that your old band then?
  2. Nice. Didn't BC and Birkenhead's own Steve-Soar once say he was the proud owner of a KGB bass? I've been very happy with their setup work for me.
  3. I reckon you might have had a lucky escape first time around. They messed you about and I think it'll happen again... casually. They've gone on to have problems with the other person they offered the position, which suggests either social inadequacy or a disregard for bass players in general. I would politely decline their generous offer but then I'm not you, and gigging for the sake of it isn't the be all and end all in my book.
  4. IIRC 'Forest Fire' by the Dead Kennedys.
  5. Two lightweight Purple Chili 12" cabs. Snuck in before the rising neo prices that seem to have halted production... and my back thanks me for it. Watching me inch a 410 Ashdown combo up and down the metal staircase to my flat, in the dark, in the rain, you could say they have saved me from inevitable serious injury.
  6. It might be a bit too late, but you could try [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=133865"]here[/url].
  7. Ahhh. The black on black with rosewood, blocks and bindings is the same as my first decent bass, a 74 Jazz which resisted the marbling, and 'the one that got away'. Far too rich for my blood now. Best of luck with the sale.
  8. I'd happily play for Justin Beiber, but I wouldn't play Justin Bieber in the Dog & Duck on a saturday night. Actually, I take that last bit back. I probably would.
  9. This one could have saved me twenty quid... but my new one has just arrived. Nice and easy to use. Just the job for recording rehersals/jams.
  10. Nice1. Exciting times for you playing with all your new toys. I shall be in touch shortly about popping over to record another magnum opus I knocked together last Tuesday.
  11. Aaaargh! I got tired of waiting for someone to sell one of these and ordered a new one yesterday!
  12. I've got Jamerson flats on my stock 2007 Jazz. The intonation on the E is fine but the saddle is back as far as it goes and just the slightest of movement on the tuning peg, even a stern look, and it goes sharp/flat. It's not much of a problem for me but knowing this earlier I would have opted for the normal gauge Labella's.
  13. Hello Dave. Welcome aboard.
  14. It's collection only and I'm too far away so maybe some else would like to snap this up? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rudderless-Hippy-Bass-Player-Needs-good-home-/290555735681?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43a678ae81"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rudderless-Hippy-Bas...=item43a678ae81[/url] I wonder if "Higgins" is a BC'er?
  15. I've got terrible Stingray 5 gas ATM. It's not going away and will have to be assuaged soon.
  16. congrats, looks real nice. are you going to play it out or baby it at home?
  17. It's been 2 weeks since this sold for £825.70 and still no feedback, positive or negative, has been left... hmmmm.
  18. I've noticed the Purple Chili website has removed the prices for their neo cabs, "Due to huge price rises in Neodymium".
  19. [quote name='sk8' post='1190262' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:56 AM']+2 again[/quote] +3 I like 'em too.
  20. My preference would have to be: 1) bass guitar 2) bass guitar 3) triangle and so I have now decided to call myself a multi instrumentalist. In all seriousness I have never played or wanted to strum a single chord on guitar. Not proud of that or anything, just the feel of the little fiddly strings makes my toes curl, sometimes shrieking like a schoolgirl being introduced to a particularly large and hairy spider, and I have to give it immediately back to it's owner... perhaps it's a phobia? I can appreciate them aesthetically and I dig a good rhythm guitar player but guitar solos leave me stone cold.
  21. oh wow.... it's certainly erm... very erm... green.
  22. [quote name='BottomE' post='1189136' date='Apr 5 2011, 03:34 PM']Unless you are on Ebay who seem to rule in favour of the seller in the majority of cases regardless[/quote] Not sure if that's the case but that's ebay/paypal rules though. Nothing to do with any selling regulations. Everyone who buys from a private individual on this site must know about caveat emptor, if only for their own sake. Back on topic, I've had nothing but pleasant transactions on this site, buying, selling and trading.
  23. [quote name='krth1985' post='1189005' date='Apr 5 2011, 01:59 PM']Distance selling rules apply here just the same as they would if they bought the item from Dolphin or whatever.[/quote] Surely that's not true?
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