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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. [quote name='Golchen' post='816695' date='Apr 23 2010, 08:45 PM']Personally I suspect unions. Have you considered your cables working conditions?[/quote] I get the impression official M.U. cables would be terribly expensive and drink alot of tea. [quote name='escholl' post='816626' date='Apr 23 2010, 07:55 PM']This: [/quote] Mice eh?
  2. I've bought cheap cables and I've bought expensive ones. I've never really noticed a correlation between cost and lifespan to be honest, (or maybe I've just been unlucky), or tone or signal strength for that matter. For me, they all shuffle off this *ahem* mortal coil sooner rather than later.
  3. So here I am looking at another dead guitar cable. Nothing unusual there and it wasn't a particularly expensive cable, (a Planet Waves one with the brown card wrapping). It can't have been more than three months old and it hasn't had a tough life. It's never been accidentally yanked out of my bass or amp. It's never had a knot in it, always coiled properly, not extensively gigged only used for practice and the occasional jam. Never rolled over with a flightcase full of power amps or sat in a pool of beer. Always kept at room temperature. Only ever used by me, it's had a gentle albeit brief life. I'm at a complete loss as to why it's stopped working. It's not the end of anybody's world, I'm not even slighty irritated. Playing bass on and off for twenty odd years, it's obviously not the first cable I've killed. I'm just wondering if any knowledgable basschatters have any theories as to why other cables, (ie power) seem indestructable, yet musical instrument cables seem so fragile? Is it the inherent physics of designing instrument cables? Shoddy manufacturing processes? Inbuilt obsolescense? Alien magnetic pulses from outer space? All theories, practical or abstract, are welcome.
  4. Settled for a pair of Wizard eighty fours and my S1 fuzzy thump has returned with a vengance.
  5. I've found it surprisingly difficult to find old black jazzes with rosewood board, blocks and bindings. It's my favourite. I'll buy a lottery ticket. *sighs*
  6. That's a good idea. I don't think you have to do things like School Days though because it's not other bass players you're trying to impress. Rather some short snippets of instantly recognisable bass lines... and don't restrict yourself to just rawk either, (something like 'Around The World' by Daft Punk).
  7. Ah that's a lovely bass and not too dissimilar to one I used to own, (and still covet). Sorry to hear about your friend but good that he wanted his bass to go to someone who would appreciate it.
  8. You'll need a 1/16" imperial allen key. Not all allen keys are made equal though. I found a set of imperial keys at Wilco's for 99p, but they were poor quality rubbish that didn't fit and I ended up ordering one key for a pound off ebay.
  9. I've got one of these in Shoreline Gold and it's a very nice instrument... a quality Jazz with an extra tonal option. The price is spot on too. Have a bump.
  10. I'm looking for a recorder for the same reasons and the Yamaha Pocketrak CX keeps catching my eye because, depending where you look, the price has come down to around £100. [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/38818-yamaha-pocketrak-cx.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/3881...cketrak-cx.html[/url] Anybody used one of these? I'm loathe to buy sh*te and pay twice.
  11. I see a black body jazz with a maple board, a white body with a rosewood board... Where's the black body jazz with a rosewood board? Like the mexican 70's reissue? Bah!
  12. Yeah, it's kaput alright. I can see a couple of mil break in the coil. If I'd have known it was so dainty I wouldn't have handed my screwdriver to my mate who wanted to adjust my pickup height. It needed sorting and I just hadn't got around to it yet. I didn't take my eyes off him and he wasn't rough with it...I suspect it was defective in the first place. Anyways, humbuckers in series? Is it a go'er? I'm not so sure and I don't want to make an expensive failed experiment.
  13. [quote name='endorka' post='778928' date='Mar 18 2010, 06:01 PM']What may be your problem is that at lower volumes, the ear perceives less bass. Therefore you need to add some bass and/or low mids into your tone, either by increasing the low pass, or by increasing the lower frequencies on the graphic EQ. [b]There is a name for this psychoacoustic phenomenon, but I can't remember it [/b]:-) Jennifer[/quote] Fletcher-Munson sound curves? [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fletcher%E2%80%93Munson_curves"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fletcher%E2%80%93Munson_curves[/url]
  14. Just bought a Little Mark amp off Steve. Nice chap who I'd be very happy to deal with again. Thanks Steve.
  15. A minor frustration turned into a serious problem... nightmare. You have my sympathies and I hope it doesn't take too long to sort out.
  16. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='773750' date='Mar 13 2010, 05:38 PM']It's just possible the old-v-new has resulted in an 'out of phase' situation if the resultant series switching is thin and noisy. Probably best to go back to a matched pair from the same era - I just happen to have a pair of USA Js from circa 2007 available if you're interested.[/quote] They certainly don't like each other, the older one bullies it's younger sibling. PM'ed. Anyone out there fitted noiseless/humbuckers into an S1 jazz? Did you like it?
  17. Does anybody have any experience of putting humbucking/noiseless jazz pickups in a series circut? I can't make my mind up with what to replace my pair with. Despite shielding the cavities in my jazz, it starting to sound as though I'm carrying a lightsabre around my neck. When I practice, seems everywhere I turn to face gives off some sort of electrical hum. Turn away from my hifi and I'm facing my amp, turn away from my amp and I'm facing my laptop, turn away from my laptop and I'm facing a table lamp. It's got to the point now where I practice looking out of the window... people walking past must be thinking I'm a right wazzock.
  18. I'm picking up a LMK2 with carry bag and speakon for £380 on Monday so...
  19. I once prepped some organic vegtables that were taken to Highgrove and served for Prince Charles supper... who happened to be entertaining the Dalai Lama that evening.
  20. I've pondered this too, and put it down to my percieved lack of available keyboard players and/or horn sections.
  21. [quote name='Steve Amadeo' post='771332' date='Mar 11 2010, 10:21 AM']He must be good and therefore busy... he said I'd be be without my bass for a week to ten days....[/quote] Take a gander down at the Pacific Rd Arts Centre. You'll find his funny little shop is always a hive of activity, although I think the 10 days quote is just to cover his backside in case things get ultra busy. I was told it might be ready in 4... or at the worst 10 days. A g*itarist friend recently explained he needed a setup on a brand new instrument days before an important gig, and subsequently got it with hours to spare... but ended up taking it back after the gig because as he thrashed away, the E string kept jumping out of it's saddle and after the first song had to resort to his back up. I've heard some people swear by KGB as a whole, everybody praise Keith's work personally, whilst some people have expressed disappointment at work completed by others in his employ. Apologies to anyone who might be reading this thread in KGB's employ, that's only an opinion that's been expressed to me. I personally have yet to use them, but intend to in the near future.
  22. I notice that shonky looking P bass listing has been pulled...
  23. price... pictures... [i]honest[/i] description... location... it's just too much to expect from some people
  24. Send me an SAE and 20p and I'll send you enough neoprene to make several mutes.
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