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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. Maple... no rosewood... no maple... no rosewood... no... whichever way they come.
  2. [quote]============================== Hi, I was wondering if you were interested in a trade for your bass amp speakers. I have a ride on lawnmower that has not been of use to me since I had a swimming pool installed. I bought the lawnmower for £4300 in 2005 and it has been used maybe only 100 times. I have not had a single fault since ownership. My son has just started to play bass and he has told me he needs some decent speakers. He has been using my marshall amp from the 60s with speakers from my stereo. Please let me know if you are interested. I do not have a trailer but I would be happy to ride the lawnmower too your house, it would have to be done at night time though as it is not legal to do this. Thank you for your time. James ==============================[/quote] I guess you don't get to have your own swimming pool by just[i] simply paying for things.[/i]
  3. I'm interested in the Hagstrom as well. Buy it and tell us what you think!
  4. [quote name='gareth' post='749283' date='Feb 18 2010, 08:52 AM']Thanks for all your comments I am awaiting a reply to my email from the seller and won't be doing anything further until this is received.[/quote] Q. Who wouldn't email a few snaps from a camera phone for £700? A. Only a scammer. Though not strictly legal, I think your strategy of not paying 'till you see some more pictures is a sound one. If the seller wants their money, they'll make the effort to send them and if not, then there's definately something fishy going on. A 'non paying' strike on ebay's got to be better than paying for a 'ringer' and all the nonsense that entails. Mainly though, I hope they do send you the photo's and that this proves the guitar to be a real. Like I said in my OP this guitar caught my eye because, if you swapped the scratchpate for a black one, it looks just like one I sold to Johnny Roadhouse in Manchester around 15 years ago. Something I've always regretted because, (although the years may be making me nostalgic), it was the nicest sounding and easiest playing jazzes I've ever laid hands on, and the black body and rosewood board/blocks & binding combination from this era is cool as f*ck, and rare as rocking horse sh*t.
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='748210' date='Feb 17 2010, 11:21 AM']Do you think the seller is a BCer? [/quote] I never considered that. Doubt it though. A few decent snaps and an honest description could have made them a good sale here, or ebay, 'Faker' or not. If they were a forummmer here they should have realised [b]nothing escapes the collective beady eye of Basschat.[/b]
  6. Although the seller is probably tearing their hair out, after reading some of the doubting comments in this thread, I don't blame you for taking this stance. I doubt the sellers going to give you any more informationthough, they could have done that in the original listing and drummed themselves up more bidders. Black jazzes of this era with the blocks & bindings seem very rare indeed, I hope it works out and I hope the guitar is real. Please let us know what happens.
  7. Don't the Mexican 70's re-issues have a bullet truss rod on the headstock? I'm squinting at his picture and I can't see one.
  8. That's a shocking twist in the story, and yet not entirely surprising. Wonder what other things has he been economical with the truth about? Musicians eh! *spits*
  9. If it turns out to be real, ask him where the flea maret he bought it from is!
  10. Sorry if you're already onto this listing but it caught my eye. Made around the time I was born and save for the white scratchplate, it looks exactly like the bass I've been trying to replace for the last ten years... and I ain't got the money to bid on it. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ220554260273QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item335a0eef31"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Gui...=item335a0eef31[/url] The seller seems very unsure as to what they're selling, but if it's genuine and in good nick, you'd hope he gets his £300 back.
  11. I took my 1x12 to rehersals last night, and powered it with a battered Trace Elliot Series 6 amp, (so not even halfway towards its full volume). It attracted compliments all round about it's build quality, lightness, and sound. This is the first 12" cab I've ever owned so I can't compare it to anything else but I was pleased with it's performance. Next on Shambo's wish list is a micro amp to release it's full potential and then, if needed, a matching cab.
  12. My 1 x 12 turned up this afternoon. Very robust looking thing. It'll be a couple of weeks before I can play it in anger.
  13. [quote name='cheddatom' post='393748' date='Jan 28 2009, 03:24 PM']It doesn't do effects, not sure of the memory capacity. It's very small in physical size. I tend to put it on "auto record" and just mark the occasional riff. I use it on average 30 minutes per day, and I only leave it plugged into the computer for 10 minutes while I copy the files etc. This gives you an idea of the amount of time it can record for, and the amount of time the battery lasts for. The Zoom H4 has always looked great to me, but I have a proper recording set up so this little line6 dealy is just what I need and nothing more.[/quote] I'm curious to know if you could plug a mic into the backtrack's guitar input? Say a boundary mic to make rough recordings of rehersals?
  14. Are 70's jazz pups a different spec to more modern ones? From my ear, the older one is alot louder than the more modern,(bridge), one. Is there some physics behind this? Were older Fender stock pups hotter than newer ones? I like the old pup but when I hit the series switch, I've totally lost the 'thump' I used to have. To the point where soloing the neck pup is the softest sound I can now get, (it used to be the S1 switch on, by a country mile). :wacko:
  15. OH MY GOD IT'S GHASTLY.... ...that rug's got to go! Nice bass btw.
  16. So the neck pup on my S1 Jazz gave up the ghost the other day. It stopped working in the hands of a local accomplished bassist, who was mortified, and promised to rectify the situation. True to his word he came around yesterday with his toolkit and the nice 3 bolt mid 70's Jazz he'd been waxing lyrical about, (after feeling the weight of it, I'll never complain mine's too heavy ever again). We identified the pup had given up, so he swapped it for one he'd taken out of his old Jazz, (which was already sporting some Seymour Duncan Antiquity's). I promised not to sell the guitar to crack converters until he'd promised to aquire a new set of stock Fender pups for me. Today though, I've noticed my warm S1 tone has almost vanished. Without the S1 on it sounds alot harsher and barks, (not such a bad thing), but in series I feel I'm not getting even a quarter of the fuzzy warmth I used to. Here's the question. Is it a bad idea to match a stock mid 70's neck pup with a mid 00's bridge pup?
  17. This is excellent news, congratulations!
  18. +1 on everything said so far. They say you never forget your first time! This takes me back to the first time I popped my performing cherry, which was last week. I've been playing in solitude on and off for 15 years and decided about a year ago that playing bass and not performing with other musicians is like buying a computer and never connecting to the internet, useful but ultimatley your missing out on the main point of it all. One aborted band and a couple of rehersals later and it was my time to get up at the local jam night. The guy passed me the house bass and I stared at the fret board blankly, the count started and we were off. It happened and a few notes were fluffed... but not by me! Our three songs later and I exited the stage ASAP to polite applause and hit the bar. As I passed my money to the barmaid I noticed I was shaking like a leaf. I likened it to losing your teenage virginity. It just gets to the point where you want it to happen and you don't really care how. All too soon it was over and, although it wasn't great, it was still a buzz. We got up again this week for my second ever performance and we'd all improved and relaxed 100%, to the point where the audience wouldn't let us go without an encore. It didn't register at the time, but I woke up the next day with a big smile on my face. The 40 or so people there had thought it was great and I'd thought, "that wasn't so difficult and I've never enjoyed playing the bass more in my entire life". Don't worry about the nerves, relax, enjoy and by the time you're head hits the pillow, you'll be dreaming of doing it all over again.
  19. Hi there, I'm a Wallasey/New Brighton bassist. I'm sure there's a few more Merseyside bass players on the site. There's an open mike night in the Clarence every Thursday evening if your bored and round that way. I'll be there this evening, the one playing The Girl From Ipanema. Andy.
  20. That's very pretty. How are you getting on with the short scale? Awkward? Easier?
  21. Just checked last nights lottery ticket... no joy I'm afraid. Lovely looking thing though, good luck with the sale.
  22. Oh and just to add, I don't need built in compression. I have a Demeter Compulator pedal that does that sort of thing.
  23. [quote name='pal1972' post='715605' date='Jan 17 2010, 12:34 PM']what about the EA micro?? nice and light, powerful, small...and did i mention i have one for sale!???[/quote] I did see your amp for sale. It seems to have only one speakon output though and I think I'm looking for something with two.
  24. I am considering the Shuttle 6.0 especially as they keep cropping up on the used amps forum... I've no qualms about buying used.
  25. Tha Markbass amps do seem to be a bit of an industry standard... but which one to go for? I'd like to get the most out of the cabs.
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